Sentences with phrase «sucking thumbs»

They're having hissing spits, sucking their thumbs, pouting their lips, throwing their toys, kicking and kicking while lying on the floor.
Then, as problems became more intractable, as time dragged out, as the share price tanked, and as expected cash / cash flows failed to materialize, things spiraled lower and management ended up huddled into a ball, sucking their thumbs & refusing to communicate (honestly) with shareholders.
Some were crying (or their mothers were); some were sucking their thumbs (or their fathers were); a few were screaming in the hall, refusing to enter the room at all.
Hancox and his colleagues don't know when the kids in their study first started sucking thumbs or biting nails, but having spent time around little babies, I'm guessing it was pretty early.
Some babies are captured sucking their thumbs, kicking, or in a relaxed pose enjoying life.
«Then they'll think about, and start to process whether they want to be sucking their thumbs anymore.»
Most children stop these habits on their own, but if they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers past the age of three, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your pediatric dentist.
Providing toddlers with a safe co-sleeping experience is a great way to help them break the habits of relying on security items and sucking their thumbs to feel better when they get scared.
Ultrasound pictures have even shown fetuses sucking their thumbs while in the womb.
Pacifiers have sometimes been blamed for young children's tooth damage though they have less chance of doing damage than sucking thumbs.
And though some older children might meet their sucking needs by sucking thumbs or binkies or blankets, nursing was the way nature designed for children to meet these needs (without wrecking the alignment of their teeth, by the way).
The ADA recommends that children should stop sucking thumbs by the time their permanent teeth come in, about the age of 4 or 5.
Many children stop sucking their thumbs on their own sometime during the toddler years — between ages 2 and 4.
«Then they'll think about it, and start to process whether they want to be sucking their thumbs anymore.»
Adults don't realize how anxiety - provoking growing up is for children, and sucking their thumbs or fingers is a soothing activity that can help reduce their anxiety, Berman says.
Millions of women have viewed sonograms of their babies kicking, sucking their thumbs, and turning somersaults; whatever these little ones are, they are busily alive.
It was mainly the imaging technology that fired up the anti-choice movement, because it allowed the religionists to deceive many gullible folks into believing that embryos are tiny little people sucking their thumbs and waiting to be born.
I'm just trying to make sure that there's at least one contrarian and maybe one voice of realism among this season's many purveyors of touching truisms, pious platitudes, and bumper sticker BS — all of which feels like it was written by either Hallmark or hacks whose prior Republican clients and «candidates» are now sitting on the sidelines sucking their thumbs and watching The Donald drive the bus off the bridge.
So you could reasonably assume that the human race would just curl up in the fetal position and suck our thumbs all day.
Otherwise, you'll just sit there like the rest of the sheep sucking your thumb.
When the kids were 5, 7, 8, and 11, the researchers asked their parents whether they bit their nails or sucked their thumb.
She was sucking her thumb which is just incredible to me.
They have seen the little human form and the actions of the unborn child, sucking its thumb as it nestles within its mother.
An ultrasound video of an unborn child sucking its thumb makes a case against abortion that reason hardly need supplement.
Go back to your respective corners and suck your thumbs like good lil adolescent minded folk.
By five months, the baby is sucking its thumb, punching, kicking, and going through the motions of crying.
* bellerin sucks his thumb, grabs his mogwai teddy an gets off the bus
Bit here goes my latest theory and as I see it, more proof that if Wenger fell into a swimming pool full of nipples he would come up sucking his thumb:
Don't think AW needs to go I think we need a number 2 that don't sit there sucking his thumb.
Costa Rica's Joel Campbell tied things up at 1 - 1 during Saturday's match with Uruguay, and after scoring the goal, Campbell went on to suck his thumb and then got pregnant with a soccer ball.
She also might suck her thumb because she is insecure.
She soothes herself by feeling her blanket (swaddled around her) or sucking her thumb.
Although most school - age children who suck their thumbs do so in private (they become aware that thumbsucking is not an accepted practice), there is a small percentage of children who continue sucking during the day.
The older child might still suck her thumb to relieve boredom or tension.
I am happy that my son does not depend on a binky or sucking his thumb!!!
In some cases, an older child might only suck her thumb to soothe herself to sleep or when she is not feeling well.
If she tends to suck her thumb because of boredom, offer an alternative activity to distract her.
However, once a child reaches school age, she is expected to have stopped sucking her thumb.
It might be much harder to help the baby (or toddler when the day comes) to break the habit of sucking his thumb.
This can be by breastfeeding, bottle feeding, using a dummy or sucking a thumb.
Some say children can even suck their thumb without affecting their teeth until they're 2 years old, and the American Dental Association claims most can do it safely up to age 4 or 5, when permanent teeth usually start appearing.
For example, sucking a thumb, using a dummy / pacifier, or constantly on the boob, even if they are not really hungry.
Have a discussion with your child about thumb sucking and why it's important that they stop sucking their thumb.
If children tend to use pacifiers or suck their thumbs you may find that in some cases it can have an impact on their teeth and how straight they are.
If you notice that your child likes to suck their thumb while watching television, bring it to their attention so that they are aware of what they are doing and offer them a pillow or toy to hold instead.
We had a routine check up at the pediatrician one week ago and since then he has been sucking his thumb.
And it did affect me, because I would have my dad with my sisters in a pile on the living room floor, wrestling and laughing and I was the sad girl on the sofa next to my mom, sucking my thumb and scared someone would pull me into the mix because I knew it would end up in a tickle fight.
My 11 week old just started sucking his thumb this past week.
He does not suck his thumb all the time, but he consistently sucks his thumb any time I put him down (i.e. washing hands after a diaper change).
Now I know why my ten month old has never sucked her thumb and has no interest in her «lovey» — she sleeps with us!
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