Sentences with phrase «such social patterns»

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It is such an integral part of so many people's social lives and patterns of communication, and it has so few real competitors, that I think it is in some ways more like a public utility than like a private company.
The Enlightenment belief that logical thinking and education alone, without any consideration of other factors apart from ignorance such as the survival instinct and clinical cognitive dysfunction in the formation of behavior patterns, can solve all of our individual and social ills is the fundamental heresy of the Enlightenment philosophy.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Third, many women theologians are using insights and practices from feminist theology in order to address broader social and ethical questions confronting the church, such as globalization, care of the earth, and the shifting patterns of work and family.
Some anthropologists do respect distinctly religious ideas such as holiness and life - after - death, but many still try to explain religion away as no more than a shared «language» for expressing social patterns, calming irrational fears or marking men as somehow different from animals.
The social patterns for organizing such services are still confused almost to the point of chaos.
Complicity in such cases does not consist of a singular sin; it becomes an ongoing pattern of individual behavior that is interwoven with predominant social patterns.
For example, traditionally, such designations as «marginalization,» «underdevelopment,» «disadvantaged» social groups, and so forth have referred to cultural patterns of those who are not members of the white majority social group.
The concepts of «social relatedness» and «order» are inextricably connected in Whitehead's cosmology such that in effect the very notion of «society» is intelligible only in terms of the creation of those types of relationships which exhibit a «common pattern of togetherness» between things.
He learned from the social sciences how to «read» the environment of Faith Church, all the way from discovering the social networks and patterns in downtown Metro City to learning how such configurations connect with the wars, poverty, political oppression, and inflationary economies that mark the globe.
It is simply not enough to spot these patterns in the media; we also need to implicate other social and historical factors that create such conditions.
And as for the general character of thought — patterns peculiar to such groups, a collective or social imagination, or what Castoriadis calls a «social instituting imaginary,» may be needed to explain the differences between cultures and their peculiar destinies (RI 149).
However, the extent of this change is significantly modified by a wide range of social and personal variables such as the functions that are being served for the individual by the attitudes in question; the satisfaction the individual derives from existing attitudes; the strength of existing defense mechanisms and group pressures surrounding those attitudes; patterns of reinforcement for similar attitudes in the past; other alternatives available to the viewer; and the current psychological state of the viewer.
They can not readily adapt themselves to a social pattern that is in such a condition of disintegration.
Other people might notice the symptoms first, which can include changes in appetite and sleep patterns, withdrawal from social activities, increased anxiety, or emotions that are either heightened (such as excessive crying or irritability) or decreased (feeling empty or unconcerned).
Other less specific symptoms sometimes noticed by parents before their children were diagnosed include anxiety, changes in sleep patterns, social withdrawal, mood swings, depression, angry outbursts, irritability, and physical symptoms (such as dizziness or stomach pain).
One such pattern stipulates that revolutions are rarely isolated instances but come in waves, while another points to social and economic inequalities as root causes for violent upheavals.
Men who score high in valuing communal goals «show the same pattern» as women with that preference, opting for fields with a perceived communal component such as law, medicine, social work, or education.
Such patterns of insufficient and irregular sleep have been associated with various health problems and have been termed «social jet lag».»
«It is important to understand such patterns, because if inequality in the offline world translates into differential resources online, especially those that affect health over time, then new technologies like social network sites could exacerbate rather than reduce health disparities.»
Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members.
The acoustic features of these vocalizations, such as their duration, pitch and pulse pattern, vary across social groups.
«To date, research into resilience has tended to take into account a very extensive range of social, psychological, and even genetic factors that positively influence mental flexibility, such as social support, certain personality traits, and typical behavior patterns,» explained Professor Raffael Kalisch, one of the authors of the current publication and the director of the Neuroimaging Center, a central research platform of the Mainz University Medical Center and the Research Center on Translational Neurosciences.
It's a social pattern that has been a central theme of television shows such as «Modern Family,» «The Office,» «Sex & the City,» «Will & Grace,» and other pop culture movies and television programs for years.
Bettencourt and his colleagues at Arizona State University (A.S.U.), Dresden University of Technology in Germany and New Mexico's Santa Fe Institute, modeled the growth of a city according to three categories of factors: material infrastructure (road surfaces, electrical cable, etc.), human needs (such as total energy consumption and housing) and patterns of social activity, including total bank deposits, research and development, new cases of AIDS and new patents filed.
Fish species used in laboratory studies, such as zebrafish, sticklebacks, and mosquitofish, respond to changes in stripe and color patterns of their conspecifics, and these features have been associated to their shoaling preferences, mating choices, and social ranks, respectively [18], [48], [49], [51].
Controlled animal replicas that incorporate several biologically relevant features from the target species, such as phenotypic cues and locomotion patterns [59], can yield further insight into the social behavior of fish.
It also denies you access to critical information, such as your potential partner's body language; the pattern of his social interactions; his behavior in unexpected settings and circumstances; his non-scripted reactions; even his smell and how he truly looks, dresses, and conducts himself in public and in private.
When you date online, you are missing out on critical information such as your potential partner's body language; the pattern of his social interactions; his behavior in unexpected settings and circumstances; his non-scripted reactions; even his smell and how he truly looks, dresses, and conducts himself in public and in private.
Daryl teaches his students how to construct graphic organizers to reflect over-arching text patterns that authors in the social sciences use to organize ideas, such as problem - solution, comparison - contrast, cause - effect, description, and sequence.
(2) a pattern of social institutions — such as governmental organizations, schools, banks, and courts of law — giving inequitable treatment to a group of people based on their race.
Recipients will consider such factors as denial of equal access to institutions of higher education and vocational training, exclusion from social and professional association with students or teachers, denial of educational honors rightfully earned, and social patterns or pressures which discouraged the individual from pursuing a professional or business education.
The ways in which mating is accomplished, however, are incredibly variable; study of this variability by evolutionary biologists has greatly advanced our understanding of the evolution of behavior, social evolution, and traits such as number, size of young and patterns of investment in them.
For instance, along with possible carbon fertilisation effects and a longer growing season (Chapter 5), many mid - and upper - latitude areas see quality - of - life benefits from winter warming, and some areas welcome changes in precipitation patterns, although such changes could have other social consequences.
Some argue that blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt controlled social networks such as Google and Facebook, where users sign in to participate and give up control of their personal information and data about their habits and patterns.
With a powerful search engine and a library of advanced visualizations — including social networking, communication patterns, concept clustering and timelines — Radiance can aid organizations in a number of common use cases, including investigations, early data assessment and the identification of high - risk data, such as personally identifiable information.
AI might be particularly useful as a way of building that argument, such as by demonstrating a pattern of inefficient results from existing doctrine, or detecting strong social objection to an existing law.
The sharing of information between law firm clients has become far more widespread (intensified by social media) so that emerging client buying patterns such as the rejection of hourly billing become more adopted more quickly
Not only is the study of theoretical perspectives — and the greater understanding such study brings — valuable for its own sake, but a strong theoretical grounding also enables lawyers to understand the broader social, economic, and intellectual patterns that shape doctrine and define its functions.
Perhaps if tailors could also work to create additional resources to help the self - clothed, such as publicly available patterns to sew from, the self - clothed would be better able to hold their own when appearing at social events wearing clothing that they themselves have crafted.
Skill Highlights Criminal justice Data analysis Public service Office administration Crime trends and patterns Team collaboration and leadership Education and Training University of North Georgia 2016Associate of Science: Criminal JusticeOakwood, GACriminal Justice TrainingFundamentals of Criminal Justiceâ $ cents Gained insight into criminal justice system, including history, philosophy, constitutional limitations, and processes used to achieve overall mission and goals.â $ cents Critically evaluated police, courts and corrections divisions, including contributions to criminal justice system and interrelationship.Fundamentals of Law Enforcementâ $ cents Analyzed and discussed historical and contemporary issues and concepts underlying American policing.â $ cents Examined characteristics and operational mission of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including their impact on culture on society.Introduction to Social Problemsâ $ cents Investigated methods and theories used by sociologists to explore and define social natures such as culture, socialization, social organization, social institutions, and social stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in soSocial Problemsâ $ cents Investigated methods and theories used by sociologists to explore and define social natures such as culture, socialization, social organization, social institutions, and social stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in sosocial natures such as culture, socialization, social organization, social institutions, and social stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in sosocial organization, social institutions, and social stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in sosocial institutions, and social stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in sosocial stratification.â $ cents Evaluated problems of crime and social deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in sosocial deviance, including sexual variance, substance abuse, physical and mental illness, crime and delinquency, and violence in society.
«As a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker, my clinical training enables me to treat a variety of clinical issues such as, but not limited to; anxiety, depression, child behavioral problems, anger, trauma, ADHD as well as relational issues involving couples and families.Honoring each person's unique perspective, I seek to help children, adolescents, adults, couples and families work through difficult feelings, enhance their ability to cope with stress, change destructive patterns, adjust to change, and find a renewed sense of belonging in life, work, and relationships.»
Relatively little is known about social gradients in developmental outcomes, with much of the research employing dichotomous socioeconomic indicators such as family poverty.2 5 16 Thus, it is unclear whether poor developmental outcomes exhibit threshold effects (evident only when a certain level of disadvantage is exceeded), gradient effects (linear declines with increasing disadvantage) or accelerating effects (progressively stronger declines with increasing disadvantage) as suggested by some recent studies.17 — 19 Further, most research has examined socioeconomic patterns for single childhood outcomes1 or for multiple outcomes within the physical3 4 or developmental17 18 20 health domains.
Thus, Kaler and Freeman (1994) found severe impairments in peer relationships in children aged 23 to 50 months living in a Romanian orphanage and Chisholm, Carter, Ames, and Morison (1995) showed that a pattern of social disinhibition persisted in many such children even after adoption into Canadian families.
Fourth, we could not analyze the processes that link chronic illness with depressive symptoms, such as metabolic changes, changes in activity patterns, or social stigmatization.
Integrated Family Therapy's para-modern position holds on to the usefulness of what can be recruited from past years of systemic family therapy literature such as the patterns and relational factors within families described by Structural family therapists, but equally holds on to the constructed aspects of family life in a social context.
At the child level, temperamental features evident in infancy and toddlerhood such as irritability, restlessness, irregular patterns of behaviour, lack of persistence and low adaptability increase the risk of behaviour problems7, 8,9 as do certain genetic and neurobiological traits.10, 11 At the family level, parenting practices including punitive discipline, inconsistency, low warmth and involvement, and physical aggression have been found to contribute to the development of young children's aggressive behaviour.12 Children who are exposed to high levels of discord within the home and whose parents have mental health and / or substance abuse issues are also at heightened risk.13 Other important correlates of aggression in children that can contribute to chronic aggression include faulty social - cognitive processes and peer rejection.14
It will explore the environmental, social and economic impacts of topics such as expansion of urban and suburban development, conversion of lands from one use to another and migration patterns.
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