Sentences with phrase «such provisions»

The phrase "such provisions" refers to specific parts or rules mentioned earlier in a document or conversation. It means those particular regulations or conditions that were previously discussed. Full definition
The court should require that a student maintain a certain minimum level of academic performance to remain eligible for parental assistance and should include such a provision in its order.
Is there any need for such a provision in Canadian law (federal or provincial)?
In states with such provisions, brokers can not agree to provide consumers with less than the required services.
Not unless you insist on such a provision, but many attorneys prefer that each spouse express such wishes in a will or trust document.
If such provisions require firms to utilize blockchain technology such as smart contracts on certain types of matters, firms must ensure they have the appropriate technology and administrative solutions in place to comply.
The court did not elaborate upon this aspect in detail, which leaves uncertainty as to whether such a provision saves termination clauses under any instance of constructive dismissal.
He believes that a sunset clause is appropriate for any federal advisory body, but that such a provision doesn't mean the board will go out of business in 5 years.
This is because such provisions will almost inevitably include an acceptable reasonable hypothetical for which the mandatory minimum will be found unconstitutional.
We may also be able to provide you with strategies to negotiate such provisions.
No private enterprise would accept such a provision or survive if it were required to hold onto ineffective employees for a lengthy period.
This decision provides an example of how such a provision may be successfully attacked.
As a result, unless or until those states can bring their budgets into a primary surplus, introducing such a provision would certainly do more harm than good.
A court probably won't look favorably upon such provisions, because the children would never be all together and their interaction and relationships might suffer.
Such a provision allows our union to submit unresolved contract issues to a neutral arbitrator for resolution.
However, the lender is not legally obligated to honor such provisions.
Find out if your lender or servicer offers such provisions and take advantage of them, if you can.
Such a provision typically allows a party to issue, within a fixed time period after the law's introduction, a request that his or her identifying information not be released.
However, in almost all cases, the court will approve such provisions.
Many colleges are considered governmental entities, and therefore, plaintiffs making injury claims against them must follow such provisions.
Maybe such provisions would be only encouragement and not law.
Such a provision extends your renter's insurance to your landlord, which may keep a lawsuit from requiring the use of rental property insurance.
Such provisions constitute interference with employees in the exercise of their right to engage in protected concerted activity.
Such a provision severely limits litigation options for enterprises without foreign investment, and could even be considered discriminatory.
To know more about such provisions the following points need to be borne in mind.
The determination of whether it breaches such provisions remains context - specific.
Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement.
For now, it remains to be seen whether such a provision will be introduced.
Make sure your employees sign intellectual property assignment agreements, or have such provisions in written employment agreements.
Such provisions do not look as though they are designed to make it harder to break the law.
The court below believed that reason was offended by such provisions as those which allow, apparently, digging for clams but not dredging for oysters, or which permit certain professional sports during the hours from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. while restricting their amateur counterparts to 2 to 6, or which make lawful (as the court below read the statute) Sunday pushcart vending by conscientious Sabbatarians, but not
In a consulting context, there is generally no reason for publication provisions like these, in contrast with a company - sponsored research program in your laboratory, a situation in which such provisions are expected.
But so far, the Republican Congress has shown little interest in enacting such provisions.
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