Sentences with phrase «sufficient breast milk»

He can give you peace of mind that your baby seems healthy and content and let you know whether your little one is getting sufficient breast milk.
A September 2013 Time article notes that women who worry about their breastfeeding abilities (including issues like proper latch and sufficient breast milk production) before their baby is born are more likely to switch to formula sooner than women who did not express similar concerns.
In many cases of breast enlargement, there will be no effect on your ability to produce and provide sufficient breast milk for your baby.
Mothers of multiples can produce sufficient breast milk, especially if given appropriate help and support (Multiple Births Foundation 2011).
For mothers who have sufficient breast milk, issues regarding milk sources and health conditions will not be a big deal.
For babies, below 6 months of age, sufficient breast milk is the only way to gain weight.
Sometimes breast - feeding goes well, and other times — as with my own last baby, born in 2010 — a woman is unable to produce sufficient breast milk and turns to formula.
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