Sentences with phrase «sufficient care»

You can hold a driver who failed to drive with sufficient care legally responsible for your injuries.
Are you taking sufficient care for the latest gossip and your personal health?
If a reference is not accurate because the employer hasn't taken sufficient care, a worker can bring a negligence claim in the civil courts for any resulting financial loss.
However, a divorce can still be incredibly pricey for small business owners — and if sufficient care is not taken, it can ruin the company.
Some do not trust private efforts, private businesses, corporations, or even individuals and civic associations to bring sufficient care to the able - bodied poor.
But on the other hand, adhering to the rules of the road is not proof of exercising sufficient care.
When it comes to traveling abroad, you must take care of certain additional things, such as carrying your passport with sufficient care.
How grammar schools were closed has left an often unhappy legacy, with a sense of schools being dismantled without sufficient care for what was being lost.
Rarely does a chained or tethered dog receive sufficient care.
Just because you slip and fall in a public place, the business won't be legally responsible unless the company or its employees acted negligently, or can not demonstrate sufficient care in protecting you from danger.
It's common knowledge that the people who suffer the most from ill health and the inability to take sufficient care of their health and welfare are those people who are in debt and don't have sufficient income to see their doctor or to get debt solution problems sorted out when it first occurs.
The study by global cyber security company Kaspersky Lab showed that many dating apps do not handle users» sensitive data with sufficient care.
Breeders who maintain four or fewer breeding females are considered hobby breeders who already provide sufficient care to their animals without APHIS» oversight — provided they only sell the offspring of animals born and raise on their premises for pets or exhibition.»
Our furry companions develop dental plaque, tartar buildup, gingivitis, broken teeth and even periodontal disease if they go without sufficient care for their teeth.
Rarely do these chained or tethered dogs receive sufficient care.
But even with these, the outcomes are usually good if sufficient care is taken to preserve the nerves and blood vessels in the area of the lipoma.
However, if the owner of IP takes sufficient care to protect it from disclosure, competitors can be enjoined from its use if they were found to have «misappropriated» the IP, which has a lower threshold than «stolen.»
This will help them to overcome the intellectually debilitating and politically destructive conceit that the left can, with sufficient care and ingenuity, purge itself of error and partiality so that it comes to embody the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about moral and political life.
The RCN surveyed 277 school nurses, with 68 per cent saying that there was insufficient school nursing services in their area to provide sufficient care and support to young people.
In most cases, with sufficient care and time, cats can be very successfully transitioned to a new diet, and as this is such an important part of managing chronic kidney disease it is worth taking the time to do this properly.
Normally one could settle this quickly by looking at the data — exactly what Christy (# 23) has attempted to do — but that only works if the data were collected with sufficient care.
Although the Ontario Court of Appeal does not address the issue, renewal clauses in fixed - term contracts likely could have an adverse impact on enforceability of termination clauses that are not drafted with sufficient care.
One would think that former ADA, former Attorney General, former Governor, Eliot Spitzer could read a short dissent with sufficient care to figure out which side was which before going public in an attempt to take on a circuit judge in a battle of wits.
Though illness or injury can strike at any time, when severe incidents occur overseas, lack of proper coverage can leave travelers with steep medical bills for less than sufficient care.
This is often the case, however, there is no guarantee that a judge will grant any type of visitation time to a parent who he or she deems unfit to provide sufficient care and supervision.
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