Sentences with phrase «suggesting big earnings»

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Casual observers might be scratching their heads at news that, at first glance, would suggest the world's biggest tech company had a bad day despite releasing earnings many companies would be proud to call their own.
Comments from big U.S. companies such as Caterpillar, suggesting that the progression in earnings had peaked, made investors more cautious.
And rather than spinning a web of upbeat numbers on self - publishing's performance on the Big Platform in Seattle, Data Guy used his time in the mainstage keynote sessions to suggest that his analysis can bring new insights to an industry sorely in need of them — and in a cooperative context: what was agreeably missing was the hostility that many Author Earnings supporters have brought to the discussion.
It's also too early to suggest trends for indie authors, but one might note that the share of earnings was on the rise until this last report, and that the big jump this time around has been for Amazon Imprint authors.
He runs through the findings of his Author Earnings report — a data - gathering exercise which suggests self - published authors are matching the big - five in ebook sales and making more money in the process — and answers critics who have cast doubt over his sweeping conclusions.
Funding: More than one executive told us they spend a lot of time thinking about funding; one CEO suggested his bank's biggest earnings risk was on the deposit - side (i.e., that funding costs rise faster than asset yields)
Accordingly, the court accepted the claimant's suggested discount fi gure of 0.95 resulting in a bigger multiplier and a higher loss of earnings claim.
Amazon's big earnings announcement last week suggests they will have plenty of cash to compete as long as consumer interest in voice assistants persists.
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