Sentences with phrase «suggest using lighter weights»

If you're up for the challenge, Piela suggests using light weights while you punch.
If you're a gym rat who doesn't want to miss out on weight training, Czincila suggests using lighter weights so you don't overexert yourself.

Not exact matches

Research suggests you can use heavy weights for fewer reps or lighter weights for more reps to build stronger, more sturdy muscles.
Even though popular gym dogma holds that heavy weights are the key to increasing muscle size, these findings suggest that you can achieve the same degree of muscle development by using lighter weights, as long as you pump iron until reaching absolute muscle failure.
That's not much for a guy who used to squat over 1,000, but I'm not accustomed to doing this many reps. I would suggest that the first time you do this workout, you use really light weights and do just 3 sets, resting as long as you need between sets.
I'd also suggest starting with a weight lighter than you think you can do just to get used to the weight distribution of the bell.
The corresponding old master drawings, such as Domenico Beccafumi's «Head of an Old Man with Open Mouth» (ca. 1529 — 35) also use the medium to suggest the weight and movement of the head turning in light.
With restricted use of very particular materials, frequently sheer and lightweight, the installations suggest the presence of light and the absence of weight.
With restricted use of very particular materials, sheer and lightweight, the installations suggest the presence of light and the absence of weight
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