Sentences with phrase «such phases where»

Not exact matches

Iran will use Qatar to facilitate payment orders in foreign currencies, phasing out such operations in Dubai where restrictions imposed by the UAE government are making financial transactions difficult.
There are many processes, such as propulsion, in which fluid in a supercritical state, where the temperature and pressure put a substance beyond a distinguishable liquid or gas phase, is injected in an environment of supercritical thermodynamic conditions.
A collision between two large galaxies is usually the cause of such starburst phases, where the cold gas residing in the giant molecular clouds becomes the fuel for sustaining such high rates of star formation.
Immunobased assays such as ELISA or Western blots may also be used for targeted approaches, but will likely have more utility during a clinical validation phase where much larger sample cohorts are used.
In particular eccentric muscular contractions (where the muscle lengthens as it contracts) such as in hopping, bounding and other plyometric exercise, running downhill, squatting and the lowering phase when lifting weights, can cause DOMS.
It is used in conditions where sleep is disordered due to low levels of melatonin at night such as aging, affective disorders (e.g. depression), delayed sleep - phase disorder, or jet lag.
There's also the matter of the Demon Hand being able to permanently destroy these phantom replacements, so there are now new phases where Oni have to deal with their bits going missing — seeing them dragging themselves along with one arm and such is pretty neat, and the fact that most bosses naturally have smaller health pools than the first game makes extended fight sequences less of a drag.
Each wave has 2 phases: one where you build up defense turrets and another where you can freely fly around the stage while trying to destroy as many military vehicles as possible (such as tanks and bombers).
It would be even better to reach a point where education is no longer quite such a game of numbers, where high - stakes testing is phased out and decisions about schools don't come down to a tension - filled annual release of test score data.
There may be another, more complex, way to account for the phase relationships, such as a recurrent deep water tide where the phase would not be a slave, as it is when assuming a direct correlation
Dr Birol also held meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Environment and with New Zealand's Climate Change Ambassador, where the IEA and New Zealand agreed on the need to support global policy advice and quantitative analysis for the phase out of fossil fuel subsidies and the energy transition, both through bilateral collaboration and multilateral fora, such as APEC, the WTO and the G20.
However, past studies of such Arctic mixed - phase clouds have been unable to explain the measured abundance of ice crystals larger than 100 micrometers in maximum dimension (the size range where measurements are available), given observed environmental conditions and the measured concentrations of ice nuclei that could be entrained into the observed shallow cloud layers from aloft.
The review team can relatively easily create a list of the main tasks that drove the fee for various phases of the matter — for example, the number of depositions taken or expert witnesses prepared, or the number of areas where specialized due diligence was required, such as environmental or intellectual property.
CPR 3.18 concludes the section on costs management with: «In any case where a costs management order has been made, when assessing costs on the standard basis, the court will (a) have regard to the receiving party's last approved or agreed budget for each phase of the proceedings; and (b) not depart from such approved or agreed budget unless satisfied there is good reason to do so.»
The judgment of Lord Justice Rimer in the instant case is a full one, tracing the twists and turns in the case law, from the fons et origo on one - man companies (Lee v Lee's Air Farming [1961] AC 12, [1960] 3 All ER 420), through the policy - driven phase (that the secretary of state's guarantee was, in effect, meant only for «real» employees) as exemplified in Buchan v SSE [1997] IRLR 80, and then to SSTI v Bottrill [2000] 1 All ER 915, [1999] IRLR 326, where the Court of Appeal had not followed Buchan and had instead held that it was a question of fact, but in such a way as (the Court of Appeal now accepted) had led to uncertainty of application.
It was said that the presence of an arbitration phase in the Rules could be problematic in those countries where such agreements were not regarded as binding.
While some large departments have embraced a phased approach to budgeting for litigation — or using alternative fee arrangements where possible such as capped fees, success fees (incentive bonuses), and holdbacks — many are still grappling with how best to communicate the need for a budget.
The Phase 1 questions are more about getting the details of the story, such as when, where, how.
Their clinical work includes samples of divorced families whose children reject them for valid, but nonetheless poignant reasons such as physical abuse, normal developmental phases, or in cases where a parent is an alcoholic.
The initial phase of the launch covers markets in Canada where MPAC operates, including all of Ontario, British Columbia and other major markets such as Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal and Quebec City.
One illustration of the application of appendix D to transactions subject to § 1026.18 (s) also would have clarified that, where interest is payable on the amount actually advanced for the time the amount is outstanding, the construction phase must be disclosed pursuant to appendix D, part II.C.1, and the interest rate and payment summary table disclosed under § 1026.18 (s) in such cases must reflect only the permanent phase of the transaction.
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