Sentences with phrase «suggest it as»

Software has been suggested as one culprit, but «the reality is at this juncture that it's all speculation,» said Hansen.
«I was originally a skeptic,» he says, «but my wife, an expert regular rider, suggested it as a way for us to spend time together.
Steve Jobs famously suggested as much in a commencement address in which he called death «the single best invention of life.»
Although experience suggests this as the likely issue, perhaps there is a problem with the postal service, or maybe things are being delivered but stolen.
Below are the remaining 93 nominees selected by your first - round votes and our advisory panel, plus seven new candidates you suggested as write - ins, readily identifiable by the double asterisk against their name.
Debbie Sterling didn't know what engineering was when her high - school math teacher suggested it as her college major.
Mr. Peck, the SunTrust analyst, also suggested as possible candidates Ross Levinsohn, a former interim chief executive of Yahoo, and Mike McCue, the chief executive of Flipboard, a news aggregation service.
It's worth signing up to at least see what their sophisticated algorithms will suggest as an ideal model portfolio.
March 2018 — the Guardian and New York Times publish fresh revelations, based on interviews with former Cambridge Analytica employee Chris Wylie, suggesting as many as 50M Facebook users might have had their information passed to Cambridge Analytica without their knowledge or consent.
Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, while laying out his national carbon - pricing plan, just suggested as much in a speech at Calgary's Petroleum Club last week.
He joined the service during his first year of college when his brother, who was in the Marine Corps at the time, suggested it as an alternative to nursing school.
What do you suggest as a way to get your audience to engage with your hashtag?
Dave Nadig, CEO of and a well - known ETF expert, recently suggested as much, noting that «Duration hedging hasn't yet had its «hedge the yen» moment when investors discovered the power of currency hedging en masse, but like currency - hedged ETFs, duration - hedged ETFs may start finding a place not necessarily as core holdings, but as finely honed tools for tweaking duration exposure in a broader bond - portfolio context.»
So while we can't really suggest it as the best business phone, Windows phones will most likely still be available to purchase from reselling sites like eBay and Amazon, so if you want to provide your teams with cheap business - focused phones, you can do.
And given the relatively commoditized nature of equities as an asset class for now (don't strikingly similar chart patterns suggest as much?)
To suggest as you do that the Church in Latin / South America is wrapped up in Marxism is equally ignorant.
All I can find is that he has suggested as a possibility that life on Earth originated as a result of panspermia.
Oh, pilgrims walking by oblivious, your minds, it seems, on something not at hand, can you have come from such a distant land» the way you look suggests as much to us» that you're not weeping, even as you pass right through the suffering city, like that band of people who, it....
But its validity was suggested as early as 1969, when a Gallup Poll revealed that 58 percent of all Americans had never finished reading a book other than a textbook or the Bible, and only 26 percent had read a book in the previous month.24 One reason for this near - illiteracy is America's addiction to television.
But there is more that can be suggested as the reasonable and probable implication of what has been worked out with some rigor.
St. Augustine suggests as much when he proclaims that, on that eschatological day, Rachel no longer mourns her sons, since God wipes away all tears from their eyes.
Increasingly, he suggests as a biblical scholar, historical criticism is having diminishing value for eliciting lived truth from biblical texts.
Recent Gallup polls suggest as many as 47 % of Americans believe just that.
Now on the subject at hand I do believe the Apostle Paul was suggesting it as a command but as He said Muzzle not the Ox that treads out corn.
They're just offices after all, and there is something almost reassuring about the present conventionality and banality of modernism, suggesting as it does that corporate affairs are not world historical.
To suggest as some do, that this was unfermented «new wine» is contrary to biblical scholarship.
What does psychoanalysis suggest as the fundamental requirements for the most favorable relationship between teacher and taught?
I would suggest as a reminder that there are many, many different areas for different kinds of news on CNN.
His early life seems so remote from anything today that in many ways it seems almost hopeless to suggest him as a role model for today's bishops.
The «end of the world» was suggested as being in the lifetimes of the disciples in Jesus time.
The way in which those perversions have morally disarmed many Western European countries suggests as much.
The Bible is unique because it suggests as no other book can that God has engaged in history with living human beings, who were inspired to convey their knowledge of God to others, actively expressing themselves in their given historical epochs and cultures.
If the teacher prefers to teach myth as myth, without demythologizing, he can apply the principle of interpretation which Crombie suggests as a basis for discussion.
Such a denial or dismissal of this particular theory or «insight» is by no means to «undermine the credibility of the Church and the message she preaches» and to suggest as much is to substitute physical scientific «insight» for dogmatic truth.
I would be interested in hearing what you might suggest as an alternative.
In their research process, the Dictionary found that the word was first used in 2000 in Alabama and was suggested as a dictionary entry in April 2015.
Within a decade — I may be too optimistic to suggest as long as a decade — denominations like the ELCA will declare a normative standard that their pastors must perform same - sex marriages.
Two large groups suggest themselves as potential candidates for inclusion in a larger Republican coalition: seculars and white Protestant modernists.
Oh, pilgrims walking by oblivious, your minds, it seems, on something not at hand, can you have come from such a distant land» the way you look suggests as much to us» that you're not weeping, even as you pass right through the suffering city, like that band of people who, it seems, don't understand a thing about the measure of its loss?
I believe that the Traditions, like the Steps, are suggested as a program of recovery.
(I use this word in spite of a certain flavor of «sanctimoniousness» which sometimes clings to it, because no other word suggests as well the exact combination of affections which the text goes on to describe).
Making resitution to those you've hurt is suggested as are several other things.)
Given this PEOPLE Propensity: what are you and Slavoj suggesting as transformative — individually or collectively?
The report suggests as papal nuncio to Australia he tried to withhold documents from a state inquiry in News South Wales that was authorised by the Queen.
6 Edwards suggests as a more sympathetic interpretation of this argument that «Mill might have been anticipating what R. M. Hare has called the «universalizability» feature of language.
I wonder, Kyle, about the lustful thoughts that generally accompany the urge to masturbate, I'm told: — RRB -, ever leading to something healthy as you suggest as a possibility with this practise.
It is necessary to «separate the vibrations» sufficiently to allow us to count them (which suggests as will be shown below, in section 51, that some distancing between them is already present).
Niebuhr was concerned that agape not be reduced simply to achievable good acts that liberals suggest as the meaning of love.
The view I want to suggest as a guiding metaphor in this volume is rooted more in an image of terrain.
Carrying an epilogue by the conservative (aka classically liberal) James Fitzjames Stephen, this suggests itself as a worthy textbook on a subject of perennial importance.
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