Sentences with phrase «suggest in a new perspective»

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But as I write in my new Market Perspectives paper, «No Exit,» I'm skeptical that an initial rate hike will herald the end of the rally, though history does suggest that it could result in a modest correction.
But the discussion so far suggests the possibility that a new Christian perspective on history may be emerging which will hold together the truth in the liberal doctrine of progress and the truth in the neo-orthodox affirmation of the judgment of God upon all existing things.
Maxine Glaz has provocatively observed that the move away from psychology in pastoral theology may be part of an «impetus to avoid issues of gender» Just when women in pastoral theology begin to find feminist psychology an incisive tool for reconstructing pastoral care and theology, she suggests, the «people of a dominant perspective emphasize a new theme or status symbol»
Best practice in football management suggests a coach should only be around for 2 - 3 years and move on and give a chance for new ideas and fresh perspective.
Legislator Meyers suggested waiting until a new county executive was elected to get a fresh perspective on the facility, while Legislator Jobson was direct in his belief that the measure was an assault on the disadvantaged.
A new perspective paper written by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and published in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that «new antiviral therapies with cure rates exceeding 95 percent should prompt transplant - community leaders to view HCV (hepatitis C virus)- positive organs as a valuable opportunity for transplant candidates with or without pre-existing HCV infection.&raqnew perspective paper written by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and published in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that «new antiviral therapies with cure rates exceeding 95 percent should prompt transplant - community leaders to view HCV (hepatitis C virus)- positive organs as a valuable opportunity for transplant candidates with or without pre-existing HCV infection.&raqNew England Journal of Medicine suggests that «new antiviral therapies with cure rates exceeding 95 percent should prompt transplant - community leaders to view HCV (hepatitis C virus)- positive organs as a valuable opportunity for transplant candidates with or without pre-existing HCV infection.&raqnew antiviral therapies with cure rates exceeding 95 percent should prompt transplant - community leaders to view HCV (hepatitis C virus)- positive organs as a valuable opportunity for transplant candidates with or without pre-existing HCV infection.»
The results of the study also suggest that life can be sustained even in remote, cold, nutrient poor environments, offering a new perspective on whether the frozen planets of the universe could support microorganisms.
Students» constantly suggested learning life skills like research and critical thinking were vital to them now and in the future, and the conference was intended to provide new ways to gather student perspectives and incorporate students» views into school policy and directives.
But as I write in my new Market Perspectives paper, «No Exit,» I'm skeptical that an initial rate hike will herald the end of the rally, though history does suggest that it could result in a modest correction.
If you want suggested reading on this, look at the investing books of John C. Bogle who studied some of this rather extensively, in addition to being one of the first to create an index fund that became known as «Bogle's Folly,» where a couple of key ones would be «Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor» and «Bogle on Mutual Funds: New Perspectives for the Intelligent Investor.»
In one of the new landscape paintings, traditional pictorial devices used to suggest depth or perspective are playfully challenged by the use of filmic text or explicit engagement with the flatness of the canvas.
Suggesting a subversive history of Minimal Art, this project sheds fresh light on common focuses and intersecting perspectives in a mixture of visual art, dance and music of the sixties and seventies in the New York.
The astounding body of work has not just revealed the immense contribution to reviving forgotten stylistic approach but suggests a particular insight in the studies of popular culture from a new perspective.
''... new scientific findings were more than twenty times as likely to support the ASC perspective [that disruption through AGW may be far worse than the IPCC has suggested] than the usual framing of the issue in the U.S. mass media.
Since the start of a new year is a good time to get a fresh perspective, I wanted to highlight those facets of attorneys» personalities that make adapting so difficult, and in doing so, suggest a start to tackling these challenges.
The problem with these recent decisions isn't so much the Court's desire to curb the presumption of deference and apply correctness to review fundamental legal questions decided in the first instance by a statutory tribunal — this is well within the jurisprudence of Dunsmuir v New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9 and seems to make good sense from most perspectives — but rather the ease with which the Court suggests we can decipher fundamental legal questions from the rest of the field in deciding when to apply the presumption of deference and when not to.
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