Sentences with phrase «such traditions»

There's a lot of value placed in such traditions where I come from.
Not such a tradition in my house... but I am not a baker like you!
I wanted to continue such tradition, so I researched the best car dealerships to visit.
Probably not, but regardless it's nice to see when such traditions are broken.
The importance of such tradition always lies in the precious freight of meaning it bears, not in the forms of expression through which that meaning is borne from the past to the present.
The more intensely a school identifies with such a tradition, the more deeply the tradition's commitments on these matters will shape the school's ethos.
It's amazing that such a tradition bread can be made so many different ways.
A conflicting set of rules cuts such a tradition off at the knees.
«His work investigates what the notions of signature and value, and the very meanings of such traditions as landscape, abstraction, and figuration.
I was amazed and moved when several of the men responded positively to this material, since I was all along well aware that — to the extent that some of them had Christian backgrounds or had even become Christians in jail — such traditions of silence within Christianity would be far removed from the affective and sometimes noisy spirituality of much African - American Protestantism.
There is a sense in which such traditions have stood in the wings awaiting this time and will now re-emerge, I predict, with a new creativity, offering various paradigms of nonfundamentalist evangelicalism.
My Grandmother lived to 85 on such traditions.
Thus such traditions become kerygmatic, not by appropriating the traditional language of the Church's kerygma, but in a distinctive way: They retain a concrete story about Jesus, but expand its horizon until the universal saving significance of the heavenly Lord becomes visible in the earthly Jesus.
Persons representing such a tradition today would no more stand up to the Pentagon than those in Ptolemy's time would have stood up against acceptance of a flat earth — a scientific world view that Neoplatonism presumes.
The growth of individualism and personal freedom can damage such traditions, and this in turn endangers social cohesion.
Within such traditions, are disclosures made privately between laypeople considered confidential, and if so, by whom — clergy, laity, the courts?
Such traditions spring from powerful narratives that impart intelligibility to action.
The first such tradition is the false spiritualization of the gospel.
Could the Silver verdict change such tradition?
I never dress up for Halloween... it's just not such a tradition here.
Over time, such traditions evolved into modern - day dating where by men are required to pay for the first date or open the door for his lady as a mark of respectfulness.
In modern sculpture, for instance, she would fall outside such traditions as that represented by David Smith and Anthony Caro in welded steel, or more recently, by Donald Judd and Sol LeWitt in a minimalist mode.
What a pity that the warmist camp didn't follow such a tradition.
I've been there two years, and it was amazing indeed, so now it is time to start such a tradition on this continent (or at least try state by state)
Similarly, it has long been known that meditation on a single object, idea or sound not only causes other stimuli to recede to the vanishing point; after a time the focused object of meditation also seems to be called away, leaving a focused point of nothingness or pure consciousness,» as it is known in such traditions as Zen Buddhism.
«This paper makes the case that endangered Indigenous languages can be repositories for factual knowledge across time depths far greater than previously imagined,» the researchers wrote in their paper, «forcing a rethink of the ways in which such traditions have been dismissed.»
Even when such traditions are formally changed, they tend to haunt us for many years to come.
Among those shipyard workers from Belfast were men steeped in such traditions and others equally immersed in the Fenianism that provides a savage counterpoint in the Ulster capital.
M.L.King Jr. belongs to such a tradition.
But if Wilckens is right in saying that «Paul himself obviously has no concrete knowledge about Jesus» grave, nor of the finding of the empty tomb», 20 then any such traditions could hardly have been historical, for if so, Paul would certainly have learned of them when he conferred with Peter.
«That made me curious, because there is no such tradition that requires a man who dies on land to be taken out and buried to the sea,» said Akbar Ahmed, chairman of Islamic Studies at American University.
Being personal and subjective, faith is not open to historical and objective study as the cumulative tradition is, yet without such faith there would have been no such tradition.
It is worth reviewing the political role of such traditions in American elections before taking a closer look at 1996.
At their best, such traditions have maintained a rationality that is inseparable from religious starting points (a rationality such as that discussed in Nicholas Wolterstorff's Reason Within the Bounds of Religion Alone), and have also sponsored intellectual work that can bring a critical intelligence to bear on nature, human society and the arts.
Such a Tradition must be embroiled in the life, loves and sins of Everyman everywhere.
That such a tradition as Käsemann describes existed in the early Church is clear enough, and that these sayings are at home in it is shown both by their form, the two - part sentence with the same verb in each referring to present action and eschatological judgement respectively, and by the fact that a Christian prophet makes use of one of them in Rev. 3.5 b («I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels»).
It is for this reason that the comparative dates of the various New Testament works are completely unimportant in this connection; a comparatively late work could include a reminiscence of a comparatively early stage of such a tradition, and vice versa.
Since last Friday, I have been listening to Christmas music, watching fun Hallmark Christmas movies (cheesy I know, but so good and such a tradition every year!)
Such tradition is mentioned in the Hadith literature: «The Messenger of Allah would break his fast with ripe dates before he would pray.
It was such a tradition my son grew to call the restaurant the «rice store.»
Hannah Arendt, for one, doesn't think there can be such a tradition of revolutions, because it is a treasure, a public good, which she claims is irrevocably lost between generations.
Is there any one such tradition?
Such a tradition, however, would have clear and direct consequences for the reliability of the scientific literature in that discipline.
One such tradition that we created during that time is Soft Rock Saturday.
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