Sentences with phrase «such witticisms»

Then it becomes clear that the murderer is not of this world, leading to such witticisms as a running joke as to whether alien goo found at the scene feels like human ejaculate.
And every little rural enclave has its number of wise old owls who have spent a lifetime sipping draft beer and schnapps and are rife with such witticisms as «you greenhorns couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a banjo.

Not exact matches

The Wilde play is a source of such classic witticisms as I can resist everything except temptation, but it's set entirely in a circa 1890 London drawing room; not the most photogenic of locales.
Fart gags for the rug rats and, for adults, witticisms such as «No Ship, Sherlock.»
Also heard are the many witticisms, sometimes mocking, yet always affectionate, of such Roosevelt intimates as Henry Adams, John Hay, and Elihu Root.
Like some yammering New Age shaman, it peppers the viewer with witticisms and dubious wisdom, such as «You're All About Going Deep,» «The Sooner You Get To the Second Chakra, the Better,» «Write It All Down,» and «Let the Dream Write Itself.»
Happiness, vivacity, love, respect for each other, relaxing silence and not silence resulting from fear, witticism, flexibility and parents with features of a friend not features of a manager, are such features of families who can say have high self - esteem.
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