Sentences with phrase «such moral conviction»

But today there is no such moral conviction and hence people generally lie whenever it suits them.

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Unanimity with the group as a whole had been at the beginning the sine qua non of Yahweh's favor; now such submergence of moral conviction in the majority's opinion seemed to the real devotees of Yahweh to be supine apostasy.
To such discussion he can contribute both his technical knowledge and his moral convictions, without claiming unwarranted authority in fields in which he is not an expert.
The result of such widespread disenchantment has been that people now simply do not have the vocabulary, verbal or symbolic, to express their spiritual longings or to root their moral convictions in a worldview that sees significance and worth in human beings and human societies but also in the Universe.
Achieving that goal will require coercion; that is, forcing doctors (and other medical professionals, such as pharmacists) to participate — even when it violates their religious beliefs and deeply held moral convictions.
The adoption of such a constitutional amendment would be an act of repression for a large part of the community, and would actually go against the moral and religious convictions of most Protestants and Jews and many Catholics.
For a liberal such as Kristof, those who disagree with him don't even rise to the status of human beings trying to live in accord with their moral convictions.
Such a view of law would permit for - profit corporations to have the moral culpability of criminal convictions, take moral views on a slew of ethical concerns, and let corporations exercise other constitutional guarantees as persons while inexplicably siphoning off only for - profit corporations from religious protection.
But, devoid of well - founded moral conviction and accurate scientific information, such a persuasive emotional response can be over-ruled by an even more persuasive one, as has been illustrated by the recent Hashmi case and others like it.
This rider would allow employers and health insurance companies to refuse to provide coverage of any health care service — such as abortion — on the basis of religious or moral convictions.
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