Sentences with phrase «suffer financial strain»

Our goal is to secure maximum compensation for your claim so that you and your loved ones do not have to suffer financial strain as a result of your brain injury.

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God is present in every form of suffering and depravity — painful relationships, chronic illness, addictions, deaths of loved ones, unemployment, financial strain, children who turn from God.
Apart from the bodily harm and psychological suffering a burn victim may experience, the financial strain of healthcare costs can make it extremely difficult to recuperate after sustaining a burn injury.
When this occurs, the family of the victim must endure the suffering resulting from their loss, as well as the financial strain of a funeral, burial, and other such expenses.
The physical suffering, financial pressures and family strain that so often result from such circumstances can seem insurmountable unless justice and accountability can be obtained from those responsible.
In the aftermath of a tragic incident, families are often additionally burdened by the financial strain of medical bills and lost income when the deceased was supporting the family, along with pain and suffering.
After suffering an injury, your medical bills can continue to pile up, and your inability to work can place a severe financial strain on your and your family.
We know about the financial burdens, the lost wages, the pain and suffering and the other strains a serious accident can put on a family.
The employment gaps also accentuate gender differences which already exist in legal employment, which helps illustrate how historically disadvantaged groups are almost always the first to suffer when the economy or a sector is placed under financial strain.
You may be suffering from painful accident injuries, financial strain or even the loss of a loved one, so you shouldn't be dealing with the added stress of personal injury legal proceedings as well.
If you have bee involved in a car accident and undergone financial strain, pain or emotional suffering, we can help you get the maximum car accident settlement possible.
While no amount of money can compensate the pain and suffering caused by an amputation or disfigurement accident, it can take away the burden of financial strain placed on a victim and his or her family.
The injuries you suffer in a drunk driving accident involving a truck can cause extreme pain and suffering, and financial strain as well.
If you or a loved one has been injured because of someone else's negligence, pursuing a personal injury claim can help you to receive compensation for financial strain, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, impairment of your leisure and work activities, and other damages that may have occurred.
Although some car accident victims may result largely unscathed, others may suffer broken bones, organ damage, brain and spinal cord injury, The injured party may require recurrent doctors» appointments, medications and surgery, at - home care, specialized transportation assistance, and time off from work — all placing mental and financial strain on the individual and his or her household.
Couples experiencing infertility often suffer marital discord due to stress from several sources including the financial strain of invasive high tech infertility treatments that can cost tens of thousands of dollars and have no guarantee of success; the emotional strain — shame, guilt and inadequacy — that many men and women endure as they struggle with the inability to produce biological children; and the physical strain from treatments that involve hormone and other drug therapies that can cause fatigue, nausea, headaches, mood swings, weight gain and disruption of the sleep cycle.
Warning signs for an impending binge can include poor sleep or sleep deprivation and suffering psychologically stressful events, like the loss of a loved one, financial strain, or job loss.
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