Sentences with phrase «suffered by accident victims»

The damage suffered by accident victims often goes far beyond medical bills.
The losses suffered by accident victims in terms of lost work or wages, pain, suffering, loss of mobility, physical impairment and other losses are tremendous.
The actual monetary amount of any settlement which should represent a fair and reasonable amount of compensation for all injuries and losses suffered by the accident victim can not realistically be determined until all of the evidence is accumulated.
Many cases arise where serious damages are suffered by an accident victim who is not wearing a seatbelt.

Not exact matches

For example, the pain suffered by a decedent who survived for some time following the accident before succumbing may be viewed as greater than that of a victim who died instantaneously at the scene or immediately thereafter.
The Florida Supreme Court has held that (1) pain and suffering along with (2) mental anguish and (3) inconvenience are damages that are recoverable by a car accident victim.
The actual potential value of any personal injury claim that is settled out of court is determined by the nature and extent of the accident victim's injuries, the medical expenses, the loss of income, and the pain and suffering that the accident victim endures because of the fault of another person or business entity.
Unfortunately, many car accident victims suffer injuries in crashes caused by drowsy drivers or those behind the wheel while fatigued.
In determining the value of these damages, consideration must be given to numerous factors, including the degree of consciousness of the decedent following the accident, the severity and duration of the pain and suffering experienced by the victim, and the degree of apprehension of impending death.
A pool owner who is found negligent can then be held responsible for compensating accident victims who suffer injuries that are caused by the dangerous diving board conditions.
The damages suffered by the victim of a vehicle accident can be far reaching and devastating.
Some injuries commonly suffered by truck accident victims in Cedar City include the following:
Common losses documented by truck accident victims include medical bills, lost income, emotional distress, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life.
We also provide legal advocacy for many other types of victims, including those who have been bitten by dogs, those who have suffered from slip and fall accidents due to unsafe premises, individuals who have been injured in maritime accidents, and so on.
Victims of car accidents may be entitled to financial compensation for damages, medical costs, and pain and suffering caused by the crash.
Injury victims should contact a Lafayette personal injury attorney for information regarding available compensation for the injuries and suffering caused by a personal injury accident.
The victim in an accident that was caused by a drunk or drugged 18 - wheeler driver may file a lawsuit to recover compensation for any medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages that resulted from the collision.
languishing cases) suffered by injured Ontario auto accident victims?
Experts such as accident reconstructionists, forensic accountants, private investigators and other professionals can attest to the pain of the victim and the financial losses suffered by your family.
And the laws of New Mexico allow for the victims of these accidents to recover for their medical bills, future medical expenses, and any pain and suffering experienced by the accident.
If a trucking company pays its employees in a manner that induces drivers to drive at excessive speeds, take few or no breaks, and drive while fatigued, the trucking company may be found to have negligently caused an accident victim's injury or death and result in the trucking company's direct liability for the damages suffered by the victim or the victim's family.
We have successfully represented numerous victims who suffer irreparable harm in accidents caused by negligent drivers.
In many cases, this pain and suffering is due to an accident caused by another party, and can cost a victim time at work and expensive medical bills.
This may be the case where the accident victim was a passenger on the back of a snowmobile, and they suffered injuries as a result of the negligent operation of the machine by the driver.
As the damages suffered by innocent victims in 18 - wheeler accidents can be extremely severe, the lawsuit or claim filed to recover damages must be carefully prepared and filed.
Some of these injured victims will file a negligence claim or personal injury lawsuit seeking financial damages for their lost wages, personal injuries, pain and suffering caused by the parking lot accident.
If the accident victim dies as a result of such injuries, the negligent driver may be found liable in a wrongful death action for the damages suffered by certain of the victim's immediate family members as a result of the victim's death.
In any of these cases, if the driver's rule or law violation or other incidence of negligence is determined to have caused an accident victim's injury, the driver may be found liable for the damages suffered by the victim as a result of his or her injuries in a negligence action brought by the injured victim.
Many bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents and drunk driving accidents demand legal representation, due to the severe injuries suffered by the innocent victims and we are proud to help them fight for their just outcome.
At Patino Law Firm, our dedicated legal attorney has the knowledge and experience necessary to help accident victims fight for the compensation they need after suffering from an accident caused by someone else.
The victim in an accident that was caused by the negligent driver of a semi-truck may be eligible to receive damages related to his or her lost benefits and wages, any resulting temporary or permanent disability, medical costs, and pain and suffering.
While no amount of money can compensate the pain and suffering caused by an amputation or disfigurement accident, it can take away the burden of financial strain placed on a victim and his or her family.
Recent highlights include securing damages for the psychiatric injuries suffered by three secondary victims of a fatal motorcycle accident, including one who was not proximate to the scene.
Finding Out if You're Eligible for Compensation If you or someone in your family has been a victim of an accident caused by driver who was texting, it's always a good idea have a knowledgeable accident attorney on your side who can evaluate the details of your particular situation and determine whether you are owed a settlement for your suffering.
An experienced personal injury attorney can evaluate the facts of a particular incident and the applicable law to assess the potential for recovery by the accident victim for their medical bills, pain and suffering and lost wages due to missing work.
Injuries suffered by train accident victims include injuries to the brain and spine, burns, broken bones, and abrasions.
In a perfect world, it would be easy for car accident victims to be compensated by insurance companies for medical bills, car repairs, wage loss, pain and suffering, physical impairment, and other damages caused by a car accident.
Due to the severity of most 18 - wheeler accidents, the victim in a crash that was caused by a tractor - trailer driver may be entitled to receive financial compensation for lost wages and benefits, any disability that resulted from the collision, medical expenses, suffering, and pain.
In addition to compensation for pain and suffering, an injured accident victim may also be entitled to compensation for loss of income, housekeeping and other out - of - pocket expenses, and past and future care expenses not covered by OHIP or other health plans.
Primary victims should be confined to persons who had suffered psychiatric injury caused by fear or distress resulting from involvement in a stressful event such as an accident or its immediate aftermath.
Secondly, the value of a case depends on a multitude of factors, including but not limited to: the circumstances of the accident; the physical limitations and permanent injuries resulting from the accident, the economic losses suffered by the victim and / or his family (medical bills past and future, future and past lost wages); any scarring or disfigurement; the strength of each side's experts and what kind of witness each of the parties makes.
It must be noted that this application can be filed only by the accident victim who has sustained serious injuries or suffered property damages.
Single accident bodily injury liability protection is the limit of a policy set aside for responding to any and all injuries suffered by other victims of an at fault accident.
In the aftermath of auto accidents, victims who are severely injured or who miss significant time at work are often encouraged by their families or lawyers to seek punitive damages in civil court to cover these costs and their pain and suffering.
The first area is expenses related to injuries suffered by victims in other vehicles involved in the accident.
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