Sentences with phrase «such vacuous»

After 10 years in a solid relationship and Marriage I was daunted with the prospect of meeting someone new in a club or bar, such vacuous places, but after 17 months on my own I searched the Web for a different approach, suggested by friends to get on line with the aim to meet someone.
The fact, however, that the editors would lift such a vacuous essay from the past to sell their wares indicates that the paleoliberal fever has not been definitively shaken.

Not exact matches

Again and again, Wright asserts that there is no fossil evidence of intermediate forms between earlier primates and human beings; and, again and again, Dawkins attempts to disabuse her of this vacuous «mantra» (as he calls it) by pointing out that there certainly is such evidence and by directing her to it, but all to no avail.
The result of this systematic evisceration of religious claims is almost always the adumbrating of a set of vacuous claims upon which, it is supposed, all religious persons can agree; and such claims are usually expressed in a language and with a tone that is more appropriate to the nurture of an infant than to the intellectual challenge of an adult.
Such talk is obviously only vacuous, wishful thinking apart from its eschatological validation.
It is once again apparent from such effective but vacuous rhetorical flourishes that Whitehead holds no clear or systematic concept of «evolution.»
As long as it stays at such a broad, vacuous level perhaps — it's hard to imagine the public turning against growth as a concept.
The party, however, rejected the call by Chief Obasanjo for a third force saying that such would amount to repeating the same blunder that brought in the ideologically vacuous APC and the Buhari Presidency which had now wrecked havoc on the nation in its almost three years of governance.
It has a long tradition of championing esoteric arthouse films by directors such as Lars von Trier and Pedro Almovodar, but also happily allows Hollywood to use the festival as a promotional vehicle for some of its most vacuous summer blockbusters.
For Greenberg there were only two polarities of culture: serious high modernist art, such as Eliot's poetry or a cubist painting, versus the vacuous art preferred by the majority, including pop music and the paintings of Norman Rockwell.
Thus, I'd say Roger Sr's concern is apt, in the abstract, but is vacuous until somebody ponies up a credible atmosphere - ocean - glacier mechanism that exhibits chaos of such a nature that the sensitivity of trends in its decadal statistics to initial conditions swamps the sensitivity of these statistics to the increase of greenhouse gases.
Mere trolls, such as that vacuous first post, do not deserve all the attention they get.
Others have used phrases such as «vacuous incantations».
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