Sentences with phrase «suffering of other people»

Developed through emotional attachment with other human beings, empathy is our ability to recognize, feel, and respond to the needs and suffering of other people.
While I wouldn't wish it on anyone, you really can go through breastfeeding grief and come out on the other side as a more mature and understanding person, more sympathetic toward the suffering of other people.
Rodrigues has trouble making these distinctions, however, because he thinks that love requires that he alleviate the suffering of other people.

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I am not a big fan of schadenfreude — that is, the act of getting joy from the suffering of others — but you can feel a little bit better about your own financial problems when you realize that few people are free of money stress.
I can't speak for people of other religions, but one central idea of Christianity is suffering for the Gospel.
@Really - O «Yes, society should allow people to do whatever they want as long as they do not cause others to suffer AND no unprovoked force is involved (please not the AND... this is not to be confused with OR)» @Chad «so, then you are in favor of: — legalizing all forms of drugs (as long as they are not used when operating a vehicle, same as drinking and driving).
Is it fair to assume that some good people are spared a catastrophe while other good people suffer it (think of floods, for example)?
In fact, it seems very much that you simply like the thought of other people suffering.
A paraphilia is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving: nonhuman objects; the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner (not merely simulated); or animals, children, or other nonconsenting persons.
Some have praised the books for bringing Christian thoughts and theology to a mass - market audience, while others have accused them of revelling in the suffering of people who don't know God.
Consider that Job was a person who suffered loss as almost no other human being had — loss of family, loss of health, and loss of wealth.
our earth - planet we are on is one of the worst of all, and there are many, many, other earth - planets that have people just like us, and the suffering we endure on this one, is not the norm.
Fundamentalists have used it to tell people suffering here that their «reward will be great in Heaven» so they just have to grin and bare it now instead of looking at how they can help ease the suffering of others.
Once you fully let go of that delusion and see us for what we are, just another specie vying for survival and dominance based on instincts that evolved before we had the ability to inflict widespread death, suffering, and destruction on other people, there is less cause for cynicism.
I think it is even possible that I might naturally feel compassion for other people (such as suffering people in China), but I would probably figure that this is some strange extension of a natural feeling of compassion which is a beneficial trait towards my children and my friends.
that minimizes the historical suffering of women and minority groups in this country, 2) an overwrought persecution complex that confuses sharing civil rights with others with being persecuted by them, and 3) a persistent fear of the perceived «other» — Muslims, LGBT people, immigrants, refugees, etc. — that results in culture wars meant to «take back» the public square.
I completely agree with you in that your statement, «Almost all great stories, novels, myths, and movies have as their core plot the idea of a person who sacrificially gives of himself for others, to rescue and deliver them from some calamity, and in so doing, suffers great personal loss, but ultimately rises into glory,» is no coincidence.
It means to see the suffering we go through (whether we want it or not) from the perspective of Christ, Paul, Peter, and countless people who suffered for the sake of their faith and offered their suffering to God as a sacrifice on behalf of others.
It is a riff on the problems I've seen in people in leadership roles that I have no other way to interpret but as them demonstrating sociopathological behaviors — no apparent conscience touched by issues of right / wrong, no apparent compassion and empathy for others who are suffering or how their own abusive actions induce suffering.
Then there are the Bad Attitudes of the immature in faith: I have a hard time accepting myself; I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and obligations I have; My life is filled with stress and anxiety; I tend to be critical of other people; I do not want churches getting involved in political issues; I do not understand how a loving God can allow so much pain and suffering in the world.
The article concludes: «For those Christians opposed to elective abortion, however, the issue becomes complicated because of the laudatory goals of those trying to help persons suffering from diabetes, Parkinson's, and other diseases.
At the heart of what these bishops and others have called a «merciful» path is a frenzied desire for happiness and for the avoidance of pain and suffering, supposing that these people have suffered enough.
And other racisms, such as sexism... of women for being women or for gays for being gay... people suffering because of who they are.
People have rejected theism because they held untenable the idea of a mind not subject to change or to interaction with other beings, or a mind omnipotent in the sense that its power was all the power in existence, or a mind having precise knowledge of details of the future (or of all times from the standpoint of eternity), or a mind creating a first state of the cosmos at a finite time in the past, or knowing all suffering although it did not itself suffer, or an all - embracing mind which in no sense could be identified with the universe, or one which could in every sense be identified with it.
For our purposes, the medical and psychiatric therapies may be divided into three categories according to their purpose: (1) those therapies that aid in the physical rehabilitation of the person suffering from the effects of an acute binge and / or prolonged excessive drinking over many years; (2) those that help to keep the addictive cycle broken and thus maintain sobriety for sufficient time to allow other therapies to take effect; (3) those that aim at lessening the alcoholic's personality problems — both those that contributed to the causation of his addiction and those resulting from the interpersonal chaos of progressive alcoholism.
When this movement of peoples still retained enough vestige of establishment to prevail as a people, others suffered.
The Old Testament is full of stories of the people of God being punished and suffering for their association with other nations because it contaminated their faith.
The chapter entitled «Waging Identity Wars» forced me to confront some of the reasons why I can be cruel and dismissive toward conservative evangelicals (``... when we're suffering an identity crisis, we take cheap shots at other groups in order to feel better about ourselves») and how to move forward (``... we must affirm who we really are as the people of God before we can begin to interact with each other as the people of God.»)
Let us speak of a whole life of sufferings or of some person whom nature, from the very outset, as we humans are tempted to say, wronged, someone who from birth was singled out by useless suffering: a burden to others; almost a burden to himself; and yes, what is worse, to be almost a born objection to the goodness of Providence.
They show that the Old Testament can, and must, be read as a Christian book, prophetic of Jesus; that the paradox that the Messiah should suffer death can be understood in the light of the scriptures; and that the risen Lord's presence, even if it is not recognized at other times, is to be discerned when he encounters his people in the breaking of bread (the Church's Eucharist).
Although the formulation of the question was not always precise, the everyday experience of black suffering, arising from black people's encounter with the sociopolitical structures controlled by whites, created in my consciousness a radical conflict between the claims of faith on the one hand and the reality of the world on the other.
who innocently suffers the consequences of other people's injustices, and who as the creative Word of God has the power and authority to identify with every victim of injustice and, as the one who suffers at our hands, grants us absolution from our evil.
However, nearby stores reported that their sales of these two magazines soared, which means that while Playboy and Penthouse suffered slightly or perhaps not at all in the long run (because of the free publicity), the individual 7 - Eleven owner - franchisers suffered considerable economic damage not only from the loss of magazine sales but from losses of additional sales from people who went to other stores to purchase Playboy and Penthouse.
Our commitment to the rights of our innocent suspect does have a cost: suffering imposed on other innocent people who are no more guilty than our wrongly accused person.
If mature, wise and widely respected Christians are of the opinion that there is a demonic dimension to the suffering, in the company of at least one other Christian, there can be a time of prayer for the person.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
, what sort of person only serves others so that their future suffering in hell will intensify?!
Second, Korean Christian faith, unlike the «ghetto faiths» of many other Asians, bears witness to the ways in which Korean Christians, moved by their deep faith in Jesus Christ as the Suffering Messiah, joined other Koreans to resist historical forces of injustice that were denying Korean people of life, justice and dignity.
For this end, wee must be knitt together in this worke as one man, wee must entertaine each other in brotherly Affeccion, wee must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities, for the supply of others necessities, wee must uphold a familiar Commerce together in all meeknes, gentlenes, patience and liberallity, wee must delight in each other, make others Condicions our owne, rejoyce together, mourne together, labour and suffer together, allwayes haveing before our eyes our Commission and Community in the worke, our Community as members of the same body, soe shall wee keepe the unitie of the spirit in the bond of peace, the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us as his owne people and will commaund a blessing upon us in all our wayes, soe that wee shall see much more of his wisdome, power, goodnes and truthe than formerly wee have beene acquainted with.
Farmers, fisherfolk and indigenous people, especially women producers of food and other primary products suffer from the globalization in most Asian countries.
I, too, am an athiest, and I think the Catholic church is responsible for a lot of suffering and ignorance, but these people go into it with good intentions, and many of them make great differences in the lives of others.
(Colossians 2:11,12, 3:1 - 4) In other words, it is in Christ, in what He did and suffered on our behalf, that the renewal of God's people is accomplished.
However, in the rural areas in the northeast and the north, there is a totally different world where people suffer from economic deprivation and environmental destruction - in other words, all kinds of human rights violations.
Palestinian suffering becomes (the phrase is Goldhagen's) the «unifying symbol» for many people «who have never been troubled by oppression of Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria, or the fate of the world's many other stateless peoples, like the Kurds, Tamils, Tibetans, or Chechens.»
Christianity Today's board chairman, Harold Ockenga, announced in 1977 that that magazine would move to a suburb of Wheaton, Illinois because» «Deleterious things happen to attitudes if a person lives here»» in Washington, D.C., amid the moral decay of soaring liquor consumption and illegitimate births.49 Sojourners, on the other hand, recently chose to relocate its intentional community and editorial offices in the heart of that same capital district, amid the suffering and dispossessed.
FEAR LEADS TO ANGER WHICH LEADS TO HATE WHICH CAUSES SUFFERING... The greatest horrors of humanity have been committed by people who use RELIGION as the justification for what they do whether its one side or the other.
Her only excuse for being a «liberal» in this matter was that the pain and suffering she had endured as an aging widow who had reared a large family alone had purged her heart of the pride that prevents people from loving and understanding others.
A positive approach to suffering becomes a reality, an extension of the basic Christian attitude of living with and for Jesus and for other people.
Much suffering of people comes from the wickedness of others, as in child abuse, wife abuse, and many other forms of not loving a neighbor as oneself.
I lwould ike to see you show you aren't so biased and provide either equal time to showing a positive story about the Catholic Church or show the statistics or stories on other faiths which are suffering equally or more in lack of attendance and in people leaving the church.
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