Sentences with phrase «suffering children»

This finding implies that neural connectivity is impaired in people who suffered child abuse, which eventually will help inform better treatment options.
Their main concern is that the book features drawings of suffering children, including one of a kid living in a box in the rain.
Historically, parents have thought that suffering, burdens, and sacrifices were an important basis of morality — that through suffering children learned empathy.
One of her primary goals was to reduce the degree of emotional suffering children experience through divorce by stressing the importance of parents recognizing their human rights throughout the process.
And just as those rats produced fewer receptors for stress hormones, the neurons of the people who had suffered child abuse had fewer receptors as well.
Danza del Sol Winery is dedicated to supporting those in need or suffering children in the local community.
An estimated one out of every five suicide victims suffered child abuse, leading experts to consider a possible correlation between stressful upbringings and epigenetic change [source: Economist].
Please remember, to not suffer the children to come onto you, if you feel your base instincts getting the better of you, have a good wa * nk before ministering to your congregation.
Saints» first - team players and staff paid a visit to Southampton General Hospital to put smiles on the faces of suffering children on Tuesday.
In May researchers at McGill University reported that the gene responsible for creating cells» protein - building machinery is more frequently methylated in the hippocampus — the brain region responsible for short - term memory and spatial navigation — of depressed suicide victims who suffered child abuse than in the brains of nonsuicide victims who were not abused.
Craig DiLouie — Suffer the Children Patrick Freivald — Jade Sky Chuck Palahniuk — Beautiful You Christopher Rice — The Vines Steve Rasnic Tem — Blood Kin
... is to serve suffering children of the street, and protect and safeguard all children... with absolute respect and unconditional love (see full mission on web site)
Child Abuse: While children living with their unmarried biological mother and her live - in boyfriend face a higher risk of suffering child abuse than kids in any other type of family, children who live with their own cohabiting parents are more likely to be abused than children of married parents.
And yet... they listen to the anguished plea of a heartsick mother for a suffering child.
How about an issue; «Suffer the children to come unto me and forbid them not.»
so kick a veteran for the suffering children around the wold.
To Berger no theodicy (i.e., religious explanation of suffering, death, or evil) is tolerable if it can not be recited face - to - face to suffering children and their parents.
As a parent of three children, when one of my kids was in crisis or suffering, it was not at all difficult for me to leave the other two children on their own for a time while I gave special attention to my sick or suffering child.
In the end, silence is actually a representative of God's care, provision and empathy for his suffering children.
Yes, suffering children are part of that plan even though we think we have a better plan.
Unlike Ivan, Alyosha does not clip newspaper accounts of suffering children and then offer anti-theological arguments about them; instead, he actually seeks out the insulted and injured, identifying himself with them.
When a child suffers an injury that keeps him out of sports for an extended period of time, he suffers a
How do you like that John DeFrancisco having a pizza party but refusing to meet with constituents who had suffered child abuse... did the Diocese of NYC pay for his pizza?
«I wonder if you have any idea of the pain and suffering my child has faced in her short lifetime?»
«I wonder if you have any idea of the pain and suffering my child has faced in her short life time?»
How to reverse it: In order to find more self - compassion, try to view yourself as though you were viewing a suffering child.
Flashbacks cryptically indicate that he suffered child abuse, has suicidal tendencies and is a combat veteran with posttraumatic stress disorder, although nothing is made of his time in the war in Afghanistan.
On the basis that 100 percent of proceeds are being donated to charity to help sick and suffering children, I, Hope outshines any other game on the market.
The stories included in the work are «Suffer the Children» (Armstrong), «Pipers» (Golden), «A Bad Season for Necromancy» (Liss), and «Alive Day» (Maberry).
Sympathy is a natural and appropriate human response to the suffering these children have endured, but when sympathy becomes pity, the child is reduced to the status of victim without agency.
Perhaps it is to be grave, showing darkness visible, like Rembrandt, at the terrible moment of Christ's death; or to be melancholy, like the 19th - century French painter Eugène Carrière, painting a mother nursing her suffering child in doleful sepia.
It was discovered that the suffering children lived in urban enclaves so dense that very little natural daylight penetrated.
Yesterday, the FDA announced its plan to take these warnings to the next, more - alarming level, with 36 new proposed warnings that include graphic images of corpses, cancer victims and suffering children.
Our firm will help you prepare and file your school bus accident claim and will aggressively pursue the fair and reasonable compensation deserved for the financial costs as well as pain and suffering your child has endured.
Bradenton, FL About Blog Jake Taraska Foundation is committed to use the passion for sports to help find a cure for pediatric cancer and to provide hope to the suffering children.
Families will no longer have to feel isolated and alone in their journey to find effective and compassionate treatment for their suffering children.
Children of sex addicts need to know that they are not alone in their suffering
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