Sentences with phrase «suffer under this system»

All students suffer under this system, but the neediest suffer the most.
For decades, Illinois has suffered under a system that rewards students living in wealthy districts and leaves low - income students behind.
Until then, prisoners will continue to suffer under a system that has been found to be woefully inadequate in protecting their rights.

Not exact matches

Of course, strategic voting is only necessary because Canada still suffers under the first - past - the - post system.
He wastes huge amounts of time on pointless activities, suffers emotional harm under a bizarre worldview that accuses him of being inherently evil, and feels forced to throw away significant amounts of money to fund the perpetuation of the belief system his is enslaved by.
The truth is the people who really suffer under our current medical care system are the working middle class and the self employed.
With respect to the teachers and their dues, «National Extortion Association» may be right, but even greater sympathy is warranted for the parents, and especially the children, who suffer under the present system.
For example, under extended international law no nation should be allowed to maintain a system of slavery or to cause its citizens to suffer loss of life, health, or property without just cause.
Throughout the history of the world there have been peoples suffering terribly under oppressive rule and inhumane social systems.
I rated Szczesny highly, but I think even De Gea could suffer under Wenger's system.
Infertility is a disease or condition of the reproductive system often diagnosed after a couple has had one year of unprotected, well - timed intercourse, or if the woman has suffered from multiple miscarriages and the woman is under 35 years of age.
Queens Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras - Copeland, who chairs the powerful Committee on Finance, suggested the city could lose precious monies for the NYPD for its non-cooperation on immigration issues, while the public hospital network could suffer if the president repeals the Obama - era Affordable Care Act and the school system might lose funding under the policies of U.S. Secretary of Education - designate Betsy DeVos.
Districts and Municipalities should be encouraged to plan their budgets like any other year, and plan to override the cap when essential services will suffer — because taxes will not go down under the current property - tax based system (or healthcare system or pension system).
«Instead of bringing taxes in line with other states, Mr. Cuomo would heap more bureaucratic burdens onto the backs of New York businesses already suffering under one of the most oppressive regulatory systems in the nation.
«After having already suffered under Gordon Brown's failure to sort out our education system, this generation now bears the heaviest brunt of his economic mismanagement.»
The general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders John Dunford had described it as a «corner - shop system» under which the poor would suffer.
Refresher classes and self - paced modules would suffer under Texas» system of reimbursing colleges by course enrollment, so legislators would have to overhaul the funding formula to reward outside - the - box solutions.
We have no idea what these private philanthropic endeavors are teaching, but the country's education system certainly is suffering under their leadership especially in the large urban school districts that they have taken over (last full paragraph is telling).
Unlike older models, the WRX STI S208 does not suffer from under - steering issues — when turning corners — thanks to an innovative «Active Torque Vectoring» braking system.
If a dog is under stress, suffering from malnutrition or has an impaired immune system, then the mites will reproduce more rapidly.
The ones that suffer most under this system are the ones that require you to tilt your phone to control your character.
A renewable portfolio standard, or a feed in tariff, will suffer the same fate under a US cap - and - trade system that the German subsidies to wind have suffered under the EU's cap - and - trade system.
It is no coincidence that the criminal justice system's so - called safety net mechanism has suffered more under «austerity» than any other agency.
For example, under this system, anyone with a «minor injury» such as soft - tissue damage in their neck would be likely to receive the exact same amount of compensation and treatment, regardless of their personal circumstances or their individual extent of pain and suffering.
It is interesting to note that, even under the new system, if you elect to pay an additional $ 1,300.00 per year in insurance premiums on top of your regular premiums, then you would be entitled to a cap of $ 75,000.00 for pain and suffering, even if your injuries are «minor» in nature.
«The Board should be cautious of perpetuating existent mental health stigmas, and rather, should take definitive action to ensure that workers who suffer from chronic mental stress are not discriminated against under the compensation system,» said Buckley.
Those workers who suffer such severe injuries deserve the top compensation allowed under Maine's workers» compensation system.
Israel, started with the best of intentions, now - it suffers under an dehumanizing theocratic apartheid system in which over half its people are banned from voting by accident of their birth.
Additionally, persons that have been the subject of violations of the collection of electronic addresses or accessing a computer system to collect personal information (i.e., email harvesting and use) provisions in s. 7.1 (2) and (3) of PIPEDA in contravention of s. 5 (PIPEDA violations) or has suffered conduct that is reviewable under s. 74.011 of the Competition Act, i.e., been the recipient of false or misleading electronic messages (Competition Act violations), can also apply to a court for justice.
Build quality also suffers under the scrutiny of this system's price.
For systems that really do suffer persistent sluggishness, turning off background prefetching may be your last call; located under Privacy settings.
There's no way to know for sure how many of the approximately 600,000 foster children in the US are suffering from RAD, but I'm positive the disorder is flying under the radar and contributing significantly to the chaotic state of our foster care system.
Dictatorship can not be permitted not because there couldn't (theoretically) be some wise and beneficent dictators who would be better and more efficient than the messy system of due process and checks and balances we idealize, but because under that dictatorial system we inevitably and primarily will suffer the fools, the tyrants, and the corrupt.
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