Sentences with phrase «such nice folks»

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The blogosphere can be such a cynical place; it's nice to her from folks who are happy in their faith communities.
Like a lot of folk I do the black bean brownie thing, as well as the adzuki brownie thing (such a sweet little legume) so this is a nice take on the idea, especially with the almond butter.
The absurdity of suggesting that Iain Duncan Smith's Christian motivations were any kind of secret and of criticising the use of moral categories to justify his policy approaches - only lefties are allowed to have morals, after all; to be Right Wing is, by definition, to be evil, seeking to impose final solutions on the poor, force them to eat rotting horse - flesh, and cleansing them from beyond the sight of nice middle class folk; any right - winger employing a moral term such as «wrong» or «sin» must have some sinister ulterior motivation - has been covered already by the Editor and by Cranmer.
Besides these wannabe stars of tomorrow, the picture focuses on folks resigned to their miserable lot in life, such as 14 year - old Henry, an undeucated shoeshine boy with no education who when prompted by Ms. Honigmann admits that he has no dreams, and no nice memories.
Like anything rare, I enjoy the emotional upheaval that books such as this provoke... All of the characters are unsavory, particularly the men and women that at first glance appear somewhat normal... Of course, it is easier to read about nice folks, but unless they are inspirational, I would rather enjoy provocative literature of the type that Koch knows how to deliver...
Such an exciting time and couldn't happen to two nicer or more talented folks.
We we arrived - the cleaning folks - I think Tammy was the name of one of the ladies who were finishing up - were still there and such nice people.
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