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One of the easiest ways you can do this is to simply add a plugin that auto suggests other blog posts on your site that are related to the content they are currently viewing.
Can you suggest any other blogs / websites / forums that cover the same topics?
Can you suggest any other blogs / websites / forums that deal with the same topics?
Can you suggest any other blogs / websites / forums that go over the same topics?

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According to Darren Barefoot of the Vancouver - based Internet market research firm Capulet Communications, rather than asking viewers to submit personal video testimonials (the site shows only four entrants in a contest to win $ 300 in Nicorette products), he suggests using blogs and other social networking tools to open up dialogue and?
I also suggested that if you are part of a team blog such as Savvy one of the things we did in the early days was to comment on each others posts.
Some of the tips to save money that many early retirement blogs suggest are to live close to where you work to cut your commuting costs, bike to work, cook food at home rather than going out to eat, cut out cable and other excesses that don't really add value to your life.
It was at this point that Julie entered the mix to suggest that the blog Tony posted regarding the causes of Driscoll's seemingly sudden tumble from the status of Golden Boy contained no small measure of the pot calling the kettle black, and in the course of her comment pointed out that when Tony abandoned her and their children it was none other than Driscoll who stepped in to help.
Go to the «Search» box at the bottom of the front page on this blog, enter the word «homeless» and read the other posts about homeless and you will find getting to know the homeless and becoming friends with them suggested numerous times.
If you are truthful with yourself and want to settle this «thing» about God... read Romans and then I would suggest the Gospel of John... I can truthfully say (and I once thought as you and many others who post on these «religious» blogs)... I am so believing in this Jesus dude that I really can not imagine living my life without Him.
I strongly suggest that you and all other fundamentalist Christians (if you believe that your way is the only way, you are a fundamentalist) read Bart Ehrman's blog.
I will tell this information again to my friend, oh yes I suggest you to check my blog on, I hope the article on my blog will be usefull for you... and we can share each other.
As I note in this blog post, experiments suggest that toddlers feel happy when they give to others (Aknin et al 2012).
Other research, which I discuss in this blog post, suggests that babies with «difficult» temperaments may turn into particularly well - adjusted kids if they receive warm, sensitive parenting (Stright et al 2008; Pluess and Belsky 2010).
When I first started writing this blog, someone suggested I check out and comment on other peoples» blogs in order to get more readers for mine.
I am about to put up a blog post at suggesting the outline of Labour's best line to take with the LibDems after the election has produced a hung parliament, if it does, and before parliament meets, while Brown and other Labour ministers sit tight, refusing to yield to the unconstitutional clamour for their resignation.
Other research suggests that journalists often use science blogs as a source for story ideas or to track specialized areas of research.
I would suggest and encourage you to document / blog it if you feel called to, as you'll be able to inspire others to change who are down the same road as you are.
Please feel free to suggest other topics you would like me to blog about too!
Mint has what we call a volatile oils that can disrupt the other herbs it is brewed with, some even say it can make them less absorbable, etc, if brewed in combination, as suggested in the blog above.
They will only help you reach the level of online dating success you're trying to achieve... in other words, if you want to get laid more, I suggest you read the blog updates I write.
If you've stopped by my blog before, you've doubtlessly heard me suggest that giving away a free ebook (whether a short story, a novella, or a complete Book 1) can be a great way to boost sales of your other books.
You can offer an incentive — such as a free copy of your eBook for liking your page, suggest your page to friends, promote your page in more traditional ways (put a link on business cards and other promotional material), and cross promote your Facebook page with your twitter page and blog.
I read blogs by other authors, I tried things that others suggested worked for them, I paid attention to what worked for me and what didn't and then I tried to share the information with others.
Suggested services: 1) Pre-publication: Developmental editing, copy editing, proofing; 2) Imprint name: Your own, ISBN, etc.; 3) Cover and interior design: custom; 4) Promotion: author / business web site, Facebook, blog, Twitter, other related genre sites; expert articles / guest blogs, web traffic / readership development, preliminary PR for endorsements and reviews; 5) Format: hardback; paperback; e-book; 6) Distribution: wide - Ingram, Amazon, B&N, etc..
Me: I was suggesting earlier that someone blog about Ellora's Cave and their suit against Dear Author, but nobody's into it:p Other Menagerie member: Ha, I am watching the EC stuff.
Suggested services: 1) Pre-publication: coaching / concept development; developmental editing; 2) Nonfiction query materials: comprehensive nonfiction proposal, query letter, agent contact list, and directions for submitting to agents; 3) Pre-promotion: marketing plan showing an author / business web site, blog site, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, other related professional sites; expert articles / guest blogs, web traffic / readership development, preliminary PR for endorsements and reviews, sites for distribution and sales.
Suggested services: 1) Pre-publication: Pre-pub: manuscript review / substantive editing, copy editing, proofing; 2) Fiction query materials: synopsis, query letter, agent contact list and directions for submitting to agents; 3) Pre-promotion: develop a marketing plan to include creating reader interest on Facebook, blog, Twitter, other related sites; expert articles / guest blogs, etc. preliminary PR for endorsements and reviews.
Meanwhile, Japanese blog Mac Otakara (via MacRumors) released a couple of separate reports, one suggesting the display will measure in at 10.1 - inch and the other mentioning a 10.9 - inches tablet.
I am so glad I reached out to you with those first few questions, and I am grateful you not only took the time to answer my questions (which very quickly went from a few to a few dozen), but you spent the extra time and went above and beyond to keep answering questions, pointing me to other posts / blogs / groups you thought would be good for me to investigate, suggesting books to help me with writing, and all the while offering a most precious gem of encouragement on top of everything else.
2 — You have an allegation that I / ReLakhs may be associated with Pvt insurers, if you can prove this, will stop writing articles the next second 3 — I am not sure if you have gone through my other blog posts on life insurance, I have always suggested to ignore the traditional life insurance plans like money - back or endowment, be it LIC or XYZ companies.
Some pet parents casually mention dropping ice cubes into their pet's water bowl, while others create urgent - sounding blog posts that seem to suggest we are killing our cats by exposing them to a couple ice chips every now and then.
As always you can suggest blog posts and other articles for weekly inclusion via Twitter or get in touch via the contact page.
If you're confused about why other sites charge these fees, I'd suggest reading the guide on the LemonStand blog.
Some quotes shows here from OTHER blogs suggest that Judith Curry may in fact acknowledge that she made some errors in her posts here at realclimate... but she hasn't actually said it herself here.
As Eric points out, the Pfeffer paper joins other work (e.g., Rahmstorf and posts on this blog) in suggesting that relying on the IPCC sea level rise numbers could be a grave mistake.
Are you suggesting that someone on a blog who has published peer - reviewed work that disagrees with the authors of the other papers, somehow has some right to expect a response, or to be listened to?
Some blog commentators have suggested that I had made in error in my Jan 16, 2008, but these suggestions have no purpose other than defamation.
That statement doesn't suggest Steve had said nothing before CA, just that the blog itself was created to provide an effective communication tool in response to RC and others.
If you only present your own evidence without acknowledging other evidence, I would suggest that you epitomize the hypocrisy that tends to discredit so much blog commentary.
I concluded my last blog piece by suggesting there might be three degrees or less separation between Ross Gelbspan and others who say skeptic climate scientists are corrupt.
Surveying the solar and green technology layoffs, «Cleantech's Solar Conundrum» posted by Neal Dikeman at the Cleantech Blog dares to suggest that solar companies may not be getting funded for reasons other than the financial crisis.
About the other common AGW slogan according to which the current mainstream AGW climate science can not be challenged because it has been based on the so - called «scientific consensus,» I would strongly suggest the reading of this post by Kevin Rice at the blog Catholibertarian entitled «On the dangerous naivety of uncritical acceptance of the scientific consensus»
More than eight years ago, I wrote a blog post ( that suggested a future regulatory system in which different areas of law were governed separately from each other, on the basis that estates lawyers didn't know nearly enough about corporate M&A law to effectively govern its practitioners, and vice versa.
Allow me to throw out a few other suggested new law blog mottos:
Chicago - Kent College of Law, for example, has been experimenting with digital casebooks since the 1990s.160 Other professors argue that reading in digital format is inevitable.161 In general, those who call for more integration of technology into legal education suggest, besides digital textbooks, the use of online course management; use of listservs, blogs, and email to facilitate collaboration and communication outside of class; and the use of video - based instruction and electronic legal research aids.
Last week right here at Legal Blog Watch, she suggested that other bloggers follow the lead of Jamie Spencer at Austin Criminal Defense Law Blog and poll readers on the best blogs in a given field.
«More «Suggested Mottos for Other Law Blogs» Main Citing «Jersey Shore,» Court Throws Out Race Discrimination Case Against «The Bachelor»»
I suggested to the students that they, too, might want to start following some blogs and other feeds (such as news and government websites) through an aggregator.
I suggested that, these days, even the most unsophisticated client will «google» anyone before picking up the phone to make that call, so you are losing already if you don't have a website, much less some of the other technological bells - and - whistles like a blog.
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