Sentences with phrase «suggest changing from»

So some vets suggest changing from plastic to stainless steel food dishes, changing brands of litter, laundry detergent, etc..
When her high school sweetheart suggests she change from cleaning houses to cleaning up after crime scenes — a far more lucrative cleaning gig — Rose will enlist Norah to help, giving them a chance to grow closer together and recover from their shared childhood trauma.
With that in mind, let's take a look at these three suggested changes from last December.
For the phrases «are persuaded,» «be taken,» «is sustained,» «are overruled» and «is remanded,» BriefCatch suggested changing all from the passive to the active voice.
With that in mind, let's take a look at these three suggested changes from last...

Not exact matches

From this data, the researchers concluded that women were suggesting more useful changes to the code than men were.
«While C - level personnel changes are important, Twitter has also been quietly hiring experienced tech executives — mostly from Google — for other departments,» Rao writes in a January 2013 Greencrest report on Twitter, which was made available to Inc. «The hiring of these seasoned executives suggests a possible positioning for an initial public offering in the next 12 to 18 months, in our view.»
That would suggest a major relationship change between Trump and Bornstein from 2016, when the physician's letter made what many considered to be hyperbolic assertions about the candidate's health.
And as the number of telecommuters increases (studies suggest about 35 % of employees do some telecommuting, up from about 20 % four years ago), attitudes toward productivity are also changing.
That's important as the change toward labor quality becoming the most important problem for more employers suggests that economic concerns are shifting from weak demand to tight supply.
The show is, as its name suggests, a channel through which Gary Vaynerchuck answers questions on everything from entrepreneurship to the ever - changing landscape of social media.
In those situations, when employees suggested changes to a product, the response from colleagues was that Mr. Fadell had already signed off and they didn't want to have to go through the approval process again.
The White House has insisted that it made only a «stylistic» change to the intelligence agency talking points from which Rice suggested on five Sunday talk shows that demonstrations over an anti-Islamic video devolved into the Benghazi attack.
But regardless, our findings suggest that both presidential candidates will suffer from their past bad acts no matter how much good they advertise in the present, and therefore face an uphill battle in trying to change their reputations with voters before November.
Knowing the OMB received the rule on January 28, the speed of their review suggests there will not be substantive change from the proposed rule released last April.
Over a year which has seen large banks halt funding for fossil fuel projects, major institutions divest from oil, gas and coal holdings, and oil companies snap up power and renewables companies in a bid to diversify their asset base, research published today by the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) and the Climate Change Collaboration suggests nervousness over climate risk has shot up in financial circles.
I think the kinds of suggestions on how to change the tax system like Mr. Gates suggests really come from that concern.
Initial estimates from the Department of Budget and Management suggest Maryland residents could pay as much as $ 680 million in extra state taxes next year unless the state changes its tax laws.
Large price spikes immediately before and after mid-day periods when both utility - scale and distributed solar generation reaches its peak level suggest a need for dispatchable generation sources to help cover ramping periods, when the need for power from the grid to meet load is rapidly changing.
Yet, even with all increasing red flags that suggest that assets held within the global banking system could be devalued, frozen, or seized, or all of the aforementioned, including warnings of possible negative interest rates applied to commercial and corporate bank accounts in the near future from big global banks like the Royal Bank of Scotland, most of us go about our daily lives without giving a second thought about taking preventive actions to prevent such mind - blowing and negatively impacting life - changing events from happening.
The current budget proposal from President Trump suggests some potential changes to the way we handle college debt.
Enterprise bargaining outcomes in the early part of the year also suggested little change in the rate of wage growth; new federal enterprise agreements in the March quarter yielded an average annualised increase of 3.4 per cent, unchanged from the previous quarter.
Preliminary results from Starbucks trial suggests charging customers extra for takeaway cups is an effective way to change behaviour
This tendency suggests that the fundamental reason for the neglect of the church in recent theology lies elsewhere — namely, in the change in locus of theology itself from church to university.
The notion of canalization suggests that social order, far from decreasing the intensity of experience, may actually increase it: «The art of progress is to preserve order amid change, and to preserve change amid order....
But it's telling that the first comment from, you, Steve, when David suggests not even cracking down on, but simply not being apethetic to abuse of people in churches, is that there is no utopia, so just accept it and don't bother trying to change anything.
Usually, then, in my perhaps too extensive experience, the priest suggests, again gently, that some change in behavior be contemplated or undertaken, and then he asks absolution for the sinner, and blesses the penitent, and the penitent emerges from this riveting conversation thinking long thoughts.
The insertion of «then» and the change from «what» to «how» suggest that since everything secret will come to light, listening carefully to obscure sayings will be rewarded.
your role now as atheist, is to be the opposing argumenter for the modern day change process or evolution of the present religion from monotheism which you have shown in your arguments to be flawed so that the future faithfuls will shift to the ultra modern faith called PANTHROTHEISM - the synthesis of theistic monotheism vs.humanistic atheism.I suggest to you to be more aggressive and conscise in your arguments, God needs you
However, it is unclear whether she links the tradition of ontological change only to the «newer» (that is, from the 11th and 12th centuries onwards) and «narrower» (pp205 - 206) interpretation of ordination, for she suggests that an ontological change took place in both St Peter and St Paul symbolised by their name changes in the New Testament (p47).
Since the gospel is always received and appropriated in a specific cultural form, and since the church is established and functions as a social institution, the changes that are taking place in global societies have profound implications for churches (as profound, some have suggested, as our initial transition from a regional Jewish Jesus movement into a global Gentile church).
And there is no need to make further extrapolations — how does this latest news change the alleged situations from big bang till now differently than what the BBT or BVG suggest?
These suggested changes will either be rejected by those in the boxing community (boxing without head shots) or will fail to reduce the potential for devastating harm (head guards have been shown to be generally ineffective in protecting from brain damage).
The reason for such a change, John Foster suggests, was that Christians in China wanted to free themselves from some of the misunderstandings under which they had hitherto laboured.
The exercise David suggests is powerful and promotes changes from within.
This does not mean that God is changed, if by that verb «changed» it is suggested that the divine nature if altered or becomes something essentially different from what it was before Christ's death and thus moves in and towards the world in a fashion totally at variance with the prior mode of divine concern.
As the foregoing examples suggest, most of the social changes that happen in the relative short term (say, a decade to a half century or so) result from specific policy initiatives.
Dr. Lydia Jaeger suggests that a latent Greek - inspired dualism prevents Thomas Aquinas» hylomorphism from cohering with modern insights into the mathematical intelligibility of the phenomenon of change.
A recent report from a blue - ribbon panel, the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons, suggests sweeping changes to reduce violence behind bars and improve health care so that when prisoners are released — 600,000 each year — they will be better citizens.
From my own experience, I would suggest that mainline congregational culture is changing.
Super-busy week for me, can't possibly keep up with rapidly changing Egypt developments, but signs suggest a civil war in the making: From a Guardian story, we learn that Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Alexandria and Mansoura were ransacked and in the case of latter, set on fire, prompting....
Modernization theory views such processes of institutional change within American religion as the alleged differentiation of private piety from public policy, the growing differentiation of secular education from its religious roots, and the emergence of professional therapy as a distinct alternative to pastoral counseling as bellwether trends in advanced industrial societies generally and suggests that they may be in some way influenced by broader international patterns.
Darwin argued that the cu - mulative effect of these small hereditary changes coupled with natural selection should eventually lead to new species and suggested that all species have come into existence from common ancestry in this way.
Left - leaning blogs and sites like ThinkProgress and Huffington Post jumped on Rubio's comments, with the Zack Beauchamp from ThingProgress writing, «To suggest we can't know how old the Earth is, then, is to deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether — a maneuver familiar to Rubio, who also denies the reality of anthropogenic climate change
But declines are occurring in the absence of destruction of habitats, suggesting other causes such as pollution from pesticides, acid rain and increases in ultraviolet exposure or even change in climate (Blaustein & Wake 1990).
I'm not suggesting that having a jerk for a boss is akin to being a slave or a child laborer, but I do believe that if we are going to make our offices, shops and factories the sorts of places we'd like to spend the better part of our waking lives, then change is just as likely to come from the Church as from anywhere else.
Though there is no substantial research to support this affirmation, it is suggested by the overall changes that emerged from the Broadcast Institute study in 1971.
I suggest that... we are not at the beginning of continually accelerating change, but that we are in the middle of a unique transition crisis, like adolescence, as we make the jump from an undeveloped scientific and technological society to a fully developed one....
This is a change from previous advice that suggested introducing peanut - based products before toddler - age could actually lead to a peanut allergy.
I'd make this again, but I'd try it with he following changes: 1) a thinner layer of chocolate on the top (weird coming from me, a chocolate lover); 2) half milk / half dark chocolate like another commenter suggested; 3) I'd try to make the PB layer denser and less fluffy — maybe this means I would whip it less?
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