Sentences with phrase «suitable habitat»

The phrase "suitable habitat" refers to a place where living beings can thrive because it provides them with the necessary conditions, resources, and shelter they need to survive and reproduce. Full definition
«Ice - free areas make for small patches of suitable habitat for plants and animals — like islands in a sea of ice,» she said.
However, the amount of suitable habitat, for instance areas with clear water, is limited.
And the new study suggests that, historically speaking, these animals are slower at expanding into more suitable habitats.
At the ecosystem level, the maintenance of natural areas within and around organic fields and absence of chemical inputs create suitable habitats for wildlife.
And once there, she had found the one and only suitable habitat on the entire pyramid, that little bush.
As the lions hunt for suitable habitat away from humans, habitat that is increasingly rare, scientists are able to watch and see what areas are in need of conservation focus.
Prepared final report for possibility of endangered species designation, determined suitable habitat for future conservation.
These high - elevation areas provide islands of suitable habitat that many species depend on for survival.
Besides defending wolves in the Great Lakes region, the Center has an important campaign to spur true recovery for all gray wolves, in 2010 filing a scientific petition and notice of intent to sue to compel the Obama administration to develop a national recovery plan that would establish wolf populations in suitable habitat in the Pacific Northwest, California, southern Rockies, New England and Colorado Plateau.
«The new study extends the earlier work by showing that new fruit fly species provide suitable habitat not just for one new parasitoid species, but for multiple new species,» said study co-author James Smith, a Michigan State entomologist.
Light from harbors, ships, and offshore structures such as oil rigs may be disrupting the lives of marine worms, barnacles, and corals, preventing their wayfaring larvae from finding suitable habitats in which to settle down, according to a new study.
In particular, policies concerning the importation of potentially invasive species must be established regionally among neighboring countries with suitable habitat
The loss of the treeless tundra will greatly reduce suitable habitat area for species such as the Siberian crane, which requires open ground to nest.
As their intake of displaced orang - utans increases, and as suitable habitat for reintroductions declines, there have been suggestions that they hybridize Bornean orang - utan subspecies — either in isolated, «mixed» populations, or within existing wild populations.
Morrison did a study in 2005 that modeled the potential expansion of the imported red fire ant with climate change and found that warming temperatures would expand suitable habitats by about 5 percent by mid-century and then by 21 percent towards the end of the century.
Warmer stream temperatures, increased risk of habitat - damaging flooding, and reduced summer streamflows are expected to reduce suitable habitat by 47 percent for native fish like trout and salmon.
In addition to the volume released from Hume Dam, return flows and the Commonwealth's 151 GL of held South Australian allocation were delivered directly to the South Australian border to meet environmental demands in the Lower River Murray, particularly for maintaining connectivity between the Lower Lakes and Coorong, and provide suitable habitat conditions (both salinity and water levels) in the Coorong for estuarine fish and vegetation species.
The study models predicted that, on average, a shocking 75 percent of all remaining suitable habitat across all species examined would disappear by the year 2080.
«After repeated attempts to provide the city with alternative options to euthanasia, including relocation, the state is securing the safe transport of the deer to suitable habitat upstate in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Unit,» he said.
This reproduction strategy lets corals spread rapidly to more suitable habitats without needing to wait for genetic mutations that make it hardier in the face of change.
More animals will lose suitable habitat than will gain it, with those animals especially adapted to the coldest water on Earth (for example in the Weddell and Ross Sea) losing out the most.
The Veeries» choice to nest in non-native shrubs wasn't bad for them after all — instead, they were just taking advantage of a new suitable habitat.
Until now, most estimates of how many species are threatened by climate change have been based on theoretical studies that look at the climatic and environmental conditions that species need to survive, and overlay this with estimates of how much suitable habitat will remain as the world warms.
To study the problem, Regan Early and Dov Sax at Brown University created a detailed simulation of how suitable habitat for 16 well - studied — and mostly common — frogs and salamanders will expand and contract over the next century in response to climate - induced changes in precipitation and temperature.
Larger cages for small animals are trending up, but retailers will need to be prepared to answer customers» many questions about suitable habitats and their features.
Conservation Status The most recent edition of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species listed the Channel Islands slender salamander as of Least Concern since, although its Extent of Occurrence is much less than 5,000 per square kilometer, it is common and occurs in an area of extensive, suitable habitat which appears not to be under threat, it has a presumed large population, and it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a more threatened category.
While approximately 1.5 million square kilometers of suitable habitat still remain in Asia -LRB-[9], Figure 1), tigers today are distributed heterogeneously [7], [13] and, except in the Russian Far East, are now restricted to small pockets, mostly in protected areas.
Commonwealth environmental water is being used to maintain the ecological health and resilience of Victoria's river systems by providing in - channel freshes and baseflows (as seasonally appropriate) that improve the condition and survival of native vegetation and maintain suitable habitat for native birds, fish and other biota.
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder provided 2 GL to Banrock Station beginning in 2015 - 16 to provide suitable habitat particularly for the Regent Parrot, Swamp Daisy, Southern Bell Frog and waterbirds.
The key objective of this proposal is to maximise the current Murray cod spawning response by providing suitable habitat inundation and associated food resources throughout their critical breeding period (mid Oct — mid Dec).
However, as the time since fire progressed, researchers observed a reversal of the edge - skewed distribution, with higher concentrations of beetles near the center of the burn unit — an inversion that could be attributable to increased predation at a forest's edge or safer, more suitable habitats near a unit's interior.
By that time, only an average of 15.5 percent of the original suitable habitat of the mammals, birds, and other endemic species of the Albertine Rift would remain.
Of the 963 seabed species analysed, 577 are likely to experience a reduction in thermally suitable habitat with projected warming.
That is why the Duthie Reserve still remains the most suitable habitat to ensure the survival of this rare and critically endangered plant,» he adds.
But the majority of lemur species — sixty percent — could lose considerable amounts of suitable habitat before the end of the century due to climate change alone.
Although bottom waters might be a refuge for cool - water fish species, hypoxia can force fish to seek less suitable habitats.
At first glance, the researchers say, the persistence of beetles can likely be ascribed to their wide range of dietary habits, their ability to move to find ecologically suitable habitat when necessary, and their adaptability in case environmental conditions have dramatically changed.
First, they refined the potentially suitable habitats for each species according to the elevations that those birds prefer to live at.
The work, which uses detailed satellite data of elevation and forest cover to assess suitable habitats, suggests that we need to rethink how we classify endangered creatures.
The reintroduction has been hampered by rules that require recapture of wolves who set up territories outside the narrowly defined recovery area and that do not allow release of captive wolves into New Mexico's Gila National Forest, where there's extensive suitable habitat.
Camera placements were rarefied if certain grid cells did not have ample suitable habitat or signs of snow leopard presence.
The purpose of the Bioblock is to provide additional suitable habitats within a sea wall or revetment structure to increase the biodiversity of the shoreline.
As the «Nature» study points out, other factors such as the proximity of other suitable habitats and the ability of species to move to them will also determine the risk of extinction.
Although locally common, Williamson's Sapsuckers are scarce in large areas of seemingly suitable habitat.
More recently, wildlife researchers are documenting sharp declines in this aerial insectivore's prey base; even where suitable habitat exists, there may not be enough food.
It is possible to characterize the tolerable range based on the physical evidence provided by current species distributions and infer the location of past suitable habitat based also upon physical evidence.
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