Sentences with phrase «suicide watch»

There's gonna be a lot of people on suicide watch in this space when the market decides which coins will survive and they are riding the others to zero.
Phil Mickelson on suicide watch after Winged Foot?
The motion noted that Cruz was in an infirmary on suicide watch during the time span documented in the records.
As thousands attended a candlelight vigil and the shooter remained on suicide watch in jail, our elected leaders had varied responses to the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas.
They repaired all the veins in my wrist in emergency surgery and I spent four days on suicide watch with mental health staff beside the bed.
The detainee who was said to have been on «constant suicide watch» was found «unresponsive in his room» this week.
After being found guilty on 45 sex - abuse charges, former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky was placed under protective custody and on suicide watch at the Centre County Correctional Facility.
Improperly monitored suicide watch where an individual attempted to hang himself with a belt and suffered life - altering brain injury
Officials placed Cruz on suicide watch after he was arrested about a mile from the school.
Castro had been taken off suicide watch during his trial, after authorities determined he was no longer at risk of taking his own life.
• Mr. Cruz is being held without bond at the Broward County jail, where he has been placed on suicide watch, according to Gordon Weekes, the county's chief assistant public defender.
Cruz has not seen the mail because he is on suicide watch, Finkelstein said.
Cruz requested a Bible, according to jail records released by the Broward Sheriff's Office, but it was denied because of the suicide watch, the public defender said.
Customarily, inmates on suicide watch are locked in bare cells by themselves.
«This is an emotionally broken young man,» Gordon Weekes, the public defender, told reporters, adding that Cruz was on suicide watch.
I am thinking in particular of the disgrace and imprisonment of one previously held in high esteem: an experience so horrific that in this country such a person would be placed under a 24 hour «suicide watch».
If Matt Doheny decides he has to run on Independent line to save the District from the evils of PAC money, I seriously recommend a suicide watch be posted in NY - 21.
In the meantime, I think he belongs on a suicide watch.
Cocuzza, Tcor, and Seminara said they were charged for «common practices» such as failing to supervise inmates on suicide watch, nodding off on duty, and keeping loose log book entries, even though they were never previously disciplined or warned and even though Falco's supporters who did the same did not have charges filed against them.
Part of the suicide watch patrol includes having the correction officers enter their observations of the inmates in a log journal.
In our opinion Sheriff Falco obsessively analyzed security videos of many correction officers on the suicide watch posts knowing that he was sure to find the minor technical infractions for which he was looking and with which he could then threaten dire punishment against the officers who had supported Vasquez.
Just released from the hospital where she'd been on suicide watch, Autumn required 24 - hour supervision to ensure she didn't hurt either herself or her 3 - year - old son.
By the time Suicide Squad rolled around, you could argue the DC Extended Universe had been put on suicide watch.
Dekraai was on suicide watch, so his cell was in easy view of the deputies» work area.
The Correctional Investigator found that the use of physical restraints, clinical seclusion, suicide watch, and segregation to manage people with serious psychological difficulties remains problematic.
If I think there's a significant risk, I'll have to ask that you be put on suicide watch, and then they'll take away half the things you've got now.»
«We had a number of individuals who were on suicide watch.
We communicated this to Mr. Crawford and asked him to communicate with the people on suicide watch and eventually he wrote an e-mail that there was going to be significant impaired value.»
The House of Lords has now established that employers must be on «suicide watch» with stressed, depressed and vulnerable employees.
Executive Chief Public Defender Gordon Weekes told reporters Thursday that Nikolas Cruz has given authorities «a number of indications» that he is suicidal, and has been put on suicide watch.
Nikolas Cruz, 19, confessed to the crime, was held without bond and remained under a suicide watch, according to Executive Chief Public Defender Gordon Weekes.
Assistant Public Defender Gordon Weekes has said Cruz is on suicide watch.
Supervised two AWOL Soldiers under house arrest, one on suicide watch, balanced extreme sympathy and maintained discipline and order within the entire unit.
The problem with blubbering on your blog about being down is that everyone goes on suicide watch.
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