Sentences with phrase «such visits this year»

But with the current Republican leadership targeting school aid for unprecedented cuts, such visits this year are taking on greater urgency.

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The plan comes with other consumer - friendly perks, such as free email access to board - certified doctors 24 - 7, free generic prescription drugs, and three free physician visits per year.
The four - year - old project pairs teams of visiting consultants (graduate business students from top schools like Stanford plus folks from companies such as Google and with local start - ups to help grow the businesses.
On my visit I was keen to learn more about what enabled Ziba to be successful over such a long period because any firm that lasts more than 30 years is doing something right.
For nearly a dozen years I was a member of the Committee to Visit the Divinity School, of Harvard University, a quaint but sometimes useful device dating back to early days when the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had its suspicions about Harvard and exercised them through insisting on such inspection.
The US leader is set to visit Britain early next year however the initial state visit he was promised is being scaled back, amid speculation such a formal welcome could trigger mass protests.
It was also unthinkable from the Catholic perspective of even fifty years ago that a papal visit could unfold in such a manner.
Visiting the blogs that I've come to love this year brings me such comfort.
One such tackle was of that on Eden Hazard, who won the penalty and then converted it, during Arsenal's visit to Stamford Bridge late last year.
Brees has been on five such NFL - sponsored trips in the last five years, visiting troops in Afghanistan, Dubai, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Kuwait and Japan.
(As anyone who has been visiting MomsTEAM's Concussion Safety Center for the past twelve years knows, science and technology have yet to come up with a way to prevent concussions; the most we can realistically hope to do at this point is a better job of identifying concussions when they occur and managing them in such a way as to keep the recovery time to a minimum and to keep kids from returning before their brains have fully healed so as to minimize the risk of serious, long - term effects, or even, in rare cases, death).
Only in India will you find 1000 year old temples on the same block as avant - garde nightclubs, and it is polarities such as these that make India one of the most intriguing places on Earth to visit.
Even if you've visited Brookfield Zoo's other dinosaur exhibits before, this year's is all new and includes giant dragons, such as the Wyvern and the Chinese dragon that looks like an oversized Mu - Shu from Disney's «Mulan.»
News, policy, research and practice articles of relevance for professionals working within early years services, such as Health Visiting, Sure Starts and Family Centres, with a focus on engaging successfully with fathers in those settings.
Our sponsors are so generous each year and they play such a big role in keeping our KAL's going please take the time to visit their shops and show them some love!
In some areas, such as maternity and health visiting, policy has been reflecting the evidence for some years and as a result practice has improved and breastfeeding initiation rates have risen.
The Ring of Knowledge also hosts events throughout the year, such as author visits, panel discussions, book talks and children's programming.
Such a schedule could make a man in his hey days to visit doctors more than ten times a year.
The luxury Phantom V Roller has been kept underground for 16 years since being used to ferry around dignitaries such as Princess Diana and the Queen on official visits to Cardiff.
Question topics included financial incentives given by the City to Altronix (which hosted the Mayor for a visit just before the press conference), whether the mayor has concerns about offering such incentives, whether his jobs task force will work with local communities, whether his affordable housing plan conflicts with his plan to enable more manufacturing in the city, what a base livable minimum wage is, whether the mayor is concerned about the possibility that Republicans may control the U.S. Senate next year, whether NY State has done enough to assist NYC in obtaining hazard mitigation money from the federal government, the Mayor's views on items sold at the September 11th Museum gift shop and what the first «tangible» product of the task force will be.
The Governor who visited the ancient town to assess the level of destruction caused by the clash that ensured between the Hausa and Yoruba communities, expressed sadness over the incident, pointing that «it is disheartening to experience such wanton of destruction in Ile - ife again, after the end of tragic event of Ife / Modakeke war of fifteen years ago».
Caregivers also reported patient - related crises during the prior year: 19 percent required an emergency department visit; 8 percent required urgent psychiatric care; 6 percent required police intervention; and 6 percent required contacting a lawyer for various reasons such as bankruptcy, loss of business, loss of home or legal guardianship.
Each year such new records for how many people are going and visiting the peninsula of Antarctica.
But she visits communities such as this several times a year to see how real people are struggling.
For schools that issue BMI report cards to parents, the researchers recommend providing parents with opportunities to visit with healthcare professionals, such as school nurses or physical educators, at various times throughout the school year.
Children and teens were eligible for the study if they had chronic asthma and an asthma exacerbation, such as an Emergency Department visit for asthma, within the last year.
In 2012, I had the chance to visit our colleagues in India, who've run such camps for many years, and to adapt their concept for Mongolia.
I've been dealing with psoriasis patients such as this for many years and it gives me a great deal of pleasure to be able to help them resolve their issues and return not only their health but also their lives back to them as they begin to learn to live a life which does not revolve around their skin (or joint pain) related complaints, including endless doctor or medical specialist visits.
We're home safely, cleans the house like crazy because no one lived here for such a long time and unpacking — working hard to get it done quick to welcome friends and family who those coming to visit us after we moved out Michigan for years, hahha our folks can't wait to see us.
It wasn't always be chilly in Manado so whenever I went to Tomohon / Tondano / Sonder and in this case I had a chance to visit the Prayer Hill which has chilly spot last year, I jumped at the chance once again wherein I could dress up for the cold and wear my coat again without the thought of people will give me their odd stares when I'm out (one of the bad thing living in such a tropical country with only two seasons haha * crying *).
I am so excited, because this next weekend is a four - day weekend, and there's so many exciting things coming up such as my in - laws visiting, christmas day with my cousins and a new years dinner double date we have planned!
Throughout the years, we've traveled to Paris together (the only man Keith would be okay with me visiting such a romantic city with — ha!)
I visited the archeological site of Syracuse many years ago and loved it, it's such a beautiful and fascinating place.
We had such a great time visiting Nuremberg and can't wait to go back for the Christmas market and when our families visit later on in the year.
Being located in such a peaceful setting allows for a relaxing visit throughout the year, in the summer why not take advantage of the two beer gardens with extensive seating or in the winter keep warm and cosy by the real log fires.
Hi, I am a 20 year old young man who loves reading, dining, going to the movies, visiting the park, and other such activities.
Commonly visited conditions such as dating, dating or individual men and ladies could take around one or two years to achieve seo exposure due to the quality of competition fighting for those same key phrase rankings.
Between such comic book - balloon lines as «Revenge is mine,» «You picked the wrong planet» and that old standby, «This isn't over,» the mecha - aliens stop to explain that a) alien Autobots visited Earth a few thousand years before; b) a rogue Autobot known as The Fallen tried to destroy the Earth and was foiled by his robot buddies; and c) now he wants to destroy the Earth out of revenge for... not being allowed to destroy the Earth the first time.
World's Largest visits 58 such sites and profiles Soap Lake, Washington's five - year struggle to build the World's Largest Lava Lamp.
The peripatetic ceremony, which returns to Berlin every two years after visits to cities such as Tallinn and Essen, deserves support but consistently fails to enter the mainstream of awards - season hype.
Nearly one in ten (nine per cent) said they were unable to allow their child to participate in an educational trip or visit in the last year due to the cost and 17 per cent said their child was unable to participate in non-curriculum related trips such as residential, foreign or end of term excursions due to cost.
We're also trying to develop a regional workshop this year, so we've been visiting cities such as Sale, Bendigo, Warrnambool, trying to get out to areas where they don't have the same professional development opportunities.
When changing such troubling habits raises objections, it's clear why it took several years to end open campus at lunch, require uniforms, have teachers greet each student with a handshake, make home visits routine, and place administrators beyond the school's gates so students could safely walk to catch city buses.
As Jennifer Wagner told Education World, «I spend a lot of my summer visiting places I don't have time to visit during the school yearsuch as The George Lucas Foundation site, which is filled with great information.
Due to logistic realities, observers might not be able to physically visit classrooms more than a few times a year but through technology, such Facetime, Skype, video recording, could gather additional evidence of whether teachers are meeting district expectations.
Parents who have lived or traveled abroad visit to tell their stories, and children celebrate holidays from other countries, such as Mexico's Dia de los Muertos and Chinese New Year.
During a two day programme of free learning outside the classroom within walking distance of the school involving the whole of Year 7 (350 pupils), pupils developed their resilience during activities such as a hike, team building skills when participating in den building and knowledge of a local charity when visiting the lifeboat station.
This 20 - year randomized controlled trial examined the impact of social and emotional intervention programs (such as social skills training, parent behavior - management training with home visiting, peer coaching, reading tutoring, and classroom social - emotional curricula) for 979 high - risk students in kindergarten.
The announcement also includes # 8 million for «cultural education programmes», such as filmmaking at the British Film Institute or visits to Historic England sites, in keeping with the previous funding of # 4.1 million a year until 2018.
She spent part of her first year with the district visiting and researching other school systems, such as Boston, with successful parent - engagement initiatives already under way.
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