Sentences with phrase «suitable child insurance»

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Please suggest one which would be ideal for me or any suitable insurance plan which would cover me along with my family (wife & child).
Suitable Insurance Plan for children.
Second, the chambers judge in this case ordered that the child be returned to Billings, Montana; however, the return of the child was subject to the father fulfilling certain conditions, namely: pay child support to the mother, pay spousal support to the mother, pay the costs associated with the mother's and child's return to Montana, provide the mother with suitable transportation and insurance to return to Montana, and pay the first and last month's rent for the mother's accommodation in Billings.
If you child's age is from 5 years to 23 years, then you would also have a choice to buy a separate health insurance policy for your child or continue with the family floater policy; as suitable.
As your personal situations change (e.g., marriage, birth of a child or job promotion), so will your life insurance needs; care should be taken to ensure that this strategy and product are suitable for your long - term life insurance needs.
May not be suitable for your needs (young couples with families may be better off buying term insurance where they can get much more term coverage while their children are growing and their estate is growing)
Term insurance + PPF / other suitable investment options can be a better choice than to invest in child plans.
However, if you do not want to venture out too much while seeking investment options, you can stick to a traditional insurance policy, which will provide you adequate coverage for your minor child's education, medical expenses, coverage in case ofdemise of either of the parents, and also act as a suitable collateral for loans taken for higher education.
As mentioned before, whole life insurance is most suitable for an individual who more or less has needs that will not change drastically — for example, an elderly man who is not planning on having any more children.
(c) To the extent necessary to protect an award of child support, the court may order the obligor to purchase or maintain a life insurance policy or a bond, or to otherwise secure the child support award with any other assets which may be suitable for that purpose.
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