Sentences with phrase «suffering masses»

The phrase "suffering masses" refers to a large group of people who are experiencing pain, difficulty, or hardship. It highlights the collective suffering and the challenges that people are going through together. Full definition
Staghorn and tabular corals suffered mass die - offs, robbing many individual reefs of their characteristic shapes.
This was the conclusion of research conducted by Eawag and Bern University scientists on cichlid species in Lake Victoria, which suffered mass extinction following the introduction of the fish - eating Nile perch in the 1950s.
Two versions of the game were released for both servers that limit the inter-playability features and now that the latter is suffering mass exodus of players, Windows 10 Store has nowhere to go but refund.
Sadly, it's only a matter of time before the United States suffers another mass shooting.
Other cities that have suffered mass killings have found resilience in reclaiming the scenes of their pain.
A few days after Tillerson's decision, a horrific campaign of ethnic cleansing broke out in Burma, with the Rohingya community suffering mass rape, executions and displacement.
[26] Suffering mass electoral defeat at the local elections, in London, Labour lost 15 boroughs, including Livingstone's London Borough of Lambeth, which came under Conservative control.
We therefore give the BNI up to midnight of September 25, 2016 to release, else suffer a mass action at their working premises.
The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo, has urged the next generation of African leaders to seek peace and prosperity for the long suffering masses on the African continent.
Suffering mass loss of life, Eggsy and Merlin (Mark Strong), seemingly the only Kingsman who survived, are left to find aid in their United States brethren known as the Statesman.
Nuveen NWQ Large - Cap Value (NQCAX, 47 % distribution) has been suffering mass redemptions — assets were $ 1.3 billion in mid-2013, $ 700 million in mid-2014, and $ 275 million at year's end.
The Great Barrier Reef has suffered mass bleaching events in the past, in 1998, 2006, and 2010, with 1998 and 2010 corresponding to El Niño events.
Arby's has joined the list of fast - food chains that have suffered mass credit card thefts in the past year, mostly due to malware that makes its way into restaurants» computerized cash registers.
Earmarked by many for success through 2016, the online home removal platform reportedly burnt through $ 25m in funding and suffered mass layoffs after scaling way too quickly.
LIFE on Earth has suffered mass extinctions many times in its 3.5 - billion - year history.
The company has suffered a mass exodus of sales people to a competitor and you have the experience and contacts to rebuild a sales team for them.
Employers are the convenient villain in this narrative, where capitalism and free markets only benefit the chosen few, at the expense of the suffering masses.
Walker simply has to define the God of the oppressed as containing the contingent actuality of the real lives of the suffering masses.
Because we follow a crucified Christ, we enter into solidarity with the world's suffering masses.
Eliade affirms that it exists not only in places like «rural Romania, but is also to be found in India, in the Mediterranean religion, in Negro spirituals...» It injects solidarity among the suffering masses whoever they are and wherever they happen to live.
That god parted the clouds and spoke or we are all suffering mass hysteria?»..
Hoekendijk challenged missionaries to identify and integrate with the suffering masses, seeking to realize God's shalom on earth.
It was never his singular idea but the concerns of the suffering masses.
Atoye further said Tuface only joined the rally to take the lead role, It was never his singular idea but the concerns of the suffering masses.
Former President John Dramani Mahama has challenged his successor, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo to move beyond propaganda and work to assuage the plight of the suffering masses who voted for change at the last elections.
Miss Munira Abubakari thereby advised government to judiciously expend the oil revenue on a few sustainable projects to alleviate the plight of the suffering masses.
The only strategy PDP is trying to adopt to reclaim power come 2019 is to STARVE & SUFFER the masses and then blame APC.
He warned politicians to stop insulting the suffering masses with such bogus figures and well packaged lies.
I pray our elite, marginalized youth and suffering masses will rise up and rescue this troubled nation.
We wish to issue a responsible and necessary caution that we would, on behalf of the suffering masses of Ghana, take any legitimate action possible to stop these evil rates of increase in the cost of electricity and water from being visited on the people and businesses in Ghana.
«We call on the Government to immediately halt the increases in electricity and water bills, review it and come with a plan that makes sense.We wish to issue a responsible and necessary caution that we would, on behalf of the suffering masses of Ghana, take any legitimate action possible to stop these evil rates of increase in the cost of electricity and water from being visited on the people and businesses in Ghana.
ask the pope that u need a great spirit to fight corruption and uplift the suffering masses..
The stealing of government funds, in small and large lumps, is a crime against the suffering masses and the Nigerian state, which ought to be severely punished.
Successive government's implementation of pro-poor programmes including the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA), have failed to alleviate the plight of the suffering masses.
Hon. Alhaji Boniface Abubakari Sadique said government was poised to implement pro-poor policies needed to assuage the plight of the suffering masses.
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