Sentences with phrase «suggestions for this»

I'll also offer suggestions for how you might deal with those feelings in ways that show care for both yourself and others.
Finally, in the collaborative session, students critique each other's work, making suggestions for improvement based on what they have learned from the teacher and online.
We will give your our professional opinion along with suggestions for improvement you can use to see results in your job search.
Here are 5 common mistakes people make when their partner shares, with suggestions for what to do instead.
I have lots of suggestions for making the church better, too.
Or do you have any other suggestions for other stores to get bins like that.
This resource provides suggestions for improving on a variety of money habits.
He also had good suggestions for getting our home ready to sell and for homes that we looked at to buy.
Researchers offered other suggestions for improving cloud representations in global climate models.
The strengths and limitations of the study as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.
If you have a better suggestion for how to expand this diagram to incorporate your objections, I'd be very interested in your thoughts.
Here's a few suggestions for giving the gift of memories and maybe they will spark your own ideas, too.
Look below the list of recipes for great suggestions for making your sandwiches even more delicious and healthy.
The students gave suggestions for further activities they will be developing during the school year.
Both books include suggestions for using the activities as an alternative to daily drill worksheets.
The survey also asked for suggestions for improvement in the federal education loan program.
This presentation will review the rationale for systematically assessing the climate in your school and provide practical suggestions for how to accomplish this task.
The present study has limitations which need to be reported along with suggestions for further research.
Each unit introduction includes suggestions for ways teachers can adapt the content to fit their calendars and their classroom needs.
We continue to get great suggestions for new pepper varieties to add to the database, and some fantastic images of your peppers, keep them coming please.
Can you make as suggestion for replacing the banana?
Are you looking for some practical suggestions for way to give presence in your community?
And, thankfully, the research also offers specific suggestions for what might work better.
Here are a number of suggestions for finding affordable marriage counseling or advice.
These are just a few suggestions for helping couples create a common communication playbook.
Additionally, we've provided more suggestions for getting you started on the right path.
If there are questions you'd like me to address, please post in the comments as I welcome suggestions for topics to discuss.
These offer practical suggestions for alternative activities available in the terminal.
Consider the following suggestions for how to improve your job search.
Results are reported in light of possible implications for teacher education, including specific suggestions for additional study of online learning spaces.
The study also includes suggestions for change in school finance, student assessment, and teacher recruitment.
Checking your credit score is one of many suggestions for dealing with debt so it won't affect your ability to get a security clearance.
Have you got any great suggestions for creating more romantic vacations?
You will see a dark transparent window with a thin blue band at the bottom, as well as suggestions for things that you can ask.
Adults offering reading guidance or leading book discussion groups will need suggestions for books that are appropriate for gifted students.
I would like to try again and would love suggestions for what I should do differently.
Looks like this winter isn't going to pull any punches — so here are a few suggestions for keeping your animal companions healthy and happy during the icy months to come.
I also welcome suggestions for new desired book covers.
Help them see the situation from a different viewpoint and make suggestions for next time.
Do you have suggestions for substitutions, or would you just leave it out altogether?
I cover some old ground and give out some new suggestions for writers in this one.
Do you have suggestions for substitutes if you can't tolerate the beans?
I have some very practical suggestions for parents who don't have much of a village and don't have much money.
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