Sentences with phrase «such peace of mind»

I have such a peace of mind knowing I have left my son in such good care!
Why wait until you're out of town to enjoy such peace of mind?
We have had such peace of mind continuing to use our monitor, and I don't see us putting it away any time soon!
I have such peace of mind knowing that my drinking, cooking, washing water is of the highest quality.
Most importantly, I have such peace of mind knowing that when something happens, I can afford it.
It gives me such a peace of mind that they want me involved in their family and I don't feel like «that girl who gave them a baby».
I've heard people say that motion monitors would make them more paranoid, but it gave me such peace of mind.
They're made of cotton or fleece, so they're suitable for every climate, and they give me such peace of mind that the baby is staying covered with no risk of suffocation.»
So good quality water is such peace of mind.
Clearing out clutter and having storage gives me such peace of mind.
It gave me such peace of mind knowing that if the bra didn't fit right or I didn't like the color, I wouldn't be stuck with it and out of cash.
Chidi concludes: «Redstor has given me such peace of mind that the federation's data is secure.
Thank you so much for everything and for giving me such peace of mind
This collar has given me such peace of mind.
We live out in the country, and I think this would give me such peace of mind!
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