Sentences with phrase «suffer less anxiety»

1) Hypothesis # 1: Legal researchers suffer less anxiety at the initiation stage of their research if they consult a trained law librarian to discuss the issue and identify a research strategy, including recommended sources.
Research shows children who receive massage cry 50 % less, sleep more soundly, and suffer less anxiety.

Not exact matches

Most obviously, the needs of very young fathers are substantially different from those of older young fathers (Kiselika, 2008, p. 132); and they tend to be most socially disadvantaged to start with, are less likely to be living with their children's mothers, and are more likely to be involved in criminality and substance misuse and to suffer anxiety, depression and emotional volatility (Kiselika, 1995).
A study published in the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science found that dads who were actively engaged in raising their children had kids who were better at problem solving and less likely to suffer emotional problems like anxiety and social withdrawal.
Postpartum advantages are adding up as well: Research by Kennell and others suggests that doula - supported mothers breastfeed more successfully and suffer from less postpartum anxiety and depression than new moms without such support.
Residents with bedroom temperatures at 21 °C were 50 % less likely to suffer depression and anxiety than those with temperatures of 15 °C.
People who usually experience very little anxiety, guilt, anger, alienation and other unpleasant emotions — that is, who have low «negative emotionality» — are also less likely to suffer from PTSD following trauma.
«People who sleep less than 8 hours a night more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety
People living in neighbourhoods with more birds, shrubs and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress, according to research by academics at the University of Exeter, the British Trust for Ornithology and the University of Queensland.
In fact, anxiety disorders affect an estimated 40 million Americans, but less than half of those suffering actually receive treatment Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for stress and a variety of other disorders caused by our hectic modern lives.
In fact, those who lived closest to a park, nature preserve or wooded area were less likely to suffer from anxiety or depression.
Despite being highly treatable, less than 40 % of those suffering from anxiety seek out help (1).
Despite suffering from depression and anxiety since puberty, the now 26 - year - old says she's happier than ever, sleeps better and feels less stressed.
Women suffer more from anxiety disorders than men do, and studies show that excessively anxious (or highly neurotic) women report less satisfaction with
They are less likely to suffer from separation anxiety as they will always have each other if you can't be at home.
Other dogs are less physically destructive, but suffer equal anxiety.
Cats that have feline company while you are away at work are less likely to misbehave out of boredom, suffer from separation anxiety or depression and if they are raised with other cats, can be more adaptable to physical or social changes in their environment.
Far from «callously disregarding», these peoples» problems, by pointing out the most likely real cause to these peoples» trouble I am making it easier for them to seek help and making it less likely that others will suffer from the same unnecessary anxiety.
When a child is born into a stable environment, not a toxic family environment, science shows that they are far less likely to suffer from long - term stress and anxiety.
It was then mentioned that children who are given the freedom to work on their emotions and have it regulated are less prone to suffer from depression and anxiety compared to the those who are emotionally attached to their parents
Without getting into too much detail (which would require a separate paper), the basic conception was that the innate drives and emerging wishes of the individual come into conflict with external reality (including other people) and the developing superego, leading to more or less chronic and unconscious anxiety, which creates, not only individually experienced suffering, but disruptions in one's relationships (Freud, 1920).
Studies in the past suggest that kids raised in this parenting style tend to do less fine in schools, have lesser self - esteem and suffer from anxiety and depression.
When a mother is suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental health concern, she is much less able to respond adequately to her child's needs.
Our research on the parents found that they were more confident in their parenting afterwards, were less critical of their children and suffered less health problems such as anxiety and depression,» Dr McGilloway said.
You may be suffering from anxiety, depression, dealing with grief or loss, have painful unresolved issues from the past, struggling in a relationship with a significant other, dealing with life - changing issues, or feeling you are settling for less than you deserve; please consider allowing me to help you take that first step.»
I have found that as I've got older I am certainly less confident and on top of being less confident, now suffer from anxiety issues.
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