Sentences with phrase «sugary liquid»

This is because their teeth have been in continual contact with sugary liquids for extended periods of time.
This includes not allowing your child to fall asleep with a bottle as this could allow sugary liquids to pool against the teeth and cause decay.
Sugary liquids cling to teeth and feed bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
Beyond the first year, dental caries — tooth decay — can occur in toddlers who receive sugary liquids in a bottle or who are nursing and eating foods with sugar and carbohydrates.
Fencing off the duodenum in this way enabled the rats to consume sugary liquids without raising their blood sugar, eventually improving their symptoms of diabetes.
While jostling in the drum, they are sprayed with a sugary liquid that hardens into a white candy shell.
It also allows them to reset their internal body to perform better during the day as they have to go to the bathroom about 10 times a day to remove all the sugary liquid.
I would nibble off the top, drink the sugary liquid, then eat the remaining chocolate shell with the candied cherry.
Since I reduced the sugary liquid that way, I had to add just a drizzle of almond milk to make the batter moist enough.
I would hazard a somewhat educated guess that using any soak other than water does nothing to enhance the flavor of the food you're cooking; in fact, if you're using a sugary liquid like apple juice or an alcoholic beverage, the sugar or alcohol may catch fire easier than just plain wood itself.
Manduca sexta moths dine solely on nectar, but the sugary liquid does more than fuel their bodies.
The sugary liquid is a kind of nectar.
These tiny sap - sucking insects secrete a sugary liquid the ants eat in return for taking care of the treehoppers.
The sugary liquid is especially attractive to a host of nocturnal flies and moths, many of which are known to navigate using the polarized light from the moon.
Those pollinators may seem to fly aimlessly as they search for the sugary liquid called nectar.
honey Foraging bees visit flowers in search of nectar, a sugary liquid.
Orange juice, apple juice and other commercial juices are all far too sugary — they contain all the sugary liquid with none of the fibrous plant matter to balance.
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