Sentences with phrase «sudden stopping force»

Extremely smooth ride, with drum brakes that reduces the heat generated due to sudden stopping force.

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They help to keep the children safe while jogging, the best double jogging stroller will have these on, especially, when you are forced to make a sudden stop, this will make a parent feel good knowing that the kids are safe and fastened into the seats.
If you are forced to make sudden stops for any reason you will feel better knowing your child is safely fastened into the seat.
In what began as Boyer's mathematical modeling class project, he and three other University of Utah mathematicians have published a study showing the mathematical possibility of designing a climbing rope that would apply a constant force to a falling climber, bringing the climber to a gradual stop rather than hitting the end of the rope with sudden jerk.
Earth slides off the screen, and the extra g - forces suddenly abate; clearly, the centrifuge has come to a sudden stop.
When a sudden and inexplicable force causes everything to stop working on Maple Street, the people there begin to wonder who or what is...
I doubt the sudden stop caused by the wrench caused much more load on the chain than the typical starting force of the engine.
Investors also fear that a sudden drop in home prices, particularly in Toronto, could force some borrowers to stop repaying their loans.
A sudden drop in home prices could also force some borrowers to stop repaying their loans.
According to the Integrative Veterinary Care Journal «the spring of the retractable leash causes a continuous pull that generates a degree of stress in the cervical region... And, when the dog gets to the end of the retractable leash, the sudden stop and jerk causes additional force... This causes spasms and inflammation in the inter-scapular region and nerve and energy meridian pathways are affected or impinged by tight muscles.»
When the body of an occupant in a car accident comes to a sudden stop, the upper and lower spine are usually focal points of the force.
In any event, your brain continues to move when your car comes to a sudden stop following a collision and is forced against the interior of your skull resulting in a contusion and possible hemorrhaging, or bleeding.
This injury to soft tissue, ligaments, and muscles in the neck is caused when force, such as a sudden stop, pushes the head beyond its normal range of motion.
According to a technician at iTech, an authorized service provider in Cedar Falls, Iowa, production of iPhone 6 Plus and its batteries had been stopped, and due to sudden, increased demand of the discounted batteries, Apple was forced to «reproduce the batteries from scratch,» causing the delay.
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