Sentences with phrase «sudden violence»

I have no doubt that we will see Dutch shoot Heidi McCourt in Red Dead Redemption 2 and while it might end up being a horrible moment of sudden violence, it makes John's past tangible and knowable in a way that fundamentally undermines the first game.
An involving story that I want to see through to the end, lighthearted but punctuated with sudden violence.
Unlike part one, this installment only delivers surface - level jolts through cheesy jump scares (prolonged silence followed by sudden violence / noise that mean absolutely nothing), and after a while (10 minutes to be more specific), I felt I'd had my fill for a while.
At first he rejects the boy, but then he reconsiders and accepts him, and we discover something that the carpenter knows about the boy — a secret that leads to scenes where sudden violence seems barely beneath the surface.
Snowpiercer alternates between sudden violence, high camp, and heavy - handed political allegory with breakneck speed, and even when its disjoined plot mechanics seem a little too convenient, it's brimming with new cinematic technique.
With its strange, dreamlike tone and moments of sudden violence, Paul Thomas Anderson delivers an indie romcom like no other: the story of an angry, mixed - up man - child and a woman with her head in the clouds.
rogue waves can remain hidden behind a background of random waves (blue and green), only to rise up with sudden violence.
But its behavior is fully compatible with the idea that its sudden violence is accompanied by a bout of petulant anger directed at anything nearby, including helpless victims that pose no threat.
O'Connell's physicality as an actor — coiled intensity, searing stares, brooding fury, sudden violence — is blazingly showcased here.
The end result is a Coen Brothers-esque farce with daft heroes, bumbling villains, dark humor, and sudden violence.
This will lead to sudden violence and a dogged manhunt.
Now we have another film built on a similar scaffold: Game Night is also about friends, games, secrets, lies, a disappearance, sudden violence, and the overturning of audience assumptions.
Starring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara as a husband and wife team of outlaw bandits, this modern - day Western noir evokes Terrence Malick in its painterly depictions of west Texas tall grass and No Country For Old Men in its stark and sudden violence.
There are moments of wry comedy — some of them courtesy of one - scene actors such as James Spader and Tim Blake Nelson — and prairie philosophizing, but also stray absurdities, and sudden violence, and one upsetting plot turn that seems questionable at first but eventually feels appropriately sad and stirring.
Among its many resonances, Drive reminded me of Neil Jordan's Mona Lisa, another tale of a driver teetering between innocence and cruelty; of Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy and Once Upon a Time in the West, with their nameless, laconic protagonists and meticulous buildups to spasms of sudden violence; of the original 1971 Get Carter and its intoxicating pitilessness; of Halloween in its use of — well, you'll see.
He is an example of what Eric could become if he doesn't turn his back on what he is — though generally calmer, he's just as capable of sudden violence.
Horrified by the sudden violence at times, but never bored.
And the climactic gunfight, in which all of the film's disparate elements and characters come together in an orgy of brutal, slapstick, sudden violence, is fantastically unpredictable.
Both of the presumed frontrunners feel like challengers: The Shape of Water, with its offbeat fantasy, sudden violence, and, um, interspecies sex; and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, which delights in confounding viewer expectations and has endured controversies about an ill - conceived racial subplot.
Unpleasure, which originates from the sudden violence with an unexpected source in the genre subversion of Funny Games, is replaced by unpleasure from sexual acts in La Pianiste.
These scenes are overlaid with and interrupted by tension and sudden violence, and the movie wrings as much ridiculous incongruousness from the subtext (brain - melting tension) and text (awkward conversation about dinner and board games) of its scenes as possible.
I was quite taken aback by the sudden violence.
What seems like a simple quest to find a few answers will turn into a nightmare of sudden violence and bloody revenge, and a race against time to catch a ruthless and methodical killer.
I have no doubt that we will see Dutch shoot Heidi McCourt in Red Dead Redemption 2 and while it might end up being a horrible moment of sudden violence, it makes John's past tangible and knowable in a way that fundamentally undermines the first game.
Using a variety of artistic mediums ranging from painting and sculpture to photography, film, and video, Gaillard juxtaposes pictorial beauty and the atmospherically lush with elements of sudden violence, destruction, and idiosyncrasy culled from popular culture, pointing to the precarious nature of public space, social ritual, and the very viability of the notion of civilization.
In works such as Sandbag with Timed Detonator (1988), an auto - destructive device featuring a plastic alarm clock that realeases a heavy sandbag hanging above it, two periods of tranquil rest are bridged by an instant of sudden violence.
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