Sentences with phrase «such volunteer tutoring»

One such volunteer tutoring program, Book Buddies, has evolved in the Charlottesville city schools since 1992.

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Volunteers working with small groups of students, such as tutoring sessions, also risk wasting precious instructional time if they're not prepared and don't know how to manage the group.
Structure volunteer programs within the school, such as opportunities for students to help out in life skills classes, read or tutor young children, assist in the computer lab, aid students in the library, provide support to students who are recovering from an injury or dealing with a medical condition, or gather work for students who miss school.
These strategies shall include professional development for all school personnel in all job categories who regularly interact with students or are in a position to recognize the risk factors and warning signs of suicide, including substitute teachers, volunteers, expanded learning staff (afterschool) and other individuals in regular contact with students such as crossing guards, tutors, and coaches.
At CRLS, CSV places volunteers in the Tutoring Center before, during and after - school; the Drop - In Math center; and in such special programs as College Planning and Essay Writing and Science Olympiad.
In his work experience, he includes experiences such as volunteering to mentor kids, working as tutor, and performing the duties of a camp counselor for children.
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