Sentences with phrase «suggested by your editor»

You'll approve and incorporate the editor's changes and corrections, and make revisions as suggested by your editor.
As Gillian Holmes, a former Penguin Random House novel editor, says, a «solution suggested by an editor can often unblock the author's own creative thinking.»
, a former Penguin Random House novel editor, says, a «solution suggested by an editor can often unblock the author's own creative thinking.»

Not exact matches

Editor's note: It is probable that 88 billion or 8.8 x 1010 assumes a growth rate for the earth's population which is much too small — that most of the people who have ever lived are still alive today — suggesting that this number may be too large by a factor of ten.
The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets edited by David Yezzi Swallow Press, 360 pages, $ 19.95 In his introduction, editor and contributor David Yezzi suggests that this collection reconciles the traditional division in the poetry world between those who prefer classical forms and those who....
The army of copy editors and fact - checkers suggests that magazines believe the print version is more important by far: What appears on the blogs doesn't count, unless it is so egregious that even the subscribers of the print magazine and the advertisers start complaining.
That article stimulated a deluge of protesting letters to the editor, and the Century saw fit to editorialize («A Road with Pitfalls,» June 29, 1960), indicating that such an overwhelming negative response «would suggest a prevalent antipathy still to the sort of universalism championed by Hocking and Toynbee and now by Mr. Ferm,» and that the road ahead appears, «at least to many Century readers, rocky and snare - ridden.»
A report from London by way of Richard Cawley (South London Press's Deputy Sports Editor) on Twitter suggests that Charlton manager Chris Powell thinks the marriage would be one made in goalscoring heaven.
Launch editor Ben Munroe - Davies suggests that previous political programmes may have missed a trick by only talking to established political figures.
A letter from the victims, organised by the Hacked Off campaign, makes their alarm clear after a series of reports suggesting David Cameron will give newspaper editors another chance to make self - regulation work — even if Lord Justice Leveson's final conclusions recommend otherwise.
In today's paper, Guardian associate editor Matin Kettle strikes the same notes, suggesting that the Labour leadership has alienated many left - leaning Remainers by waving through Theresa May's hard Brexit.
The New York Times dragged the row over phone hacking back into the spotlight last week after it published an investigation suggesting the practise was widespread at the News of the World and that it had been actively promoted by then - editor Mr Coulson.
On social media, Labour supporter Nicholas Turner indicated that he was not massively inspired by the slogan, while the Daily Mail's deputy diary editor Richard Eden went out on a limb to suggest it could be «the worst campaign slogan in Labour history».
ENDS Notes to Editors UK Alcohol duty context For a short video summary of the issues around alcohol pricing, please visit: Following heavy lobbying from the alcohol industry, the last four Budgets have seen real terms cuts in alcohol duty Alcohol is 60 % more affordable than it was in 1980 — the alcohol duty escalator, introduced in 2008, which ensured that duty rose above inflation, helped mitigate this trend, but this progress has reversed since the duty escalator was scrapped in 2013 In real terms, spirits duty has halved, and wine duty fallen by a quarter since 1978 - 9 The Government estimates suggest that the duty cuts since 2013 will cost the Exchequer # 2.9 billion over four years The University of Sheffield estimated that an additional 6,500 people would be hospitalised each year as a result of the alcohol duty cuts in 2015 The report The report was peer reviewed by academic experts the fields of economics, public health and public policy prior to publication.
The absurdity of suggesting that Iain Duncan Smith's Christian motivations were any kind of secret and of criticising the use of moral categories to justify his policy approaches - only lefties are allowed to have morals, after all; to be Right Wing is, by definition, to be evil, seeking to impose final solutions on the poor, force them to eat rotting horse - flesh, and cleansing them from beyond the sight of nice middle class folk; any right - winger employing a moral term such as «wrong» or «sin» must have some sinister ulterior motivation - has been covered already by the Editor and by Cranmer.
Former minister suggests deal involved appointment by prime minister David Cameron of Andy Coulson, former News of the World editor, to position at No 10
This is the Rebuttal Letter that you send to the editor of the scientific journal detailing how you addressed the changes suggested by the reviewers.
THE EDITORS REPLY: Space is expanding, carrying objects such as galaxies and photons with it, so light travels a greater distance than a simple calculation (such as speed multiplied by time) might suggest.
I would suggest visiting a writing center, if your campus has one, to have the essay checked by a skilled writer / editor and employing noncomputerized tools, such as the after - the - fact outline, which students can do themselves.
And the Editor concurred «Dear authors, please see the technical corrections suggested by the Topical Editor
«It suggests to me that the editors were attracted by the «sexiness» of the paper,» says Smith.
If the action editors are suitably qualified, they ought to be able to identify suitable reviewers for themselves, and suggesting reviewers is likely to lead to friendly review of weak papers by reviewers that also suffer from the same misunderstandings.
And we confirmed that the growth of the tumors formed by the human BCSCs transfected with the anti-miR-142-expressing lentivirus was significantly slower than those of the control tumors formed by the control lentivirus transfected BCSCs (Major points raised by the editors and the reviewers # 3) These data suggest that the regulation of APC and the Wnt signaling is at least one of the important pathways targeted by miR - 142 in human breast cancer cells and BCSCs.
Counter it by filling your plate with at least 50 % green stuff, suggests Frances Largeman - Roth, RD, the senior food and nutrition editor at Health.
If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it Curated by professional editors, The Conversation offers informed commentary and debate on the issues affecting our world.
by Walter Chaw Billed as being filmed in a single shot (though the skeptical — and those taken in by the «unedited» long takes of Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men — should wonder why an editor is credited), Gustavo Hernández's zero - budget conceptual experiment The Silent House (La casa mudi) has found a way not only to suggest a gimmick successfully carried through, but also to weave that gimmick into a richer thematic tapestry.
Directors: Jean Renoir, Jacques Becker, André Zwoboda, Jean - Paul le Chanois, dit Dreyfus, Jacques Brunius, André Swoboda, Henri Cartier - Bresson, Pierre Unik, Maurice Lime Screenplay: Jean Renoir, Paul Vaillant - Couturier, Jean - Paul Dreyfus, Pierre Unik; (the content of one scene suggests that Ilya Ehrenburg, the Izvetsia correspondent in Paris throughout the 1930s, may have had an input) Photography: Louis Page, Jean - Serge Bourgoin, Jean Isnard, Alain Douarinou, Claude Renoir Jr., Nicholas Hayer (and, according to various sources, Marcel Carné and Henri Cartier - Bresson) Music: «Internationale», «Song of the Komsomols» by Shostakovitch, «Auprès de ma blonde», «La Cucaracha» sung by Chorale Populaire de Paris, directed by Suzanna Conte Sound: Robert Teisseire Editor: Marguerite Renoir Cast: Jean Dasté (teacher), Jacques Brunius (President of the Administrative Council), Pierre Unik (Marcel Cachin» s secretary), Julien Bertheau (René, a young worker), Nadia Sibirskaia (Ninette), Emile Drain (Gustave), Gaston Modot (Philippe), Charles Blavette (Tonin), Max Dalban (Foreman), Madeleine Solange (factory worker), Jacques Becker (unemployed worker), Jean Renoir, Sylvain Itkine, Jean - Paul Dreyfus, Léon Larive, Roger Blin, Vladimir Sokoloff, and (as themselves) Marcel Cachin, André Marty, Maurice Thorez, Jacques Duclos, Paul Vaillant - Couturier.
«My experience with Archway has been a joy from the very start, and I couldn't believe it when the editor there suggested that it had the potential to be published by Simon & Schuster,» said Virginia Castleman.
As the term line editing suggests, a line editor goes through a manuscript line by line in a very methodical and meticulous way.
Part of me wanted to call out the editor involved by name but, well, Sarah is a nicer person than I am and suggested that I might want to think about it some.
Once the author reviews the edited manuscript and makes suggested changes / adjustments, another edit of the entire manuscript will be completed by a second editor on staff.
But as marketing falls more and more to the writer, and as self - published authors close the quality gap by employing freelance editors and skilled cover artists, the earnings comparison in our study suggests a controversial conclusion: Genre writers are financially better off self - publishing, no matter the potential of their manuscripts.
Assuming that acquiring editors are looking for books that reflect diversity of their readers, would you be helping your clients become more competitive by suggesting they write inclusively?
They're puffed up, probably by an editor who's looking for spine width... Unless the author has a real, compelling story to tell that requires all those words I suggest they go as short as possible.
Barry Eisler, who has tackled both legacy and self - publishing (and succeeded wildly), suggests a reading of three books — Stein on Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and Strategies by Sol Stein, Learning to Write Fiction from the Masters, by Barnaby Conrad, and Robert McKee's Story: Substance, Structure, Style and Principles of Screenwriting to improve the craft of storytelling.
I'm a professional editor and I've lost count of the number of times I've offended clients by suggesting changes to their manuscript.
Configurable search by ISBN, title, author, editor, category, tags, language, source language, suggested readers age, price
«I am excited by the new frontier Steiner's work suggests,» writes Hyperallergic editor Hrag Vartanian of Steiner's use of innovative 3D printing technology.
Cream is a slick compilation, an exhibition in a book, as suggested by Phaidon's commissioning editor, Gilda Williams.
If the action editors are suitably qualified, they ought to be able to identify suitable reviewers for themselves, and suggesting reviewers is likely to lead to friendly review of weak papers by reviewers that also suffer from the same misunderstandings.
One student raised the issue that statistical mistakes such as made by Emanuel (2005) should have been weeded out in the review process; suggested that a «statistical editor» was needed for climate journals to review the papers for basic sound statistical practices.
If you (and the editors of this blog) really believe that most of the world's climate scientists are involved in some kind of cosy conspiracy to cover up or exaggerate the facts, then I suggest you take an open - minded look at, where «the science per se» is debated critically and in depth by well - qualified people.
I guess I would suggest two articles for this letter to the editor, «There is no proof» and «No past, no present» Peopel who flat out deny there is any evidence wo n`t be convinced but they should be pointed to the IPCC report, the most extensively reviewed scientific document in history, endorsed by just about every major relevant scientific body and major governmental science academy, including the US.
However, the aggressive embrace of CAGW by the Executive Director and the editors of Chemical and Engineering News have annoyed more than a few members who then dropped out of the ACS, a course of action (leave a scientific society whose policies you can not tolerate) suggested by Prof. Lindzen a few years ago.
Lord John Krebs and a number of other scientists wrote an open letter to the editor of The Times, suggesting the paper has been influenced by Nigel Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation.
And in a non-climate journal, the editor has to depend on suggested reviewers by the author (eg, his friends) and doesn't know where to find a real expert reviewer.
My own attempt, by email, to suggest to the offending editor the error of her ways (by quoting the statute and referring her to two resources), resulted in an angry rebuff, in which I was accused of practicing law without a license, told that my email would therefore be forwarded to the Attorney General and the paper's lawyer (who it was implied had okayed their statement denying Fair Use rights), and threatened with hearing from said lawyer, should I take any of their materials.
Well, a paper drafted by some of the Cambridge University students behind the well - publicised LawBot providing help to victims of crime suggests (The Black Box Phenomenon: Technological Innovation and Legal Skills by Jia Qing Yap, Fiona Lin, Ben Bolderson Editor: Ludwig Bull):
He suggests that this role will be taken on by «unemployed or at least underemployed legal editors, academics and dare we say it, lawyers, out there who'd be willing to initiate the process of getting... [more]
Matt Jones, senior consumer advice editor for Edmunds, suggests repairs are probably not worthwhile if their cost exceeds about 25 % of the car's value, because they are usually followed by more breakdowns.
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