Sentences with phrase «such portrayals»

"Such portrayals" refers to the way something or someone is depicted or represented. It could mean how they are shown in a movie, book, or any form of media. Full definition
Such portrayal does an injustice to serious proponents on all sides of the issue.
My point at the moment is only to suggest that one of the reasons for the loss of belief in a life after death is precisely the growing acceptance of just such a portrayal of what each one of us really is.
The information behind such portrayals doesn't come from the files of secret British and US intelligence services that we're never allowed to see, but from the horrifying testimony of survivors, or those still trapped in areas of ISIS control.
Afeyan at Flagship, who recruited Bancel, calls such a portrayal irrelevant «social science» that gives Moderna's technology short shrift.
It is only in the last 30 years that we have seen a drop in BMI in such portrayals and the concept of health related to lower and lower BMIs.
The distillation of the experience in outdoor roles that Wayne had gained over the previous four decades was such that he made the Cogburn characterization look almost too easy, belying the real effort that went into such making such a portrayal believable.
In research used to develop its public service campaign, the Shelter Pet Project learned that such portrayals tend to alienate many adopters, and therefore the project takes a humorous and myth - busting approach in its ads.
She goes further with an argument that such portrayals normalize such violence and thus hurt real - life women.
Scripture, however, knows nothing of such portrayals.
Numerous studies have found that such portrayals could have an effect on perceptions, but their findings are often contradictory.
This is not to suggest that such portrayals have spiritual interest only, for often sex themes and other devices to catch attention are woven into such productions.
Ogden's essay concludes with an honest statement that he does not, at the time of writing, see that such a portrayal of «the promise of faith» as he has drawn — and I remind you that since he and I have said much the same thing, this would be true of my own presentation — necessarily entails what he calls «subjective immortality», the persistence beyond death of the conscious self.
On the evening of the screening, I will be present to introduce the film and to discuss Rooney's performance in «Breakfast at Tiffany's» in order to shed light on these issues in classic Hollywood cinema and to let the audience know that both institutions are opposed to such portrayals.
«Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought» is one such portrayal.
A big reason that such portrayals are so effective is Washington state's use of the standard of comparative negligence, which allows a motorcyclist to carry some liability in a crash.
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