Sentences with phrase «such uneducated»

YoOu are such an uneducated person.
As this elegant manual proves, such an uneducated move could be a mistake.
People are born gay, its not a lifestyle and its not something that can be cured... thats such an uneducated thing to say.
But such uneducated believers do not represent mature belief any more than Westboro Baptists church represents Christian ideals.
More lies... Poor Bob is such an uneducated fool he doesn't know the difference between being gay and a pedophile and he hates the the truth that heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality.
Please stop being such an uneducated bigot.

Not exact matches

What is interesting to see with this bitcoin hype is how uneducated writers still are when it comes to the question of what money actually is — especially the assumption that money, e.g. US Dollars, are tied to any real world values like gold is one of these modern fairytales that is repeated often — I can not understand that even after the big corporate crimes (aka as «financial crisis») that US Citizens cost millions of dollars there is still such a lack of understanding of what money actually is.
What the heck has happened to America that such a woefully uneducated minority speaks up at all?
The uneducated people even thought that it was sufficient to pronounce the words correctly, and that such repetition — even without understanding the meaning — would bring them blessings from God and save their souls.
An uneducated populace needs such extremes.
«If a Hebrew was inspired, he spake Hebrew; if a Greek, he spake Greek; if an educated man, he spoke as a man of culture; if uneducated, he spoke as such a man is wont to speak.»
Such an explanation may seem to bolster the stereotype that we evangelicals are uneducated and easily led — especially by the nefarious neo-cons.
If instead you mean something akin to a crocodile giving birth to a duck then you just don't understand what the theory of evolution describes and should educate yourself on it first before offering such a woefully uneducated opinion on it.
If there is a hell, I'm sure your imaginary friends imaginary nemesis has a special place reserved especially for you given how poorly you treat people and if you seriously believe people as miserable and hateful as you are going to this imaginary place called heaven, not many intelligent people would wish to be around such a hateful, bigoted, uneducated person like you.
What do you expect from uneducated idiots who believe in imaginary constructs such as the «Easter Bunny??»
And how does an uneducated young man make up such things in the Book of Mormon?
I could go on but it's like talking to a brick wall and I've spent way too much time on here trying to educate the uneducated clowns such as yourself.
Or that babies are always on board with breastfeeding, such that if a mom isn't breastfeeding, it's because she's too stupid / uneducated / lazy / uncaring to do so.
He was of the view that since the majority of the population are farmers living in such communities, it will be important for the government to invest in farming and the accompanied value chain, through proper training of extension officers and deploying as many as possible to help manage the largely uneducated farmers.
What makes a person «uneducated», and what is trying to be taught to individuals labeled as such?
Exhibited primarily by black women, this affliction also causes delusional thoughts, such as believing that every black woman can find «Black Love» if only she lower her standards to the fat, toothless, felonious, unemployed and uneducated.
If you are looking to buy or adopt a dog but have a dog allergy, please be aware despite popular uneducated belief, there is no such thing as a hypoallergnic dog.
After all, the truth is that there is no such thing as bad dogs - but there is such a thing as an uneducated owner.
I would be surprised if any cities of comparable size in the UK had such a high proportion of uneducated youth.
There are scientific reports on Ionosopheric heaters, such as HAARP under the terminology of ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS IN SPACE to obfuscate and thus confuse the uneducated curious.
This can prove to be even more dangerous than bias generated from human findings because there are so many educated, not so educated and uneducated who find «techno» -, «machine» -, «computer» - generated to be more intelligent and less fallible than anything human and will hold this result to be truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth especially if supported and propagated by the leaders they choose to follow who use such information to distract from the lack of viable solutions to any problems that may plague their followers.
A great deal of harm is done when social service professionals uneducated in attachment theory act in order to prevent babies from forming attachments to caregivers in the belief that such attachments must later be given up for normal development to occur.
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