Sentences with phrase «such reactions like»

The reactive oxygen species and free radicals released from such reactions like lipid peroxidation can progressively damage neurons.

Not exact matches

Each reaction comes with an animated emoji, such as the thumbs up for «like» and a heart for «love.»
Facebook, which has long only had its thumbs up «like» button, recently began to introduce new options to let users show a wider range of reactions to content, such as a smiley face, surprised face, and a heart, among a few other ones.
Bellicose atheists like Richard Dawkins are still fairly few in number and may indeed become fewer, as that sort of stridency is a reaction to the many excesses of religion (which of course includes religions such as «following Christ») and as religion fades, so will the felt need for such stridency.
What I was trying to do was explain why there are two such divergent reactions to his apology: one that is inspired because they are his fans, etc., and one that is seriously skeptical and disappointed because they have been directly affected by his ministry or ministries like his.
Secularists do not normally dismiss objective values — how else would they be able to illicit such a vitriolic reaction against laws they do not like?
We're told to just trust, but when we feel like our trust has been violated by those who deliver the message, it's no longer that easy, and we have questions to ask that have no easy answers (or do have easy answers but the people we ask have rather violent reactions towards such questions).
Regarding the spectres of human cloning and the like, public opposition can be generally put down to the «yuk factor»: a gut reaction that as such is basically healthy.
Highly acidic foods, such as sauces like BBQ and ketchup, have a higher risk of changes to their chemical composition due to their low pH. Both acid hydrolysis (decomposition) and the reaction of additives and substitutions are accelerated and dictated by the temperatures that the ingredients are exposed to.
I very much doubt that Real would pursue Sanchez unless they were contemplating moving Bale, planning to play Ronaldo centrally this season and willing to upset their delicate wage structure... of course anything is possible, but this appears to be unlikely... the bigger question is the fact that Wenger was willing to risk losing the first few games of the season because he hasn't settled the Sanchez dilemma in a timely fashion... no one believes he was too injured to play so this is not too dissimilar from the Liverpool game last season, except for the fact that Sanchez was in street clothes and not in his warm - ups (much like Coutinho for Liverpool today)... we're existing in such a fragile environment because of Wenger and Kroenke... in the game yesterday, when Leicester scored to make it 3 - 2, you could cut the tension with a knife... can you imagine just for a second what the reaction might have been if we had failed to score in the last 10 minutes
A breastfed baby may have an allergy or sensitivity reaction after the mother consumes certain foods or drinks (such as common food allergens like cow's milk, soy foods, wheat, corn, oats, eggs, nuts and peanuts, and fish or shellfish).
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Allergy and Immunology says that most babies can start eating foods like strawberries and raspberries after introducing a few traditional solid foods (such as baby cereal, pureed meat, vegetables, and other fruits) without causing an allergic reaction.
You will never get sick of Popsicle sticks crafts when they have such a cool reaction like this.
In rare cases it may cause a mild allergic reaction in the mother such as a rash or flu - like symptoms.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Allergy and Immunology says that most babies — including those with mild eczema, or a family history of food allergies or asthma — can start eating foods like fish after introducing a few less allergenic foods (such as cereal, vegetables, and fruits) without causing an allergic reaction.
ABBY THEURING: Yeah it was really scary because you don't know what the reaction is going to be and still now when there's you know there's such positive reactions it is still nerve racking like okay what if people going but you know there is so much taboo and so much misinformation surrounding the topic it's like you don't know what people are going to say.
There may be some food items such as dairy products, peanuts, or shellfish that you should put off eating to prevent diarrhea, colic - like symptoms, rashes, and allergic reactions in your baby.
Chapter 4 examines the reaction of the Gulf States toward domestic challenges, such as socio - economic developments, and regional challenges like the emergence of Shi'a political power.
But both he and Stuart Ritchie at the University of Edinburgh, UK, say they would like to see stronger and more specific tests of this idea, looking at elements of intelligence whose decline with age are well established, such as processing time and reaction speed.
The nanowires collect sunlight, much like the light - absorbing layer on a solar panel, and the bacteria use the energy from that sunlight to carry out chemical reactions that turn carbon dioxide into a liquid fuel such as isopropanol.
The study, from Dena Cox and Anthony Cox, both professors of marketing at the Kelley School, and Jeffrey Cox, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University, examined nearly 300 people's reactions to different online reviews with either no errors; typographical errors, such as common keystroke errors like «wsa» instead of «was»; or spelling errors like «sevral» or «useing.»
Catalysts, such as metal oxide supported precious metals like platinum and gold, are used to lower the reaction temperature and increase the production of hydrogen.
If you could obtain a high - resolution map of all possible combinations of reaction conditions and their corresponding outcomes, the development of such reactions for specific purposes like diagnostic tests would be quicker than it is today,» explains Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) researcher Yannick Rondelez at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS).
Zombies, for one thing, fit into the horror genre in which monstrous creatures — like dangerous predators in our ancestral environment — trigger physiological fight - or - flight reactions such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and the release of such stress hormones as cortisol and adrenaline that help us prepare for danger.
Such a reaction is likely to be stronger in young, healthy adults, Kash notes, which could help explain why H5N1, like the 1918 flu, is just as adept at killing young adults as it is the elderly and very young.
Alpha - gal patients can safely eat poultry such as chicken or turkey but red meats such as beef and pork, and even game like venison, will cause a reaction.
We would like to point out that the negative reaction by gamers was not to our study, but to how it was reported by the UK national press, with particularly sensationalist and misleading stories, such as that in the Daily Mail.
These reactions play a huge role in the catalysis - driven creation of common chemical platforms such as methanol, which is produced on the order of 10 million tons per year as raw material for chemicals production and for uses like fuel.
As the slab plunges yet deeper, dehydration reactions release water, which at such great pressure and temperature exists as a supercritical fluid that can drift through materials like a gas and dissolve them like a fluid.
But optimizing energy production depends on understanding and perfecting the use of catalysts, which cause chemical reactions that break down the molecules of raw materials like oil to create fuel such as gasoline.
This material has been enriched by nuclear reactions deep within the star and includes many of the elements necessary for forming rocky planets like our Earth, such as silicon and magnesium, and which are also the basis for life.
These drugs work by blocking the effects of histamine, a chemical your body produces to attack invaders like pollen — launching such immune reactions as watery eyes and sneezes.
Wheat is also a major allergen and can cause reactions such as headaches, fatigue, malabsorption, irritability, upper respiratory congestion, nausea, diarrhea and other bowel disorders like celiac and Crohn's disease.
They are highly reactive radicals that can start a chain reaction in the body, such as damaging cellular components, like DNA or the cell membrane, causing cells to function poorly or die.
Remember when you start drinking these detox juice recipes you may experience a die off reaction which only means your body is eliminating toxins.Some examples are headaches, flu like symptoms such as aches and pains.Just drink plenty of pure water throughout the day to help flush out these toxins.
Yet another odd observation: Many, though not all, people who have removed wheat from their diet for at least several months have what I call «wheat re-exposure reactions» usually experienced as abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea (just like food poisoning); asthma attacks in the susceptible; joint swelling and pain; and emotional effects such as anxiety in women and rage in men.
These mediators are released from cells and cause inflammatory reactions like headaches, skin eruptions, sinus and eye irritation, digestive problems such and IBS and pain such as fibromyalgia.
It has not been established whether or not Herxheimer - like reactions only occur in individuals infected with pathogenic spirochetes, although users that have confirmed spirochetical illnesses certainly experience symptoms, such as those with Lyme disease.
If you are like me and rely on an EpiPen to keep you or your child safe from a life - threatening allergic reaction, you've probably left the pharmacy thinking, «That's outrageous for such an essential drug.»
It struck me while reading this post and looking at the lovely pictures just how necessary challenges like these are for ourselves, because for someone like myself who is several sizes bigger than you and has far more padding all over my body, my immediate reaction when looking at such a lithe, statuesque and lovely woman as yourself in a wiggle dress is «oh my god, why would she ever feel self - conscious about any part of her body?
Tom's reaction when his friend gets injured on the half pipe (licking the wound like a cat), the baby delivery scene, the way Tom eats his sandwich whilst watching the horses, the backwards man and the aqauaman scenes - so original - so funny - such genius!!!
To get such a positive reaction from gamers at events like EGX really gave us confidence that the game could thrive on Nintendo Switch.
However, it was soon met with a fierce reaction from the media, like papers such as the Washington Post and the L.A. Times, which went to great lengths to discredit Webb's reporting.
Can any critic fully trust their initial reaction to such a thematically mammoth film like Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life?
The reactions to such announcements usually go something like this:
Such attitudes usually mean that a pupil doesn't even attempt a question that they don't like the look of — yet a border - line student could make a vital difference to their final grade by attempting a «horrible - looking» exam question, even though they may not have had any initial positive reaction to it.
Or, teaching is more like playing jazz piano: you learn concepts, practice reactions, by learning to hear the chords, and then perform these responses spontaneously, interacting with the other musicians in such a way that you play with honest feeling in order to make «music» together.
Often people mistake a rabbit's reactions to different situations, such as running away or thumping, to mean that their rabbit doesn't like them or doesn't trust them.
Eventually add a calcium supplement (such as eggshell) but add it like you would an ingredient and wait to see if there is a reaction.
I agree that it sounds like your pet is having an allergic reaction, possibly to an insect bite or sting; however it is also possible that your dog sniffed up a foreign body (such as a seed, blade of grass,... Continue reading →
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