Sentences with phrase «suddenly going blind»

It would hard not to be surprised by suddenly going blind.
The prospect of suddenly going blind is enough to fill most people with dread.
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND — There's nothing like suddenly going blind to spoil a good happy hour.
It is as though, after a few years of wearing bifocals, all women suddenly went blind.
Most cats were diagnosed with high blood pressure because they suddenly went blind.
The work's source — a horrific episode in the history of the slave trade, in which an infection caused the passengers of a slave ship to suddenly go blind — is obliquely referenced with a view of the ocean and a tiny eye standing in for a button on a coat.

Not exact matches

Churchians think that we go from being addicted to social contact, remaining deaf, dumb, and blind to heavenly things until the day we die, and then we suddenly don white robes, sport halos, and play harps as we dance from could to cloud, WITHOUT an intervening process that Paul called «transformation.»
It is painful that the President who promised Ghanaians «heaven» has suddenly turned blind eye to the great hardship Ghanaians are going through under his administration.
For instance, a friend was telling me that her healthy cat went blind suddenly.
Lucy is a Jack Russell Terrier that suddenly went totally blind from something called SARDS (Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome) in September 2004 at just 2 1/2 years old.
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