Sentences with phrase «sugar boost»

So you reach for a quick sugar boost... and start the cycle all over again!
You may even notice some withdrawal symptoms, since sugar boosts dopamine levels, similar to some illicit drugs.
Finally, talk to your vet about keeping and administering honey or other recommended sugar boosts for use in an emergency situation.
Babies respond to those blood sugar boosts of yours much like you do.
Maybe a couple slices of blood sugar boosting whole wheat toast with some hummus, an apple and a potato... yep that would fit, as long as I wash it down with the fat free dairy....
These fruits will not only hold up better in your bag without refrigeration, resisting those bumps and bruises, but will provide you with a natural sugar boost to keep you going strong and feeling bright while conquering the great outdoors.
Cinnamon chips were added for a completely decadent and totally unnecessary sugar boost but are SO DAMN GOOD.
Prostate Cancer: In an analysis of more than 8,000 healthy men, researchers found that eating refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of prostate cancer, while this Italian study concluded that refined cereals and sugars boosted prostate cancer risk.
I do tend to eat sweets when I'm tired and the next meal is a couple of hours away, hoping for that short - term sugar boost to keep me focused on my work.
And when the diabetic person is pulled over and they are wearing a diabetic bracelet and begs for juice (quick sugar boost) and are still prosecuted for drunk driving and their picture goes on a wall with real drunk drivers, is that justice.
In addition to the considerable health benefits of walking, you'll find that the use of an adjustable - height exercise desk leaves you feeling more energized and focused, so you won't need that mid-afternoon caffeine or sugar boost.
Anyway, these are protein energy bars — we WANT the energy and sugar boost!
If you're not preparing for an intense workout or in need of a sugar boost, focus on getting your fuel from foods lower on the GI scale like lentils (29), almonds (0), chickpeas or hummus (10), yogurt (40), and vegetables.
They are very sweet and made the perfect treat when I needed a sugar boost.
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