Sentences with phrase «such superpositions»

«In other words, such a superposition state always loses some of its quantum properties as the «droplet» flows completely into both puddles,» Albert said.
The amazing thing is that a system with hundreds of atoms and many degrees of freedom — in quantum terms something incredibly huge — can be prepared in such a superposition state.

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For nearly a century, physicists have explained the peculiarities of their quantum properties — such as wave - particle duality and indeterminism — by invoking an entity called the wave function, which exists in a superposition of all possible states at once right up until someone observes it, at which point it is said to «collapse» into a single state.
Such inordinately powerful «superpositions» could send today's supercomputers to the scrapheap
For example, such an object can be in «superposition»: It can have two mutually exclusive properties at the same time.
Others are looking for ways to test various explanations for the weirdnesses of quantum theory, such as the «many worlds» interpretation, which explains superposition, entanglement, and other quantum phenomena by positing the existence of parallel universes.
There is a principle in polymer chemistry called the «time - temperature superposition,» which says that fibres with low glass transition temperatures will also cope well with sudden dynamic loads — such as those that a parachute rope is subject to.»
But thanks to an eerie quantum effect known as superposition — which allows an atom, electron or other particle to exist in two or more states, such as «spinning» in opposite directions at once — a single qubit made of a particle in superposition can simultaneously encompass both digits.
In the early 20th century quantum physics emerged, with its seemingly counterintuitive and sometimes controversial science, including the notions of superposition (the theory that a particle can be located in several places at once) and entanglement (particles that are deeply linked behave as such despite physical distance from one another).
Ultracold atoms in the so - called optical lattices, that are generated by crosswise superposition of laser beams, have been proven to be one of the most promising tools for simulating and understanding the behaviour of many - body systems such as solid crystals — for example with respect to their electric or magnetic properties.
In a quantum computer, instead, one can also write and use «superpositions» of the classical code words, such as (01 + 10), or (00 + 11).
OBSERVING an object in more than one quantum state at once — in a superposition — is still an elusive goal (see main story), but teleporting such an object is now old hat.
This allows it to take advantage of the peculiar features of quantum mechanics (such as superposition, in which a quantum element can exist in two distinct states simultaneously) to store data more efficiently and securely.
Some physicists have suggested that such experiments could test whether a superposition of two states could survive in a person's sensory system, and perhaps be perceived in the brain.
But a more comprehensive view of his early life — such as that provided by Denis Brian in his 1996 book, Einstein: A Life, jostles the superposition.
These exciting novel applications are exploiting specific quantum properties which are not accessible with classical resources such as superposition and entanglement of individual quantum systems.
In addition, adiabatic quantum computers are vulnerable to disturbances that can disrupt the superpositions that make qubits work, whereas error correction techniques can protect standard quantum computers from such disruptions.
The two preceding of these singular objects were examined by Sir William Herschel, and his son [JH] also; and the latter says, «The general form of elongated nebulae is elliptic, and their condensation towards the centre is almost invariably such as would arise from the superposition of luminous elliptic strata, increasing in density towards the centre.
The art that results from such an impossible project is a sort of imaginative re-accommodation of truth, «a translation of reality into what has been read or a superposition of both».
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