Sentences with phrase «such statements»

will you please go get a bible and read it before you make such statements.
I welcome other interpretations and I think that all my Protestant brothers and sisters are equal in the eyes of the lord no matter what path they choose, so give me the same courtesy and cut out the sin of pride and arrogance from your heart when you make such statements.
Such statements really have no place in a discussion about religion.
Explaining why this is the case and why such statements are so unusual should be an important aspect of justifying the thesis in the pamphlet's title.
Such statements were wrong and irresponsible when some said them during the last administration, and they are still wrong and irresponsible now applied to the new administration.»
And now, if you search Google for «Cain 666», such statements are all over the internet, including ideas that this plan will turn into some sort of restriction on buying and selling, and everything else that the Book of Revelation says about the Mark of the Beast.
We are not God in its entirity and therefore able to truthfully make such statements.
An Israeli research group found that certain variations of the gene made people much more likely to affirm such statements as «I bubble with happiness» and «I am a cheerful optimist.»
Only ignorant, wet behind the ears, children that have little real experience or exposure to scripture or a relationship to the Lord; would make such statements as «Evangelicals believe he walked around with a Halo».
In «The Criterion of Metaphysical Truth and the Senses of «Metaphysics»» in Process Studies 5 (1975), Schubert M. Ogden writes concerning metaphysical statements, «Now among such statements, there are evidently some that not even a divine believer could avoid believing» (PS5 47, italics added).
Where such statements are wrong they should be avoided because they are wrong.
Its justification lies in such statements of Blackmur's as those we quote.
It seems strange that such statements should need an answer in the year in which Rolf Hochhuth's stinging play, The Deputy, has made painfully clear the moral failure of churches in Germany that neglected political issues and concentrated on spiritual and institutional questions.
It is not correct to make such statements as «Newman left the Church in 1845» or «the Church is not a democracy.»
I would think that in the light of many such statements, one can hardly say that subjects include their objects.
We need people like David to show such statements for what they are — a misrepresentation of the gospel.
Where do people get that gall to make such statements?
Benne seems to assume that readers of First Things consider such statements self - evidently absurd.
When he states that the truth or plausibility of the statements used to defend theistic belief in the face of evil «are utterly beside the point,» he is saying that the truth or plausibility of such statements is not necessary to preserve logical consistency, and this even Griffin does not deny is correct.
There are hundreds of such statements in the Bible, but they all boil down to one thing.
Such statements are understandable in, say, an Anabaptist «church of the martyrs.»
He does so because, in the context in which such statements are made, he is explicitly nor talking about the effect evil has on people's lives.
Pantin, in discussing such statements, points out that almost everything that Schroedinger has said about life could at least in some measure be said about a thunderstorm.
But it is the purpose of such statements to be intelligible; i.e., to say what is said in such a way as to communicate clearly to another mind precisely what the claim is.
And if this is a legitimate interpretation of the meaning of such statements, then there seems to be no irresolvable conflict between Hartshorne's metaphysical God and Karl Barth's triune God who is only known through his self - disclosure to the world through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
What is said by such statements as «Christ died for us,» or «God sent his son into the world that the world through him might be saved,» or «God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself» can not be said otherwise.
While scientists can make such statements they are opinions not science, i.e. subjective and not in the purview of science and facts.
«And knowing how closely his phones were tapped; surely there would be a record of such statements
But, in spite of what would appear to be the plain meaning of such statements, Paul can not be regarded as an adoptionist.
But all such statements are misleading from their brevity, and it will take the whole hour for me to explain to you exactly what I mean.
In all cases, however, to accept such statements as true is to challenge the full autonomy of science and history within their own proper spheres; and it is this challenge to a genuinely secular outlook, rather than any particular statement in itself, which makes classical theism so widely unacceptable to contemporary men.
Now there is a warning signal in such statements which ought to put us on our guard.
All I can do is shake my head at such statements...
Such statements are admittedly somewhat ambiguous.
Whether or not such statements would ever have confessional status, Pelikan's collection of texts reminds us how helpful the clear statement of a position can be in the life of the church.
From such statements it might be inferred that God prizes «freedom» more than «justice».
Such statements bear the mark of a wan hope that evangelicals and Pentecostals should be other than who they are.
Ayer would rule out as meaningless such statements as «God is good», «God is responsible for the evils in the world», and «God loves you».
Such statements require the courage to look ridiculous («Who am 1...?»)
The German - American thinker Paul Tillich, who died only a few years ago, believed that the Christian faith could only be rightly understood when it was recognized as providing the «answer» — not of course in words or propositions but in the reality which is behind such statements — to the «problems» which are posed by human existence as such.
I know that politicians feel that they have to be politically correct and say that Islam is a great, peaceful religion - but such statements are not validated by history.
Some critics, on the other hand, point to just such statements as the above to assert that Buber is really still a mystic postulating an impersonal, monistic ground of being.
Nevertheless, in the face of such statements, Whitehead refused to think of physical processes merely in terms of the transference of an abstract universal quality (see note 1).
There are such statements.
She's the type that had attended rock shows and regularly joined in broad denunciations of American power, or at least had regarded such statements as part and parcel of her scene.
Such statements are not in character for him at all and should have been stopped before they were printed.
Tom, you are a dork... comparing witnessing an auto accident and witnesses to the bible is absurd... OMG... I can't believe you dim wits actually say this in a forum that is widely read... in plain english, Tom... you need to do more reading and research before making such statements... your ignorance is showing...
Of course there is a measure of ideological hype in such statements, but one can not help but be impressed with, for instance, the proposal that there should be a second chamber of the UN's General Assembly — a People's Assembly.
One hears all too often such statements as «I wish our pastor were here» or «How can we get our pastor interested in worship?»
As long as the vocabulary of black theology — like theology in general — remains arcane, James Cone's assertion that «black theology is not academic theology» will continue to confound black preachers while they desperately try to interpret the meaning of such statements.
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