Sentences with phrase «suck all»

The dark side of 50,000 new jobs coming to your municipality is that all those people (allegedly making $ 100,000 or so per year) will suck up every apartment in sight and drive up rents.
Suck it up and get through the meeting.
«The stores and distributors can suck you dry.»
Think about it: When was the last time you heard someone say, «You know, I pretty much suck at accurately identifying my and other people's emotions, at applying emotions to thinking and problem solving, at controlling my emotions and cheering up or calming down other people... really, I'm probably the least self - aware person you'll ever meet»?
If the boss or anyone else should proffer an idea that scores a string of 10s on the suck index — hey, it's nothing personal.
Rule critics say class actions are costly, suck up time and result in lower awards for consumers.
Where did we start to suck at this?
Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you.
«Hours in the seat is a really easy game to win if you suck.
But a pilot project at a major producer's well site aims to suck up as much as 20 % of the carbon dioxide produced — using algae.
But there are some obvious reasons why U.S. airports suck, while Gulf airports wow.
As they age, he writes, men miss «gangship» (their groups of friends), so they need to suck it up and invest in rebuilding their oldest and best friendships.
We should be asking ourselves how are we going to design a future where work doesn't suck even more than it does today?
No bonus points for guessing that the final condition was an infuriating productivity suck — «I wanted to hit you,» one participant apparently told the experimenter — but more surprising may be the size of the bump in output created by working in the personalized space:
It might be something you take pride in and gives you peace of mind, but it really is a time suck.
Kill some time playing the latest enterprenerd time - suck on Twitter, the #VCCoverBands hashtag.
, and had previously pitched each other on the idea of an app for making hospital stays suck less,» Skiff told Business Insider in an email.
Errors Corrected Quickly: Another time suck the CFPB hopes to eliminate by requiring lenders to respond promptly to customer complaints.
Light - based or photonic computers have the potential to run at least 20 times faster than your laptop, not to mention the fact that they won't produce heat or suck up energy like existing devices.
Yes, it can be hard to suck up your pride and be a gracious loser.
It is a good habit to switch off TVs, monitors, printers, etc. when not in use, but these electronics continue to suck power when they are off in «standby power» that allows the device to power up quickly when you turn it back on.
You avoid people who suck - up and only tell you what they think you want to hear.
If work is better, life doesn't suck and if life is better, work doesn't suck.
«We suck at repetitive things,» said Matsuoka, giving the example of lifting heavy objects, like airline workers who carry heavy suitcases.
The Fourth of July seems like a good time to ask — especially as we celebrate the first Independence Day under an administration whose motto might as well be «Make America Suck Coal Again.»
Wilson persisted, but Karp ultimately said no, arguing, «comments suck
«Longer - term, the market is going to suck
They complained about the clunky, «Reply - to - unlock» time suck so much that Facebook nixed the Snapchat - differentiating feature just two months after the app debuted.
Minkin suggested breastfeeding — or offering the baby a bottle or pacifier to suck on — during takeoff and landing, which may help equalize pressure in the baby's ears.
In it, she redefines what it means to «lean in,» describing the moment when the rabbi at her husband's funeral told her to «lean in to the suck
Some went so far as to pretend to argue about an issue before capitulating, this way appearing to have been persuaded by the target rather than being a mere suck - up.
He munches and proceeds, unsuccessfully, to suck his digits clean.
For those reduced to faking, the trick is to create a positive impression without coming across as a suck - up.
Publishers largely suck.
Other times, switching back and forth to complete a single task, say from a webpage to a word processor, can be a huge time - suck.
Hence features like a curated app store, which prevents developers from creating programs whose only purpose is to go in and suck up all of your user data.
Artificial intelligence can monitor what we say, but the human language is too nuanced to know the difference between a friendly jab («you suck») to an outright threat («I'm going to kill you»).
If you do, you will suck the energy, passion, and ownership right out of the new task - owners and they will simply defer to the leader — and you will never really lose that task for yourself.
It's not glancing at a text message, reading an email or answering a quick question from a team member that is the biggest time - suck.
I won't soon forget the sight of him kneeling in a New Jersey forest trying to suck sap from a spout in a tree.
And that will really suck
In a global market, superstars have a bigger reach, and will suck up more of the pay.
When Mona Zavosh, a perky lady from Los Angeles, begins to speak about her cupcakes onscreen, a guy in the back shouts over her, «Your cupcakes f --- in» suck
But, like most things that suck, hill repeats are also really good for you.
The NoseFrida, as we'll soon see in greater detail, helps you suck snot out of a baby's (or toddler's) nose more effectively than the traditional bulb syringe.
«Your Cupcakes F — in» Suck
But it's going to suck for media companies if they put all of this time and effort into original content and no one sees it,» said one media executive, whose company was paid for making Facebook Live videos, but hasn't signed a larger deal for long - form content.
Inside this solid tube is a replaceable filter, and attached to it is a flexible bit of tubing on which a parent can suck, creating a vacuum effect that draws loose mucous out of a baby's nose.
They would spend all day answering [questions like], «Why does your mobile network make my iPhone suck so much?»
From adorable animal pictures, to silly gifs and yet another scroll through social media, our online lives can sometimes feel like one useless (if stress relieving) time suck.
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