Sentences with phrase «suggest rain forest»

We can suggest rain forest walking trails and secluded beaches.

Not exact matches

Analyses of temperate rain forests located on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada suggest that for centuries, humans have intentionally used fire to manage plant - life.
At a remote rain forest site in Guatemala last February, archaeologist David Lee happened upon the find of a lifetime: a royal tomb from the seventh century A.D. that suggests war was not strictly a man's game in ancient Mayan society.
Without the fog from the ocean, Weathers and her colleagues suggest, the rain forest of Fray Jorge might starve to death.
«These species can spread across protected areas without the help of land use changes or other human activities, suggesting that traditional conservation approaches on the ground aren't enough for the long - term survival of Hawaii's rain forests
A long hallway separated the two primary elements of Lothar Baumgarten's recent show at Marian Goodman, suggesting the distance between the locales of the projects — one focused on the South American rain forest, the other on the Hudson River Valley north of New York City — as well as the contrast in approaches (soundless imagery for the former, imageless sound for the latter) to what turned out to be congruent conceptual goals, namely an investigation of how «knowledge» of a given place is constructed.
He suggested I post his piece around the December anniversaries of the birth (the 15th) and assassination (the 22nd) of Chico Mendes, Brazil's most famous rain forest defender, because, as Gold told me, «Even though it's tough times for the forest, hope for the dream is still alive.»
Now, as an important aside, it is quite doubtful one could actually stabilize at 750 ppm, since work by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Hadley Center suggest that carbon cycle feedbacks, like the defrosting of the tundra or the die - back of the Amazon rain forest, would release greenhouse gas emissions that would take the planet to much higher levels.
Where we have good data on forest loss and rainfall change there are some observations suggesting a regional decline in rain regularity (as we would predict).
The original report suggested «up to 40 percent» of Brazilian rain forest was extremely sensitive to small reductions in the amount of rainfall, but the IPCC expanded that to cover the entire Amazon, the Times reported.
Diverse studies of global land cover and potential productivity suggest that anywhere from 600 million to more than 7 billion additional acres of underutilized rural lands are available for expanding rain - fed crop production around the world, after excluding the 4 billion acres of cropland currently in use, as well as the world's supply of closed forests, nature reserves, and urban lands.
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