Sentences with phrase «sufficient access modes»

Sufficient access modes are identified in the [] accessModeSufficient property.
Repeat the property for each set of sufficient access modes.
See the following section on sufficient access modes for how to indicate that the available adaptations allow the content to be consumed in another mode.
An EPUB Publication might have more than one set of sufficient access modes for its consumption depending on the types of content it includes (i.e., unlike accessMode, this property takes into account any affordances for content that is not broadly accessible, such as the inclusion of transcripts for audio content).

Not exact matches

The access modes sufficient to consume an EPUB Publication express a broader picture of the potential usability than do the basic access modes.
Since the Author has also included descriptions for all the images, she can also indicate that a purely textual access mode is sufficient to read the content:
The following examples show the metadata that would be added to an EPUB Publication that has textual and visual access modes, is sufficient for reading by text, contains alternative text and MathML markup, and has a flashing hazard.
accessModeSufficient — a set of one or more access modes sufficient to consume the content without significant loss of information.
This metadata does not make clear whether a textual access mode is sufficient to read the entire publication, or whether a visual one is, only that two modes are required by default.
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