Sentences with phrase «suggested substantial interest»

Not exact matches

To some extent, stock market action also implies expectations for slower economic growth, though interest rate signals, such as a flat yield curve, are more suggestive of slow growth than stock market action is, and we've yet to see a substantial widening of credit spreads that would suggest imminent recession.
That suggests «exceptional public interest» should therefore be interpreted as anything more substantial than that.
Thus, on the face of it, these figures suggest general indifference to passive investing within the Indian financial community, despite substantial passive interest in India from outside its borders.
The return on investigation investment suggests that the federal government's interest in investigating and prosecuting health care fraud and abuse is substantial.
I suggested above that mainstream, establishment legal liberals might not take a sudden interest in the Crits, and wrote that liberal «scholars of a political hue» may simply follow a substantial number of their establishment confreres in politics and political commentary and «simply argue more forcefully... for more of the same,» a prospect nicely captured here.
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