Sentences with phrase «sufficient research exists»

We conclude that well - implemented community schools lead to improvement in student and school outcomes and contribute to meeting the educational needs of low - achieving students in high - poverty schools, and sufficient research exists to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) standard for an evidence - based intervention.
Ample evidence is available to inform and guide policymakers, educators, and advocates interested in advancing community schools, and sufficient research exists to meet the ESSA standard for an evidence - based intervention.
Ample evidence is available to inform and guide policymakers, educators, and advocates interested in advancing community schools, and sufficient research exists to meet the ESSA standard for an evidence - based intervention.»

Not exact matches

The secret to getting to know your prospective customers in sufficient detail is the buyer persona, which HubSpot defines as «a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.»
The authors also note that driver behaviour is a hugely important and unquantified factor, they urge more qualitative research in this area and note «in order to reduce perceived risk and encourage more cycling... reducing or calming existing motorised traffic must be explored first... lane width is the most significant variable to achieve a sufficient vehicle passing distance... the provision of narrow (< 2 m) cycle lanes... may be insufficient... Reconsideration of the entire road design and further exploration of driver behavioural factors is required.»
There may be no one - size - fits - all approach to farming, but the UN's newfound attention should serve as a gut - check to nations, agencies, and institutions about whether their existing agricultural policies and research are sufficient, or if they should adjust the support they're giving farmers in different corners of the world.
We disagree with the comment that suggests that existing provisions under the Common Rule are sufficient to protect the privacy interests of individuals who are subjects in research that involves the delivery of treatment.
«Some proponents have claimed that research exists that supports their methods, or that their methods are evidence based, or are even the sole evidence - based approach in existence, yet these proponents provide no citations to credible scientific research sufficient to support these claims (Becker - Weidman, n.d. - b).
The testimony focused on three specific points: 1) EPA has not conclusively determined the degree to which lead hazards exist in public and commercial buildings; 2) residential buildings are definitively different than public and commercial buildings — in tenancy, construction, operation and maintenance; and 3) EPA does not have sufficient research on lead hazards in public and commercial buildings; and has not conducted adequate outreach with governmental entities, who own and lease a significant proportion of commercial and public buildings.
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