Sentences with phrase «suggests little movement»

The predominance of localized vegetation in scats suggests little movement among habitat types between feeding sessions.
The predominance of local vegetation in collected scat suggests little movement among habitat types between feeding sessions, indicating that the polar bears are keeping energy expenditure down.

Not exact matches

For Prof. Smolin to suggest that Arkes is somehow «digging joint graves for the nation and [the pro-life movement]» only goes to prove how little acquainted he is with the argument of the book or with the beneficial impact of Arkes» persuasive powers.
If exercise and diet changes do not make bowel movements easier on your little one, the doctor may suggest a stool softener or laxative.
As its name suggests, quiet sleep is characterized by slower, more rhythmic breathing, little movement, and no eyelid fluttering.
Although a handful of polls have suggested a change of heart, the long - term poll of polls indicates very little movement since the referendum.
However, the current data obtained suggests the opposite: an earthquake with an epicenter at the gates of the city, which would allow the people only very little time to find protection, but which would trigger less powerful ground movements.
And the further movement away from print and television suggests that news companies have little time to find that new economic model before the revenue from their legacy platforms completely dries up.
«I've figured out ways of suggesting movement, rhythm, speed, and how to shift color,» says Little, pointing out that de Kooning and Piet Mondrian were also responding directly to jazz.
At the same time innovative movements like Supports / Surfaces, which was recently re-discovered and was basically suggesting a form of deconstruction of painting, was at the time very little understood abroad.
Flat cap rates are not necessarily a bad sign for other types of assets, but in the net lease sector, which usually enjoys lower cap rates that other retail property types, little to no cap rate movement might suggest that the advantage is beginning to shift away from the sellers.
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