Sentences with phrase «sucking at»

Breast compression continues the flow of milk once the baby is no longer drinking from (only sucking at) the breast and results in the baby:
It was so bad... so so so bad that I wished my baby would stop sucking at times.
When you let me do all this suckling at your breast, I can very easily regulate how I suck, depending on why I'm sucking at any given moment.
Try to keep your baby awake and actively sucking at your breast for as long as possible.
Your milk production works according to supply and demand, so it is the act of your baby sucking at the breast (demand) that activates milk production (supply).
Try sleep - inducing props to substitute finger sucking at night.
By sucking at the breast, your baby triggers tiny nerves in the nipple.
Encourage non - nutritive / comfort sucking at the breast, since non-nutritive sucking reduces irritation and speeds gastric emptying.
Sucking at a bottle could also confuse some babies in the early days.
While some infants» sucking needs are met primarily during feedings, other babies may need additional sucking at the breast soon after a feeding even though they are not really hungry.
Nipple preference can lead to less nursing or ineffective sucking at the breast, which in turn may diminish your milk supply.
Studies have found that many children who continue to suck after the age of 4 have battled with parents over thumb sucking at an earlier age.
However allowing baby to engage in non-nutritive sucking at the breast as a source of comfort (as opposed to use of a pacifier) can be beneficial to the overall breastfeeding relationship and avoids any potential nipple confusion.
Many bottles will continue to drip even if the baby isn't sucking at the nipple.
Sucking at a regular bottle nipple is a squeezing action.
The BEST stimulation for milk production, even if it is poor latch on, is your baby sucking at the breast.
If your child gets frustrated because the flow of your milk has slowed down or stopped, he or she may refuse to keep sucking at the breast.
However, because sucking an artificial nipple is quite different from sucking at mom's breast, using pacifiers can interfere with breastfeeding.
You've seen those children sucking at cups of juice.
As soon as a baby starts sucking at your breast, an instantaneous hormonal shift is supposed to occur, telling the milk to start flowing.
And the baby who is breast feeding, the act of sucking at the breast is less stressful than drinking from a bottle.
Nurse on the plugged duct side as baby's strong sucking at the beginning of breastfeeding can help dislodge the plug
It is the biological norm for babies to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, which is not a problem!
The baby sucking at the breast will cause contractions right after birth, leading to less bleeding for the mom, and helping her uterus to it's shape before pregnancy much faster.
Truth: Babies do basically two types of sucking at the breast: nutritive and non-nutritive sucking.
During a feeding, babies do both types of sucking at breast.
The entire Russian Winter Olympic team have been investigated for sucking at hiding their doping as well as all the other nations at a special court of arbitration.
Rutgers claims to have invented college football, and it has spent most of the last 100 years sucking at it.
This team is why we need to stop rewarding teams for sucking at draft time.
There's only a mighty cliff of a man, sucking at the remaining inch of what must have been an epic blunt.
And then you see someone else doing it a hundred times better, and you realize that you have been sucking at it the whole time.
So once we seal you off, no more sucking at the teat of us blue staters.
Then, somehow you're in a pen and hundreds of little Mohammad's piglets are sucking at your teats.
Then, somehow you're in a pen and hundreds of little piglets are sucking at your teats.
If you really suck at doing something, chances are there is someone out there that can probably do it for less than $ 5 / hr.
One of my favorite Gary Vaynerchuk quotes of all time is «I suck at 99 percent of stuff, but I go all out on that 1 percent I'm good at.»
Yet despite the ease, access and affordability of presenting a message to a wide audience, a lot of organizations suck at public relations.
There are a lot of things I suck at.
«We suck at repetitive things,» said Matsuoka, giving the example of lifting heavy objects, like airline workers who carry heavy suitcases.
Where did we start to suck at this?
Think about it: When was the last time you heard someone say, «You know, I pretty much suck at accurately identifying my and other people's emotions, at applying emotions to thinking and problem solving, at controlling my emotions and cheering up or calming down other people... really, I'm probably the least self - aware person you'll ever meet»?
«If I suck at screenwriting,» he concluded, «at least I can fall back on writing a book about screenwriting.»
He's also an entrepreneur, having founded a company called Do Your Park that aims to call out bad parking jobs by allowing customers to slap a small «you suck at parking» citation on the cars of bad parkers.
If you haven't heard by now, boomers suck at saving.
«We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we've sucked at it for years,» Costolo, who has come under investor scrutiny of late given Twitter's sluggish user growth, wrote in an internal memo obtained by The Verge.
Well, we suck at mobile.
«Vegas exists because people suck at math,» says one member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's infamous blackjack team.
It's not so much that I suck at liquid liner.
There's no shame if you suck at remembering faces — many, if not most, of us do — but you can deflate this embarrassing situation with a little word tweak.
It's that I suck at having the patience to properly execute liquid liner.
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