Sentences with phrase «such objective evidence»

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This makes you anything but objective when evaluating arguments and evidence, and having such an clear agenda makes your conclusions unreliable.
It is far more significant to me that no believer, not even a top - dog charlatan shaman such as any Pope - A-Dope, can not provide factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for their cult's beliefs.
That means in every case where the validity of such a claim was established by objective evidence it was determined to be false.
In point of fact Christianity is an elaborate web of such theories and claims, none of which is supported by any objective evidence.
Mr Leonard concludes «Against such works, I believe there is much objective evidence, and would be happy to make this available to interested readers».
Atheists believe that ALL claims must be supported by objective evidence, and that we are obligated to withhold belief until such evidence is presented.
Against such works, I believe there is much objective evidence, and would be happy to make this available to interested readers.
We both accept, I think, these four related things about human knowing: (1) sentient experience of «physical things» is intrinsically infused with objective meaning, purposefulness and value; (2) flowing out, of this and intertwined with it is, at least for humans, «cognition» of the physical, and moral experience of such value; (3) this moral experience and engagement reveals the spiritual realm as something foundational to and «abstractly distinguishable» from the physical realm — values for Ward, mind for me; and (4) one piece of evidence for making such a distinction is the uniquely «publicly....
«Worldwide problems such the Ebola virus outbreak, the rapid spread of microbes resistant to antibiotics, and the diabetes epidemic are objective evidence of the need for more research and better treatment,» Lattman said Monday.
The method used in the study is known as the Hirsch Index and while the study authors acknowledge factors such as there being high public interest leading to more studies of a particular illness, they believe that because it is objective and evidence - based it will be a useful complement and guide to more traditional methods of risk assessment and can be used to produce a shortlist of pathogens for authorities to focus on.
More objective evidence, such as simple breathing tests, is required before a diagnosis is made, they suggest.
The objectives of the guidelines for the rational and responsible use of antimicrobials are: - Optimal outcome for male and female patients - Optimal use of antibiotics (range, mode of administration, dose, duration)- Minimizing side effects, such as adverse effects, development of resistance, nosocomial infections, C. difficile infections and costs The basics of the guidelines are evidence, international and national guidelines, the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance at the USZ and the ex-factory prices of drugs.
Here we observed not only variation in the objective clinical manifestations, such as development of the EM rash, but also derived evidence for pauci - spirochetal colonization and persistence that was unaffected by doxycycline treatment.
NCTQ also found that 30 states now require that teacher evaluations include objective evidence of student learning, a reversal from 2009, when 35 states did not require teacher evaluations to include any such measure.
Districts should be given the flexibility to define the criteria for performance pay provided that such criteria connect to objective evidence of student growth.
Districts should be given the flexibility to define the criteria for performance pay provided that such criteria connect to objective evidence of student achievement.
As any researcher can immediately note, such surveys have little usefulness as objective evidence, because they are based on subjective opinions that can change based on who is working in classrooms, because survey designs can be flawed with leading questions yielding results favorable to the pollster, and because survey designs can change drastically from year to year.
Nonetheless, there is substantial evidence to the contrary, especially from research in which organizational effectiveness is defined as the organization «s bottom line (some measure of productivity) and assessed using objective indicators, such as student test scores.
A femoral head ostectomy (FHO) for the hip is an option that was described in the scientific literature about 50 years ago, but no conclusive studies with objective evidence, such as recent reliable force plate gait analysis data, are available that document a return to «normal» function as is available following total hip replacement (THR) surgery.
My elemental objective is to show how extensive time exclusively devoted to seeing where the accusation came from and whether it has any evidence to back it up reveals a disturbing pattern: Inconsistent narratives that don't line up right; no hard evidence is ever presented proving such skeptics are in an orchestrated arrangement where they are paid industry money in exchange for fabricating false science assessments; and an overall set of talking points which is ultimately traceable to the clique of people surrounding Ross Gelbspan.
Title XIV: Miscellaneous - Subtitle A: General Provisions -(Sec. 1401) Expresses the sense of Congress that federal agencies assessing risks to human health and the environment from energy technology, production, transport, transmission, distribution, storage, use, or conservation activities shall: (1) use sound and objective scientific practices in assessing such risks; (2) consider the best available science (including peer reviewed studies); and (3) describe the weight of the scientific evidence concerning such risks.
Such objective analysis will reveal that Richard C's «balance of evidence» is just made up, and is confined to a couple of individuals.
There was ample evidence to support his conclusion, in applying the objective test, that the appellant, as a reasonable patient in his position, would have chosen the medical procedure which had such unfortunate consequences.
Such reasons consist of «objective evidence -LSB-...] from which it may be inferred that certain air passengers may present a risk in terms of the fight against terrorism and serious transnational crime even after their departure from Canada» (para 207).
A contract could explicitly override that definition, but without such a clause, the statutory definition is evidence of what the objective meaning of the term is taken to be.
In my view, those references to the inventor's intention refer to an objective manifestation of that intent in the patent claims, as interpreted by the person skilled in the art, and do not contemplate extrinsic evidence such as statements or admissions made in the course of patent prosecution.
The Law Society has produced ZERO evidence that the SoP's intrusion on licencees expression is rationally connected to its objective of reducing «systemic racism in the profession» (whether it exists or not), and whether it is proportionate response to such a problem.
Nolet, [2010] S.C.J. No. 24: 48 The discovery of a large sum of cash may not on its own constitute objective, reasonable and probable grounds to arrest for possession of proceeds of crime but the existence of the cash may contribute to such reasonable grounds when «circumstances or evidence... exist that create a reasonable inference that the money is proceeds of crime» (trial judgment, at para. 35): see R. v. Perello, 2005 SKCA 8, 193 C.C.C. (3d) 151; R. v. Franks, 2003 SKCA 70, 176 C.C.C. (3d) 488.
The question on this appeal is whether the trial judge erred in law in the manner in which she addressed what remained of the Crown's case: that the driving was such a marked departure from the standard expected as to establish mens rea on an objective basis by inference and attribution, and that the respondent's own evidence did not support an exculpatory defence.
Following earlier case law, they held that normally such payments are justified, but added the qualification that the employer may have to show justification if the claimant provides «evidence capable of giving rise to serious doubts as to whether recourse to the criterion of length of service is, in the circumstances, appropriate to attain the... objective».
[3] For greater clarity, a client does not include a near - client, such as an affiliated entity, director, shareholder, employee or family member, unless there is objective evidence to demonstrate that such an individual had a reasonable expectation that a lawyer - client relationship would be established.
Arbitrators should ignore evidence that is not fair, objective or non-partisan and, in such instances, the expert should not receive compensation for appearing as a witness.»
So basically, the sections in the rest of your resume such as education and experience become an opportunity to provide supporting evidence for your objective — of course, when the summary isn't there, the rest of the sections automatically become self - sufficient.
The Committee, having taken note of the explanations provided by the delegation, invites the State party to envisage regulating the burden of proof in civil proceedings involving racial discrimination so that once an alleged victim has established a prima facie case that he or she has been a victim of such discrimination, it shall be for the respondent to provide evidence of an objective and reasonable justification for differential treatment.
In Ontario you should have outside evidence such as objective third parties who can comment on your formerly healthy and loving relationship with your child.
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